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NHL 08

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  mrusse01 said:

I always use the Leafs though, so maybe that's part of the problem.

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It's a possibility. Most of my games have been tight, except I blow out the leafs every time I play them.

You need to change up your attacks, some passing to the slot, some dekes, some using the point, some dump and chase.

I find that different goalies have different weaknesses, and it may even change from game to game or period to period. the defensive strategies definitely change throughout the game.

I've always found it easier to score with manual aim. Are you actually aiming your shots, or just letting them fly?

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  trajik78 said:
  revolutionz_s13 said:

anyone on here play online w/ ps3? Just finally got mine working today, had to figure out how to get around the damn roster bug. and hopefully they come out with updated rosters for the game soon now that the season is starting.

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you'd be the 1st person i "know" who actually has a PS3. what's the roster bug?

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When I first got the game, I made a customized roster for some of the teams, mostly just made a team with all the players from und sioux. i guess if you had a saved roster and then tried to go online, it would constantly say there was a new roster available and try to download it. as soon as you were done with that game and on to the next, it would try again. the fix was to delete any rosters that were created, and let the online thing download the roster first. then everything was fine from there. and since the latest system update, the ps3 has been awesome for me. like it way more than my 360.

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  saber26 said:

has anyone tried the ps2 version? and if so does it have all the stick and skate options like the ps3 and 360 versions?

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PS2 is made by EA Montreal, separate studios.

They don't have any of the same options except the addition of the XBOX360 NHL07 Skill stick. Otherwise it's NHL 07 2.0.

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i'm really digging this game. definitely the most realistic I've ever played. I have one problem though and thats that the AI opponent never takes penalties while I avg. about 4 a game. In fact, I was 17 games into my season before I got my first PP. anyone else have this problem?

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It's pretty even for me. One game I had like 10 penalties in the first between me and the other team. I guess it varies. I have penalties maxed out if that matters.

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The profile autosave prompts/restrictions annoy the shit out of me. I was dinking around and tried to do a practise and got a message saying "only one profile allowed at once...do you want to overwrite?" or some bullcrap. I get those at the most random times as well.

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my buddy just got a xbox 360 and NHL 08. holy cr@p is it completely different from the PC version. like not even similar. not only is it different but it's 400x better and so much more realistic.

the PC version is nothing more than '07 repackaged, but man the 360 version has to be using a completely new game engine. the announcers are different guys, on ice sounds are so much cooler and the graphics are better.

the game pace and difficulty feels much more like an actual game of hockey. no more super speed boost (right?) and the stick handling is tons better on the console.

so, yeah, Mack when you can...that employee discount would be nice, heh ;)

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When you're making people what does locking a field do? Sounds like a simple answer but I don't see why you'd need to lock a field when you're creating someone.

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  mack said:

When you're making people what does locking a field do? Sounds like a simple answer but I don't see why you'd need to lock a field when you're creating someone.

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locking a field as in an attribute slider? probably so that your thumbs dont slip and move the slider once you've got it set, other than that...im clueless

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I hadn't tried those fields, but it's an option on the first page and you can lock the name, height, number, etc. I'm just curious why that's necessary as long as you don't go in and edit anyone.

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Maybe then their stats arent affected by poor play and etc. During the season/their career? Instead of fluctuating they just stay 99 across the board?

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I'll see if you can lock the stats part but I only noticed that you could lock the stuff on the first page, which seems silly to lock because I have no clue why that'd change.

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what part of online are you trying to fix?? all online features work for me, team play, versus, shootout.

If they don't, heres what you can TRY, might not work, but for some it does. Go to your dashboard, go to system tab, then memory, press Y to get to options, and then press X,X,LB,RB,X,X and it should perform a "hard drive maintenance"

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I just made Perron and Erik Johnson, but the lock applies to everything but attributes. I went back to change Johnson's rating and none of the fields I tried looking had the lock next to it, reminding me how goofy EA is. At least the gameplay is good.

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I'm not super impressed with the ps2 version...someone hit the nail on the head when they called it '06 v3.0

I've encountered a bug...I like to set up custom controls and now when I use the accelerate button at the beginning of the game, my player locks into a stance and does nothing...I have to wiggle the right analog stick a few times to keep players from doing this in the beginning and then it works correctly.

I'm seriously considering buying a 360. Not just for this game, but subsequent, better EA NHL games (and other sports games) and the fact that it's likely time to upgrade the old ps2. Mine didn't even come with a network adapter :)

P.S. My wife and I are addicted to Guitar Hero, I've heard there are more songs for the 360 versions as well. Just another reason...

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  mack said:

I just made Perron and Erik Johnson, but the lock applies to everything but attributes. I went back to change Johnson's rating and none of the fields I tried looking had the lock next to it, reminding me how goofy EA is. At least the gameplay is good.

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Maybe if you had another user profile (like a little brother) then you can create a player but lock it so he can't change it when he logs in with his profile? The only reason I can think why they'd even bother with a lock.

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I have a ps3 and NHL 08 and I just wanted to see if someone could clarify this for me. I played my mates xbox 360 version of NHL 07 and while the gameplay doesn't compare to 08 (best hockey game i've played except for ESPN NHL 2k5), the graphics are a lot better than 08 on my ps3.

First off has anyone else noticed the considerable down grade in graphics, and secondly is this an 07 to 08 thing, or a 360 to ps3 thing? Basically has the same downgrade occurred on the 360 in nhl 08.

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  jonow3 said:

First off has anyone else noticed the considerable down grade in graphics, and secondly is this an 07 to 08 thing, or a 360 to ps3 thing? Basically has the same downgrade occurred on the 360 in nhl 08.

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the PC version is the same way. Its basically 07 with 08 stamped on it. Im thinking they spent all of their time on the ps3 one

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  jonow3 said:

I have a ps3 and NHL 08 and I just wanted to see if someone could clarify this for me. I played my mates xbox 360 version of NHL 07 and while the gameplay doesn't compare to 08 (best hockey game i've played except for ESPN NHL 2k5), the graphics are a lot better than 08 on my ps3.

First off has anyone else noticed the considerable down grade in graphics, and secondly is this an 07 to 08 thing, or a 360 to ps3 thing? Basically has the same downgrade occurred on the 360 in nhl 08.

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The PS3 version runs at 30 fps while the 360 version is at 60 fps.

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  Fury of One said:
  jonow3 said:

I have a ps3 and NHL 08 and I just wanted to see if someone could clarify this for me. I played my mates xbox 360 version of NHL 07 and while the gameplay doesn't compare to 08 (best hockey game i've played except for ESPN NHL 2k5), the graphics are a lot better than 08 on my ps3.

First off has anyone else noticed the considerable down grade in graphics, and secondly is this an 07 to 08 thing, or a 360 to ps3 thing? Basically has the same downgrade occurred on the 360 in nhl 08.

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The PS3 version runs at 30 fps while the 360 version is at 60 fps.

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Yeah but the comparison i'm making is 07 on the x360 to 08 on the ps3. Both of these games run 30 fps.

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