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thinner shin guards

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im looking for some lower profile shin guards because i'm starting to feel my tack 892s are getting a little bulky. i've thought about buying new ones (possibly the new vectors or the nikebauer one50s or one70s) but any other suggestions would be nice. should i go 'old school' with sherwood or koho? what about referee shin guards?

i'm willing to sacrifice a little protection for more mobility but i dont wanna get my shins bloodied up when blocking shots on pk's and such.


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thanks for the suggestions i'll definitely go out and try those 6Ks.

i'm really looking for shin guards that dont feel as if they arent there, but rather shin guards that are almost literally not there. i want to imitate my motion when im at free skate or something to the greatest extent possible without putting myself in danger because with my shin guards now they feel too thick to the point where they're kind of restricting my motion and im positive they're the right size.

maybe it's the pants, who knows.

what do you guys think about referee shin guards?

thanks again.

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i wear the nike bauer supreme 30 shin guards because like you i don't mind less protection for more mobilty. I also belive there is not much of a difference between a $30 shin pad and a $90 shin pad, but yeah check out the Supreme 30.

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i wear the nike bauer supreme 30 shin guards because like you i don't mind less protection for more mobilty. I also belive there is not much of a difference between a $30 shin pad and a $90 shin pad, but yeah check out the Supreme 30.

yeah i wear the sumpreme 30s and don't even notice them skating.

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I have the one90s and I love them. They are very slim compared to my vectors. The length is a bit off(I had to buy online because my LHS didn't have 16" until this week... what luck huh?), they're a bit shorter than expected.

They move well with you and they feel glued to your leg. The down side is that it can be a hassle putting on socks that are tight fitting because of the velcro on the "anchor strap" and the lumpiness of the face of the shin guard. After comparing the shin guards in the supreme lineup, I felt that the one90 was a worthwhile upgrade; especially considering I'm 23 and not growing anymore. They should last a long time and the extras you get for the money are worth it, in my opinion.

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I agree with duch. I have skinny legs and found RBK and CCM shins to fit wide. I have a pair of Nike V-14 shins and they fit fine. Prior to that I had Bauer 6000's and from a fit perspective they were okay, too bad the knee part cracked, hence the V-14s.

My two cents is not to skimp on the protection as it only takes once!

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Great thread. I also like a light and narrow shin guard. I just checked out the One 90's and I got to tell you, they are HUGH. I currently wear the RBK 4K intermediate size 13.5. I wish I could find a 14 inch which is just a tad wider than the RBK intermediate. Threy are TOO narrow. It seems to me when jumping to a Sr size the shinguard becomes just too wide and bulky.

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I wear synergys, and they are excellent.. I don't even notice them being on, and they were reasonably priced. Great protection, and great movement.

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The Supreme stuff is nice, as well as the new RBK 6k.

Thumbs up on the RBK 6k! Thanks for the suggestion... the S5's didn't work out, but these were even better.

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Good to see you found something your comfortable with. Good luck and enjoy your new shin pads.

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Good to see you found something your comfortable with. Good luck and enjoy your new shin pads.

together - they are over a half pound lighter than my Bauer 8000's and much, much thinner! :)

Now, if I can replace my Vector 6.0's with something a little lighter, then maybe I won't feel so weighed down.

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The CCM lower line Vector shins are waaaay wiiiide. I have thought of replacing mine, and I'm glad to see the info above. Have to check the Reeboks and Bauers out.

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The more I use the one90s, the more I like them. I was a big CCM fanboy, now all my lower half gear will soon be NBH(one90 pants are next). Only my shoulders, elbows and lid are still CCM... NBH (in my opinion) is just putting out a better product right now.

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I think rbk and Nike/Bauer shins are poorly put together that's just my opinion (please don't kill me) My 8000's cracked in two spots within 3 weeks of use, I trashed them and went back to using Jofa's I got the 9090's and I couldn't be happier. I suggest atleast looking at Jofa, they're really light damn strong (1 pair lasted me 8 years and they were used DAILY) the lower model 9040? I think you might want to check that anyway they're pretty light and don't have as much padding as the 9090's I think you'll like both models if you try them on.

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I think rbk and Nike/Bauer shins are poorly put together that's just my opinion (please don't kill me) My 8000's cracked in two spots within 3 weeks of use, I trashed them and went back to using Jofa's I got the 9090's and I couldn't be happier. I suggest atleast looking at Jofa, they're really light damn strong (1 pair lasted me 8 years and they were used DAILY) the lower model 9040? I think you might want to check that anyway they're pretty light and don't have as much padding as the 9090's I think you'll like both models if you try them on.

Well actually Jofa 9090=RBK 9K

I second they are the best you can get, in regards to protection as well as quality. But in this case, 9090/9K:s might not be the best as he is looking for a thinner model...

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I think rbk and Nike/Bauer shins are poorly put together that's just my opinion (please don't kill me) My 8000's cracked in two spots within 3 weeks of use, I trashed them and went back to using Jofa's I got the 9090's and I couldn't be happier. I suggest atleast looking at Jofa, they're really light damn strong (1 pair lasted me 8 years and they were used DAILY) the lower model 9040? I think you might want to check that anyway they're pretty light and don't have as much padding as the 9090's I think you'll like both models if you try them on.

Well actually Jofa 9090=RBK 9K

I second they are the best you can get, in regards to protection as well as quality. But in this case, 9090/9K:s might not be the best as he is looking for a thinner model...

Yeah Granted I haven't used any rbk stuff, It's just from feel from trolling pro shops I felt the same way about the gloves too (including nike/bauer) rbk's just felt a lot different than the jofa's I think (again imo) that they're a bit better than the 9k's. I think you're right even the 9040's might be a bit thicker than what hes looking for let alone the 9090's

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Jofa and light shouldn't be used in the same sentence. There are better lighter and thinner (yet still protective) shins out there---Easton Stealth, Easton Synergy and the Nike V series.

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Jofa and light shouldn't be used in the same sentence. There are better lighter and thinner (yet still protective) shins out there---Easton Stealth, Easton Synergy and the Nike V series.

you can't have tried on a lot of Jofa's then.. Lightness is one thing, but if you add the word protective to the sentence, you will end up with Jofa/RBK's

There are simply no other brand that can compete with Jofa when it comes to shinpads. 9 out of 10 NHL players will tell you the same thing

The old xx70's series (those without the hyper-x extension) from Jofa is the most popular shinpad ever among NHL forwards.

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