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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sickick Experiences?

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Hey Im looking at the 7k sickick, and I didnt find too many experiences with it in the search. How do you guys like the kick and performance of it?

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I like the grip texture but other than that I despise it. The feel is just alright. The blade is thick and the paint peels of the blade so easily. I didnt really care about the paint, but the stick felt awful when I played a game with it. I got rid of it soon after my experience.

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I have a sickick and i love it i got it back from rbk when i sent them my 7k pro lite and i like the sickick way more than the pro lite. I only used it for a couple games at the end of the season so i dont know about duribility.

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I have a pro-stock sickick. Coming from a Synergy SL, it initially felt like a brick. The first game I used it I played terrible and the stick feel was hard to get used to. I put it aside for about a month and a half. I tried it again outdoors a few times and I got used to it. Now I love it... I like the feel with it when defending one-on-one. It feels like I'm using more stick than my SL. Shot-wise I like the flex and my shots feel more powerful.

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I have a pro-stock sickick. Coming from a Synergy SL, it initially felt like a brick. The first game I used it I played terrible and the stick feel was hard to get used to. I put it aside for about a month and a half. I tried it again outdoors a few times and I got used to it. Now I love it... I like the feel with it when defending one-on-one. It feels like I'm using more stick than my SL. Shot-wise I like the flex and my shots feel more powerful.

Yeah but which one did you get? I could say i love my Sydor Sickkick, but really i love my Sydor V10.0 with Sickkick paintjob

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I've had mine since around Februry. I like it , although it essentially gone. Recently I have noticed a lot of chipping , paint and more. Including a big chip around the begining of the kickzone which has turned into a crack. Otherwise I really like the stick great feel , and I found it to be a good shooting stick. Off topic but instead of starting a new topic , I am going to get a blade for it before it cracks , and I'm just wondering if at the begining of the black if it would take a standard or tapered blade. I am thinking tapered still. Sorry for the hyjack Kavalchuk.

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I've got a Pro one that is labeled as "Stiff"...and there is no way I should be getting more pop on my shot with a stiff stick compared to say 85-95 Flex...but either this thing is worked in right to hell to account for the greater flex...or the kick point is totally different than anything else I've used.

My shot is just jumping off it (relative to how it used to kind of hop).

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I have the 7v prostock,

Pros- nicely balanced, durable shaft, sweet kick on wristers

Cons- end of blade chips quickly, snaps and slaps are lagging, heavy,

I found it very similar to a Synergy ST, I have read the V's are repainted V.10, I had a v10 right before and I don't find the two alike at all.

Overall I think it is a pretty nice stick, especially since you can pick it up on ebay for $90.

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I've had my 7K for about 3 months now and I love it. At heart I am a CCM Vector man, and when I wasn't able to find another 8.0 I went for the 7K instead. Feels like an identical stick, except for the grip texture as opposed to the grip coating. The grip on the 7K is MUCH better than the coating on the CCM's. Durability has been good for me so far also.

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I had used my own custom ccm vector 110 sticks for 4 years since they came out. I switched to the RBK near the end of this season and loved the kick that i got from the shaft. Stick felt great after trying warriors and having huge breakage problems with them 8 in 3 months. Won't be switching any time soon

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