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Video Game Console Question

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My most recent xbox lasted through my Halo 3 and Guitar hero 3 beatings, so I think I finally got a winner. Third times a charm I guess?

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Well I think i'm about to suck it up and get a 360. I have a ps3 but until metal gear solid comes out the only games worth playing in my opinion are nhl 08 and fight night round 3, both of which I couldve got for 360. I'll prob keep my ps3 until MGS but then I might sell it if the lineup hasn't really improved. Has anyone on here flashed there 360 to play backups? Whats that all about?

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I had my xbox show the red ring again today, broke one of my controllers on the ground before realizing the power wasn't fully connected. I was about ready to drop it off a bridge if it went under.

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  bdj said:

I had my xbox show the red ring again today, broke one of my controllers on the ground before realizing the power wasn't fully connected. I was about ready to drop it off a bridge if it went under.

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Hahahahaha. Good game life.

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  bdj said:

I had my xbox show the red ring again today, broke one of my controllers on the ground before realizing the power wasn't fully connected. I was about ready to drop it off a bridge if it went under.

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Controllers always take the brunt of any frustrations that I have with consoles.

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Our hands will always reach for something nearby, but why reach, when we have something we can throw already in our hands.

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My 360 controllers seem to be holding up pretty good otherwise. I think we were up to 13 PS2 controllers before we got rid of it, those things were like glass.

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I've actually thought about taking my 360 down to the rink to hook it up to the big screen at the bar there and have some NHL 08 tournaments. It would be fun to do when our league has a lot of weekend games during the day.

The main thing that stops me: I'm afraid some loser will chuck my controller and break it! At $40 a pop there's no way I'm taking that chance.

Not to mention I'm afraid to breathe on my 360 let alone transport it.

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my xbox is starting to short on me.. It will freeze randomly and it pisses me off.. Got Nhl 08 on the launch day and I duno if it's my xbox or the game but on "action" camera it seems like the camera doesn't follow right ,I know the camera isn't locked on a player but it still messes up.. anyone have this problem?

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i used to play nhl07 on my 360 all the time using the action cam, i used it for a while on 08, and noticed whenever the play came near the net the game would start to get pretty choppy and it seemed the frame rate was dropping drastically, guess it couldn't handle all the graphics from that camera angle for some reason. Got used to the default angle again and thats how i play now.

oh yeah, and on action cam how it doesn't follow right your probbaly talking how the camera will sit in a particular zone for some reason, even if the play is in the other zone. it did that even in 07 as well, i don't think ill be going back.

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At least for the most part controllers dont have chords any more. I can't even remember how many times i'd attempt to throw my controller across the room in frustration only to have the console launch after it like a lead behind a dog, flying off the tv cabinet and slamming on the floor. Never had to replace any consoles but its something I wouldn't recommend haha.

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The 360 is well worth it. I have had mine for nearly a year now with the normal freezes here and there but haven't replaced it, YET. PS3 might have better hardware but it seems not many developers know how to utilize it fully yet and it seems like 360 developers are finally tapping into the potential of the 360, COD4 graphics are amazing, great game!

Get a 360, well worth it, especially now that they have HDMI and are only 350.

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  kovalchuk71 said:

So with all of these 360 issues, is it still worth picking one up? Im thinking of asking for one for Christmas.

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I've been wondering the same thing. I've been thinking of buying my little brother one for christmas but I don't want to drop that kind of coin on something that is gonna go to crap in a year.

I've had people tell me you have to get a fan(s) and/or intercooling fan set up in order to keep it from cooking itself. Others have told me you can't get away from it because the problems are a design flaw and are bound to every xbox. Whats the deal? I'd rather just spend the extra money on a PS3 if I know its never gonna die.......

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even with the problems, xbox customer service, in my opinion, hasn't been too shabby. When i first bought mine, i didn't even go with the extended warranty, and that was when M$ offered their crappy warranty. Now they have extended it to 3 years i believe for the red ring of death, and 1 year for other problems as opposed to a 90 day general warranty. When i got the RROD, i sent it in expecting the loss of my xbox for a month+, but it was only about 2.5 weeks that i had to wait, plus they gave me a 1month free live card since i was out a month on my membership. after everything is said and done, id still go and buy an xbox over the ps3 right now

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I don't think it's right to commend someone's customer service when it's necessary after putting out such a faulty product.

My brother is on 360 #2 and it just gets too hot. One quick game of Madden or NHL and you can feel and smell how hot it gets, vertical or horizontal doesn't matter.

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Thats the thing - they want you to spend $400 on a game system that is going to break down, but hey its alright, just buy our extended warrenty too.

I have an old NES system that still works, but if I buy an Xbox it might fry in 2 months no matter what I do?

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That's why I'm content with a Wii and PS3. Granted the PS3 still acts as more of a DVD player than anything, but it hasn't burnt itself out yet *knock on wood*

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  willy0314 said:

Thats the thing - they want you to spend $400 on a game system that is going to break down, but hey its alright, just buy our extended warrenty too.

I have an old NES system that still works, but if I buy an Xbox it might fry in 2 months no matter what I do?

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Actually the extended warranty was free. If you ask me aleast Microsoft realized there was a problem and manned up to somewhat solve it.

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