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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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what i so tough about st

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I've had my ST for over a year and it's still tough. The blade is still in good condition, and it's the only OPS I've had where after a year the blade hasn't cracked, or had to be cut off.

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if I were to purchase a ops , how easy is it to convert it to a 2-piece when the blade breaks? would most decent LHS be able to do it for me? ive never been a DIY kinda guy

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ive been breaking a lot of blades lately. i want to buy an st but i want to know if the blade wont crack after a while.

don't you think you should ask youself the question, -why do i break all theese blades?

maybe the lie is off?

maybe i hit the puck wrong?

is my stick to long?


what pattern do you use?

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st's are great. by far my favorite stick... i used my st for a season of ice and a season of innline. obviously playing on cement has taken it toll on the blade but its still very stiff, almost as stiff as when i bought it new despite it being cracked.

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I hear the Bauer Endure is a decent stick as far as durability goes, but I'm not 100% sure about the blade...

I use an Endure blade on an Endure shaft and I'm very happy with it. Very sturdy, lightweight, not sure how all that the rubber top is, but for what it is, it's quality.

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Yo man, I know on Hockey giant they have Endure 1-pieces for like 60 bucks. And I am guessing the Lindros curve would be the closest pattern for you to use from a Easton Sakic

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i play everyday and i use a sakic curve and most of the shots i take are slap shots

let me guess! You hit the puck with the toe of the blade?

I also use the Sakic curve and haven't broke a single blade at the face so far.

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i play everyday and i use a sakic curve and most of the shots i take are slap shots

let me guess! You hit the puck with the toe of the blade?

I also use the Sakic curve and haven't broke a single blade at the face so far.

no, they brake at the heel and in the middle of the blade

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ive had my ST for about 6 months and it is a good stick durability wise. it doesnt have the best puck feel but it isnt the worst that ive used

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