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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tampa Bay Lightning Equipment Sale

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I know a few insiders and although the lightning haven't held equipment sales in the past they were trying to set one up this year... it doesn't look promising.

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apparently, even those "talks" or more like whispers, of the possibility of an equipment sale were very unknown. I'm friends with Craig Ramsey's son and he had no idea. My source is a family friend of the Feasters and she works very closely with the lightning players and staff, she was the only one out of any contacts that even knew about it.

I'll update you guys if I hear anything, as I'm sure you guys will keep me updated if you hear any whispers. :)

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can you imagine how fast st. louis vapor xxx gloves would be gone at one of these sales. the only saving grace for him is that he can probally still fit into a 12" glove :)

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Hey TBL, is there a shop where they sell their stuff during season? Ive been using Taylor prostock blades (mine were a huge open wedge) and now Im on my last one...hoping maybe there was a chance I could get some more.


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I would also imagine that St. Louis' yellow synergy grips would be gone in a second seeing as how Easton doesn't make them any more. One dissapointing thing is there are hardly any RH players on the Lightning. Boyle, Sarich, Ward, and that Jones kid that's about it. If they did have one it might be easier to get stuff 'cause people might not know about the sale yet. Is Dimaio Rh, wouldn't know he's been injured the whole year anyways probably very few sticks for him.

Hey, do you know what they've done with all of this old and extra gear in the past? I'd imagine thay don't just throw it away. Think they sold it somewhere or still have it???

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LH taylor? hawk quarters has several dozen of his Bauer wood blades

RH Taylor....thought thats where they came from. (He is RH right?)


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Taylor is LH and last year he used a sickick OPS and later a Response lite OPS.

The Lightning sell a LOT of equipment through charity auctions. The only shop in the area that carries Lightning Pro Stock equipment is rinkside in Brandon, where the lightning practice. They normally only carry it in season as the equipment manager will just give them some gear... don't expect them to sell it less than $100-150 for a new OR used OPS.

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TBL Fan are you talking about the Ice Sports Forum in Brandon. I've played there for several years and have only seen pro stock sticks a couple times and don't even remember if they were Lightning players.

Those charity auctions probably sell for a lot, I knew some1 who got a Stanley Cup Finals Andreychuk stick game used the year they one and I think it was quite expensive.

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They normally carry them on the stand before the glove wall or on the blue stick rack with the pants on the other side. I've seen Affy 7Ks, Andreychuks, Dingmans, Prospal, Sarich, Pratts, Lecavalier, Grahame and Eklund goalie sticks and maybe a couple others. Even my pic of the Prospal curve shows off the crappy ISF carpet! :P



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I dont know if anyone has seen this company on Ebay but ***SPAM*** always has some Tampa gear up for sale. Recently theyve had a lot or Rbk Gloves, CCM Rbk and Jofa Pants, and every once in a while they have their helmets for sale.

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Hey guys sorry for my last post. In no way am i affiliated or even know who that seller is on ebay. Ive just come across their items a few times and figured i could help with the original question. I read in threads all the time people mentioning different stores names yet for some reason thats not considered spam. without giving the name again all i guess i can say is just search on ebay for Rbk Tampa Bay gloves or pants and you'll see what im talking about. sorry for any misunderstanding.

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Hey guys sorry for my last post. In no way am i affiliated or even know who that seller is on ebay. Ive just come across their items a few times and figured i could help with the original question. I read in threads all the time people mentioning different stores names yet for some reason thats not considered spam. without giving the name again all i guess i can say is just search on ebay for Rbk Tampa Bay gloves or pants and you'll see what im talking about. sorry for any misunderstanding.

The seller's pretty damn close to your shop, aren't they? Surely you'd have had to have checked them out or heard something about them.

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