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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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OfF Season Training

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What's everybody doing over the summer to get better over the summer? I'm curious to see everyone's lifting, conditioning, and dryland programs.

Edit- I will post mine up. I have been following Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strenght program for 4 months and have seen some great gains, but I am thinking about starting something new. What do you guys think of this?



- Squats 3x5

- Speed Squats (lighter weight) 3x10

- Lunges 3x8


- "The Core 200"

- Crunches 2x20

- Oblique side crunches 2x10 each side

- Leg raises 2x20

- Superman 2x20

- Aquaman 2x10 each arm/leg


- Flat BB Bench 3x5

- Flat Flys 3x10


- Seatted Military Press 3x5

- Standing Side Laterals 3x10

- Power Cleans 3x5


- Pull Ups 3x Failure

- Bent Over BB Rows 3x5

- Deadlift 3x5


- Dips 3x20

- Wrist Curls 3x10

- Standing BB Curls 3x10



- Quick steps ups 3x 45 secs

- Side to side cone jumps 3x 45 secs

- 5 dot drill 3x 45 secs


- Sprint up steep hill 1x5

- Sled drag sprints 3x5

- Power jumps 3x5



- 5 mins reg stickhandling

- 5 mins weighted stickhandling

- 5 mins obsticle course


- Shoot pucks 10x10

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lots of around the lake/footpath skating (everyday unless raining)

4-7 times a week, go to the gym - weight sessions and 30 min cardio

Bball court with old stick and golf ball :D at least once a week (yet to try it, but it sounds interesting) or play inline to keep stick skills up ;p

having one pig out day a week, rest of week eat semi decent.

thats what ive been doing for the last 3.5 months whilst playing hockey and ive had awsome results on and off the rink.

that programe looks good man, i might even rip some of it ;p

its easy to change as well, just sub one exercise for another of the same area.

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hey lancerplayer

whats the break down on that?? u dont do all that in 1 day?? u know like day 1 legs/back day 2 arms/chest.

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id imagine itd be split up? but i could be wrong.....

i do bies and back day 1 then chest and tris day 2 then legs and shoulders day 3 with core included in every session

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Phase 1:

Day 1:

20yd Sprints 10x 40-60sec rest between sprints

40yd Sprints 10x 40-60sec rest between sprints

Mini Circuit: 3 sets 60sec rest

Resistance Band Leg Lifts w/ Crunch 12reps

Resistance Band Trunk Rotations 12reps each side

Resistance Band Side Bends 12reps each side

Day 2:

Front Squats 2x25 30sec rest

Squat Press 5x12 60sec rest

Straight Leg Dead Lift 3x12 60sec rest

Split Squat (Static Lunge) 3x12 each leg 60sec rest

Hamstring Curls 3x12 60sec rest

Single leg floor touch 3x12 each leg 30sec rest

Slide board 60sec 60sec rest

Day 3:

Mini Circuit: 3 sets 60sec rest

MB Sit-up 20reps

MD Russian Twist 20reps each side

MB Chop 20reps each side

Superset: 3 sets 60sec rest

Bar Curl 12reps

French Press 12reps

Day 4:

Work w/ Personal Terrorist on explosive movements and plyos

Day 5:

Lat Pull-down 3x12 60sec rest

Narrow Grip Lat Pull-down 3x12 60sec rest

T-Bar Row 3x8 120sec rest

DB Shoulder Press 3x8 120sec rest

Reverse Fly 3x12 60sec rest

Upright Reverse Cable Fly 3x12 60sec rest

Upright Row 3x12 60sec rest

I finish phase 1 next week and will move on to phase 2. Each phase is 6 weeks.

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Day 4:

Work w/ Personal Terrorist on explosive movements and plyos

:P Haha!

I'm yet to get started as I've had alot on at the moment so I really have to pull my finger out if I'm gonna suceed(sp?) next season.

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hey lancerplayer

whats the break down on that?? u dont do all that in 1 day?? u know like day 1 legs/back day 2 arms/chest.

Lift 3 days/week

Conditioning/Plyos/Speed/Dryland 2 days/week

Rest 2 days/week

I'm still thinking about what kind of split I should do. It might be a push/pull/legs split.

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What's everybody doing over the summer to get better over the summer? I'm curious to see everyone's lifting, conditioning, and dryland programs.

Edit- I will post mine up. I have been following Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strenght program for 4 months and have seen some great gains, but I am thinking about starting something new. What do you guys think of this?



- Squats 3x5

- Speed Squats (lighter weight) 3x10

- Lunges 3x8


- "The Core 200"

- Crunches 2x20

- Oblique side crunches 2x10 each side

- Leg raises 2x20

- Superman 2x20

- Aquaman 2x10 each arm/leg


- Flat BB Bench 3x5

- Flat Flys 3x10


- Seatted Military Press 3x5

- Standing Side Laterals 3x10

- Power Cleans 3x5


- Pull Ups 3x Failure

- Bent Over BB Rows 3x5

- Deadlift 3x5


- Dips 3x20

- Wrist Curls 3x10

- Standing BB Curls 3x10



- Quick steps ups 3x 45 secs

- Side to side cone jumps 3x 45 secs

- 5 dot drill 3x 45 secs


- Sprint up steep hill 1x5

- Sled drag sprints 3x5

- Power jumps 3x5



- 5 mins reg stickhandling

- 5 mins weighted stickhandling

- 5 mins obsticle course


- Shoot pucks 10x10

ive been interested in doing riptoes for a while. right now im just doing

some random stuff i need a good routine

im doing

squats 3x10

bench 3x10

lat bar 3x10

exetra.... all the stuff

i try to go to drop in hockeys for cardio plus i can work on stuff.

and for stick handeling i run around the house with my stick and a ball until my mom yells at me B)

What's everybody doing over the summer to get better over the summer? I'm curious to see everyone's lifting, conditioning, and dryland programs.

Edit- I will post mine up. I have been following Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strenght program for 4 months and have seen some great gains, but I am thinking about starting something new. What do you guys think of this?

ive been interested in doing riptoes for a while. right now im just doing

some random stuff i need a good routine

im doing

squats 3x10

bench 3x10

lat bar 3x10

exetra.... all the stuff

i try to go to drop in hockeys for cardio plus i can work on stuff.

and for stick handeling i run around the house with my stick and a ball until my mom yells at me B)

i need to focus on my core more

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I'm looking for some more plyometrics and sprints. Any suggestions?

For plyometrics try using a ladder.If you haven't heard of it , it's basicall tape on the floor made to look like a ladder. You can do plenty of different things inside to work on foot speed. As for sprint ifyou have access to a stationary bike try doing sprints on it . They are great for Cardio and leg strength.

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I run school track twice in a week and sometimes go gym (I'm busy working). So, when I'm stuck at home, I do juggle. Well, I've seen once Nylander doing juggling with balls. I'm not sure if that really helps you out though. :(

EDT: besides, I don't do that serious traning like you.

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Drink beer and be merry! :D

Nah, I'll just get in better shape. Lose some fat, lift some weights, work on quickness. That's about it probs :P

Oh and crunches of course :P

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Just because he goes to his school track doesn't mean he's in summer school...

Ok maybe but just the way he said it makes it sound like he's part of the school track team and does it twice a week.

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I'm looking for some more plyometrics and sprints. Any suggestions?

For plyometrics try using a ladder.If you haven't heard of it , it's basicall tape on the floor made to look like a ladder. You can do plenty of different things inside to work on foot speed. As for sprint ifyou have access to a stationary bike try doing sprints on it . They are great for Cardio and leg strength.

Deadfalls are great if you're looking for plyometrics. Basically, you fall off of a box (3 feet high). You can also do deadfalls with a jump at the end. Try squat jumps and tuck jumps, lateral jumps on one foot, and one legged jumps.

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^ You still have school? You fail and have to go to summer school lol?

maybe your the one who needs summer school :P

:D I don't have summer school but there is an elementary school track right in front of my house.

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I sprint hills, with and without added weight, and to bodyweight stuff. Swimming also helps, but I never do long distance.

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Still playing once a week, been skating a couple extra sessions though. Did some running but my knees aren't great. Been doing some bodyweight exercises as well. Planning on upping the cardio as I want to drop 15 pounds by hockey season. Of course, I'm a 24 y.o. bear leaguer who can't afford a gym membership.

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Still playing once a week, been skating a couple extra sessions though. Did some running but my knees aren't great. Been doing some bodyweight exercises as well. Planning on upping the cardio as I want to drop 15 pounds by hockey season. Of course, I'm a 24 y.o. bear leaguer who can't afford a gym membership.

Bear league eh? Sounds dangerous. ;)

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