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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL 08

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pretty different from 07, but i love it. i can't wait to go home and play more...

the skill stick rocks. i was playing in practice mode for a while to get used to it. i went from PC to PS3 though, so i don't know if the controls are that much different. i can't tell the graphics yet because i'm waiting for my hdmi cable today. i'm running composite on my ps3 for now...bleh

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While I'm talking about it, the sticks are the same as last year! Koho Crossover, Z-Bubble, GREEN Synergy, Redlite, white/blue 7k, Vapor XX, and old XXX. No Mission helmets, no custom gloves, last years skates. Kind of disappointing they couldn't just skin some new stuff.

One reason I got the PC version- much easier to download new skins and graphics packages.

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Was it hacked or let go? Thanks for the hints guys, I can use it, I just suck with it. I tend to screw up moves and shoot when I don't want to, or hold on to it when I want to shoot. Still finding it difficult to score in the games and I'm only on Pro. I am improving though.

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Here's a link if you want to see some of the unreleased jerseys via NHL 08 screen caps: NEW JERSEYS


They had to know some gear head would crack the game right away. The League should've made sure that every team had their jersey revealed BEFORE the game hit stores...hell, retail has the jerseys in stock right now. I stopped by National after work and was asking a guy when they'd come in. He said they had them in the back...but had to wait until the 21st to put any out. I assume even showing them to someone would be a shit storm if someone (ie: the League/RBK) found out.

Realistically...he probably shouldn't even have told me they were in the building. Hope "otg" doesn't see this :ph34r:

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it's the league's own damn fault for not getting their shit together and launching all of the jerseys together (i.e. at the draft.) RBK wanted to get their product out, so they did just that.

EA only put the code in there to cover their asses.

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Here's my quick PS2 review:

Presentation - As usual, new screens and graphics for most everything to separate it from previous years. Looks like there are some new mini-games that I didn't play around with too much, but it could be interesting. At the least, it's a place to practice the new analog stick. New scoreboard is much better and looks closer to a real broadcast although it's a bit hard to read. Never really played around with other leagues so I don't know if there's any change. Franchise mode I just started, but when picking up players you have to deal with agents now (like 2k8), which was confusing at first but could be fun. Wish I knew about that before I got snubbed from a free agent (got offended and won't talk to me anymore).

Controls - I'm still getting used to the new right analog stick. It's more realistic as you can't just fire a 100 mph slapshot with almost no windup or warning, but it's hard to do it in the fray of action. I find it hard to believe Marian Gaborik misses the net with a snapper 9 times out of 10. And the R2 passing, I can't get used to that. So you've got three different controls with the right stick and it seems a bit much. But with the X button passing it's more bearable. Probably something to get used to and I kind of like the challenge (makes it different from 07 at least).

Graphics - Everything seems cleaned up. Jagged lines are gone, some of the models are a lot nicer looking, the sticks look a million times better (3D instead of glowing 2D). Animations are better as well with much more realistic goalies and shooting. Backhands don't just magically fly off the stick, the stick seems to push them. While I'm talking about it, the sticks are the same as last year! Koho Crossover, Z-Bubble, GREEN Synergy, Redlite, white/blue 7k, Vapor XX, and old XXX. No Mission helmets, no custom gloves, last years skates. Kind of disappointing they couldn't just skin some new stuff.

Gameplay - The goalies actually play now! They will follow you to cut down the angle, drop down to cover the puck, they actually freeze the puck quite a bit, stack the pads, it's much better. Now I don't know if the puck is independent or if it's still triggered animation, but it seems smoother to me. Oh, and I don't know if it's me getting used to the stick or if it's new goalie AI, but I'm not scoring 10 goals on 20 shots anymore. Down to a much more realistic 2 or 3 goals per 20 shots.

I don't know if there is new AI or not, but the gameplay as a result of the above is much better and more realistic. It's harder to line guys up for hits and they can move around you so you have to play a little bit closer to actual hockey. The analog stick is confusing so often I'm just skating into guys and they surprisingly give up the puck. I don't know if they did something to the skating engine, but it seems a lot more accurate. Before, every one of my defensemen would get beat by the computer to avoid icing and now they get back in time. Gaborik is a fast skater again! It's hard to say how good the AI is as I bumped the difficulty down to learn the analog stick.

Overall, it's only $30 and it's a better game than last year. Hopefully the new jerseys are in it, but even without I'd say it's worth buying if you liked last years game.

Can you let me know if the RBK jerseys are in it? If not, I won't be getting it.

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Is this a reply to me? If so, no post between the one I quoted and when I asked the question answered my question... which is if the PS2 has the Edge jerseys in the game. In everything I've read, this has never been confirmed.

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