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Video Game Console Question

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I assume that the ps3's full potential hasnt been used yet correct? Has the 360's? Id like to have the system that wont be outdated in a couple years.

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I don't think either system will be outdated in a couple of years - that's when the games should be really hitting their prime.

I think it comes down to this:

PS3 - get it for the Blu-Ray and potentially better games in the future (because it does have the better tech specs), and free online

Xbox 360 - get it because it's slightly cheaper and will have more and better games for the next while (it's sold over 5.5 mil units vs. PS3's less than 2 mil so developers focus more on xbox for now and they build on Xbox and port to PS3). Also has xbox live which is a higher quality online service but you pay for it AND need broadband.

PS2,Xbox - get it because you'd rather drive a Gremlin than a Ferrari.

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  hockeyherb said:

I don't think either system will be outdated in a couple of years - that's when the games should be really hitting their prime.

I think it comes down to this:

PS3 - get it for the Blu-Ray and potentially better games in the future (because it does have the better tech specs), and free online

Xbox 360 - get it because it's slightly cheaper and will have more and better games for the next while (it's sold over 5.5 mil units vs. PS3's less than 2 mil so developers focus more on xbox for now and they build on Xbox and port to PS3). Also has xbox live which is a higher quality online service but you pay for it AND need broadband.

PS2,Xbox - get it because you'd rather drive a Gremlin than a Ferrari.

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YES I totally agree I really do think the Ps3 will succeed in the long run because of the technology on it as Herbhockey said, but I also think the 360 is a great buy to.

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For anyone deciding if they should go next gen or just buy an old PS2 or Xbox, go to this page and scroll down to the bottom. Look at the difference in screens between the Xbox 360 version and the Xbox version. If you can handle the difference (which I think is significant and will only get worse for old gen after this year's games are released) then buy an older system and wait a bit.

History of Hockey Video games over the years - 2006

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I haven't read the whole thread but I am sure most people have compared the 360 online play vs. PS3 online play and they are in two different worlds. 360 has an amazing set up for online play and it is so fun to be able to play your friends and strangers.

The 360's will soon have a smaller faster processor and now have a 3 year replacement warranty, which I am sure PS3 does not.

Also, if you buy the 360, the shooter games are impeccable compared to PS3. I know you said you love sports games but if you try the shooters you will get addicted, trust me. Rainbow six has me hooked right now!

Hope this helps.

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  WAMPS19 said:

Also, if you buy the 360, the shooter games are impeccable compared to PS3. I know you said you love sports games but if you try the shooters you will get addicted, trust me. Rainbow six has me hooked right now!

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Impeccable? The only shooter worth buying thats not on PS3 is Gears of War.

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  Thockey17 said:
  WAMPS19 said:

Also, if you buy the 360, the shooter games are impeccable compared to PS3. I know you said you love sports games but if you try the shooters you will get addicted, trust me. Rainbow six has me hooked right now!

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Impeccable? The only shooter worth buying thats not on PS3 is Gears of War.

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halo 2 and the up and coming halo3 come on there classics in the making how would you not want to buy them

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  jon93 said:
  Thockey17 said:
  WAMPS19 said:

Also, if you buy the 360, the shooter games are impeccable compared to PS3. I know you said you love sports games but if you try the shooters you will get addicted, trust me. Rainbow six has me hooked right now!

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Impeccable? The only shooter worth buying thats not on PS3 is Gears of War.

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halo 2 and the up and coming halo3 come on there classics in the making how would you not want to buy them

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Oh yeah, Halo 3 is gonna push a lot of consoles for Microsoft.

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  jon93 said:

halo 2 and the up and coming halo3 come on there classics in the making how would you not want to buy them

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Your acting like Halo is gods gift to gaming. Neither 1 nor 2 are in the top 20 greatest selling games of all time.

  hockeyherb said:

Oh yeah, Halo 3 is gonna push a lot of consoles for Microsoft.

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...And MGS4, Gran Turismo 5, Killzone 2, Final Fantasy, GoW3, etc. arent going to sell PS3's? Face it, PS3's future is far more impressive.

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Wow! Just watching the Microsoft conference from E3 tonight. Resident Evil 5 is coming next spring. GTA IV this fall with two exclusive to Xbox downloadable episodes coming in 08. Many many other amazing games too.

I guess I'll have to watch the Sony conference tomorrow but I can't see them having anywhere near the lineup that MS is rolling out tonight.

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  Thockey17 said:

Face it, PS3's future is far more impressive.

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I don't deny that it might be, and it should because they put in better hardware than Xbox 360. I do wonder why PS3 is being outsold so badly though. Maybe the price drop will help out but the legions of PS2 fans aren't converting to PS3 as they had hoped.

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i get the feeling alot of PS2 fans are waiting for the library to "catch up" on the PS3.

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  Thockey17 said:

Your acting like Halo is gods gift to gaming. Neither 1 nor 2 are in the top 20 greatest selling games of all time.

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Mabye not overall, but it is in its genre. As a franchise, it hits 34, which is pretty damn good compared to all the other franchises who beat it, who have all been around a good decade longer than the Halo franchise.

And if I hear Killzone again :rolleyes:

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  Cobra2717 said:

And if I hear Killzone again :rolleyes:

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KZ2 is going to fight it out with Halo 3 over THE shooter to have this year. Look at the gameplay video on IGN. Yes, this time its actually gameplay, and they proved it by playing the video twice and pausing/zooming in and around.

The MS presentation of Halo3 last night was weak....ask anyone. Its basically Halo2 with more going on. The graphics weren't even better than the previous version.

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Why do people insist on arguing over superiority in video game consoles, especially by slandering the one they don't own? Are you that insecure with your purchase that you need to go on and on about how much the 360 sucks and how all of these ps3 games that aren't even out yet are the second coming? Blue-ray aside as I already have a stand-alone in my house, they are fundamentally the same to me, and the only thing we play at school is sports games and shooters regardless. Single player garbage would require one to lock themselves in their room for hours at a time.

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  hockeyherb said:

I don't think either system will be outdated in a couple of years - that's when the games should be really hitting their prime.

I think it comes down to this:

PS3 - get it for the Blu-Ray and potentially better games in the future (because it does have the better tech specs), and free online

Xbox 360 - get it because it's slightly cheaper and will have more and better games for the next while (it's sold over 5.5 mil units vs. PS3's less than 2 mil so developers focus more on xbox for now and they build on Xbox and port to PS3). Also has xbox live which is a higher quality online service but you pay for it AND need broadband.

PS2,Xbox - get it because you'd rather drive a Gremlin than a Ferrari.

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PS3 is not better specs wise. Both machines have virtually identical performance. MS chose to go with 6 processors (3 dual core processors), Sony chose to go with 12 processors, and each has half the processing power of one 360 core. So, the machines are effectively identical. The graphics chips again, virtually identical in capabilities. The only spec Sony really wins on is that the blu-ray is included so 1 disk games instead of two or more on the 360. That and to watch hidef movies, you don't have to buy anything extra. Where as on the 360, to watch hidef movies from the store you need to buy the HD-DVD addon.

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  Thockey17 said:

...And MGS4, Gran Turismo 5, Killzone 2, Final Fantasy, GoW3, etc. arent going to sell PS3's? Face it, PS3's future is far more impressive.

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What about BioShock and Mass Effect? Those two are both game of the year candidates (albeit they aren't out yet). No one can deny that the PS3 took a hit when it lost Assassin's Creed as an exclusive title either, which looks amazing.

And anyways, the vast majority of the third party games are going to be developed for both systems, so everyone's going to be happy, whichever system they choose.

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  Thockey17 said:
  Cobra2717 said:

And if I hear Killzone again :rolleyes:

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KZ2 is going to fight it out with Halo 3 over THE shooter to have this year. Look at the gameplay video on IGN. Yes, this time its actually gameplay, and they proved it by playing the video twice and pausing/zooming in and around.

The MS presentation of Halo3 last night was weak....ask anyone. Its basically Halo2 with more going on. The graphics weren't even better than the previous version.

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I dont disagree that its gonna look awesome. But ill take a game with better game play over a game that looks better anyday. The first Killzone, which was supposed to be the "halo killer", was horrible which was too bad, cause it had a ton of potential. I hope Killzone 2 steps up.

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I'll be the first to admit - the PS3 conference is very good. They've also got some unbelievable looking games coming. MGS4 trailer had some awesome fighting.

It's a pity people have to choose a hardware platform. I just wish you could buy a console like a DVD player and then choose your games.

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I went with the 360.. personally, I like the xbox layout its simple and easy new content and movie downloads all the time. I find the online better and the game selection to be better. but when i bought my 360 ,PS3 was at launch so it was expensive and no games. EA are big in my house I mostly play ea games and I cannot wait for NHL 08, Madden 08 and EA's newest game SKATE

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I've always been a huge fan of the call of duty games, fantastic gameplay and story line.

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I went with the 360.. personally, I like the xbox layout its simple and easy new content and movie downloads all the time. I find the online better and the game selection to be better. but when i bought my 360 ,PS3 was at launch so it was expensive and no games. EA are big in my house I mostly play ea games and I cannot wait for NHL 08, Madden 08 and EA's newest game SKATE
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good choice :D :D :D

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