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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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And what a great song it is. Unfortunately most people under the age of 20 have no idea who Rush is...... Neil Peart (the drummer for you kids who don't know) is a god.

Limelight and Spirit of the Radio are my favs though....

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I thought this post was funny and interesting at the same time. Along with my picture game that was locked we can have fun with these but if you don not wish to then you can lock this post..with that said

Who wants to keep this going?

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And what a great song it is. Unfortunately most people under the age of 20 have no idea who Rush is...... Neil Peart (the drummer for you kids who don't know) is a god.

Limelight and Spirit of the Radio are my favs though....

Peart's better technically but Bonham had soul... :)

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Ginger Baker was one of my favorite classic guys, Mike Portnoy is the best modern drummer in my mind.

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And what a great song it is.  Unfortunately most people under the age of 20 have no idea who Rush is......  Neil Peart (the drummer for you kids who don't know) is a god.

Limelight and Spirit of the Radio are my favs though....

Peart's better technically but Bonham had soul... :)

ahem, I am 17 and happen to like Rush a whole lot. Geddy Lee is co-god (with Les Claypool) of bass playing.

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Entwistle was pretty sick.

Kirsh: what about Flea from RHCP?

I like Claypool and Geddy more. Stefan Lessard from DMB is pretty sick too.

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