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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I understand that there is an exchange rate but why is the pricing so wide between products in the US and CA.

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some company's are from the US, which means less hassle to get the stuff if your in the same country, but thats pretty much all i know.

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Two different economies...different costs when it comes to manufacturing, shipping, government taxes, etc, all add into the price you see at the store.

I can agree with this but the discrepencies have alway been the same, now that the dollar changed, so should the prices...

Allot of those things are here in Canada too... Head office for Mission and Easton are in Canada in Montreal, I see Mission making an effort with the price but Easton just acts like the dollar is still 0.60 US and thats wrong

The big problem is that hockey people in Canada are so loyal that they will scoop anything you do, in the US, the lockout had an impact, in Canada, people where begging to have it back...

I wish everyone would just say, great product but I'm not willing to pay that price, like the PS3 for SONY, look how fast they dropped there price to compete....

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I know that in my industry the venders have made an effort to fix the differance between costs. Besides, with the internet the way it is today, I would think that dealers would ride the venders about this. Not to mention most everything is made in China or Canada anyhow.

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Well i for one buy all my stuff from the US now.Why you ask because i work for every penny i make and i wont let anyone and certainly not the big guys (easton/nike....../.././/././) tell me how much i am geting screw in canada.

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LHS are getting screwed because most of the folks use the internet now where prices are easy to find and theres sales etc...

I want to support my LHS but other then a sharpening and tape, I can't spend on anything else but a replacement blade if i'm really stuck...

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LHS are getting screwed because most of the folks use the internet now where prices are easy to find and theres sales etc...

I want to support my LHS but other then a sharpening and tape, I can't spend on anything else but a replacement blade if i'm really stuck...

How would you like it as a consumer if you went into your LHS and wanted to try something on and they said to you; That will be a $20.00 service fee to try that on. If you buy the item then the $20.00 is applied to the purchase. Lets face it, these places have to make money to stay open.

All brick and morter retail stores are in this jam at the moment. No tax, overhead or inventory needed. Just pay a fee for a site and your up and running. So what does one do? As I said before in another thread. If we dont support our LHS we'll soon see them disapear and then we wont have anyplace to see, feel and try things on AT ALL. You may pay a bit more but it is an investment in your products, friends at the LHS and any issues you may have with your products.

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LHS are getting screwed because most of the folks use the internet now where prices are easy to find and theres sales etc...

I want to support my LHS but other then a sharpening and tape, I can't spend on anything else but a replacement blade if i'm really stuck...

How would you like it as a consumer if you went into your LHS and wanted to try something on and they said to you; That will be a $20.00 service fee to try that on. If you buy the item then the $20.00 is applied to the purchase. Lets face it, these places have to make money to stay open.

All brick and morter retail stores are in this jam at the moment. No tax, overhead or inventory needed. Just pay a fee for a site and your up and running. So what does one do? As I said before in another thread. If we dont support our LHS we'll soon see them disapear and then we wont have anyplace to see, feel and try things on AT ALL. You may pay a bit more but it is an investment in your products, friends at the LHS and any issues you may have with your products.

I agree with you 1000%, I try to support my LHS as much as I can but from 530US to 850CAN for a pair of skates, it's tough to turn a blind eye to that..., to be honest, I never change gear, I've been using the same stuff forever, Pants, Shins, Elbows etc... And I do buy those things at my LHS because the difference is negligeable but for stuf like sticks and skates for the price you get 2 in Canada you get 3 in the US so...

Hockey is doing stupid business, they are putting themselves at a pricepoint that people will start looking elsewhere, the price for a parent can become crazy if youre kid is a top performer... I love hockey but I will be more then happy if my kids chose to dribble or kick ball...

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I hear ya. It's a mess and nothing any of us have control over. I'm suprised that the government dosent charge tax on these items. I mean if you think about it. We pay taxes for things like road repairs just to name one thing. Now with all the orders being made over the net that means that more UPS and other larger shipping and delivery trucks are on the road doing more damage than you and I. So there should ceartinaly be a flat sales tax on internet items. If for anything to make the sales as close as possible to a fair playing field. Maybe I should have called this site, Death of the LHS.

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I hear ya. It's a mess and nothing any of us have control over. I'm suprised that the government dosent charge tax on these items. I mean if you think about it. We pay taxes for things like road repairs just to name one thing. Now with all the orders being made over the net that means that more UPS and other larger shipping and delivery trucks are on the road doing more damage than you and I. So there should ceartinaly be a flat sales tax on internet items. If for anything to make the sales as close as possible to a fair playing field. Maybe I should have called this site, Death of the LHS.

It's more death of hockey period...

Factor in that for skates anyways some holders, actually many holders come missaligned so that is another gamble with internet purchase...

Hockey equipment is a real hassle now

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American ignorance. They still think our dollar sucks.

No your dollar doesn't suck, but jeeeze, your spagetti is terrible. Don't EVER eat italian food in Canada! Them crazy bastards put cinnimon in the sauce. :) WTF

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American ignorance. They still think our dollar sucks.

American ignorance or counting on Canadian ignorance? :P

I don't think you can really call it American ignorance when these American based companies are giving good deals to Americans and hiking up the cost for everyone else. ;)

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American ignorance. They still think our dollar sucks.

No your dollar doesn't suck, but jeeeze, your spagetti is terrible. Don't EVER eat italian food in Canada! Them crazy bastards put cinnimon in the sauce. :) WTF

Yeah, because the single plate of pasta you had years ago is completely representative of all Italian cuisine available in Canada... :rolleyes:

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Canada has more tariffs on hockey equipment than the US does. If you understand that countries put tariffs in place to protect their industries. then it would make sense that Canada has higher tariffs on hockey equipment made elsewhere, while the US has higher tariffs on textile products.

I haven't looked at the tariffs in a while, but I believe the US has 2.5% on skates and around 30% on bags and jerseys. (I'm not sure if companies are able to claim the bags are specific to hockey, in which case I think they have a much lower tariff). Conversely, Canada has tariffs on virtually all gear, with rates as high as 18%.

Let's make up some numbers that aren't realistic but illustrate a point. Say a sticks costs $100 US to bring to North America. If the 18% is correct on the stick (again, I'm going off my memory), then it's actually $100 into US and $118 into Canada. If companies use a factor of as high as 4X Costs to establish an MSRP, then the US stick costs $400, while the Canadian costs $472. That's in US dollars, which admittedly is not much higher than the Canadian dollar currently. But what if the Canadian dollar were equal to 80 cents on the US dollar. Suddenly, the Canadian stick costs $590 CAD, due to tariffs and exchange rates.

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LHS are getting screwed because most of the folks use the internet now where prices are easy to find and theres sales etc...

I want to support my LHS but other then a sharpening and tape, I can't spend on anything else but a replacement blade if i'm really stuck...

How would you like it as a consumer if you went into your LHS and wanted to try something on and they said to you; That will be a $20.00 service fee to try that on. If you buy the item then the $20.00 is applied to the purchase. Lets face it, these places have to make money to stay open.

All brick and morter retail stores are in this jam at the moment. No tax, overhead or inventory needed. Just pay a fee for a site and your up and running. So what does one do? As I said before in another thread. If we dont support our LHS we'll soon see them disapear and then we wont have anyplace to see, feel and try things on AT ALL. You may pay a bit more but it is an investment in your products, friends at the LHS and any issues you may have with your products.

but if most LHS's will just be supported by people coming in and paying fitting fees and getting there skates sharpened whose to say they wont just close up shop then where would people who shop at online stores go for sharpenings? Now i do understand people in the states since shops arent as near to them but come on in Candada theres a shop almost every 4-6 kms away theres no good excuse to shop online unless your up in the middle of nowhere like dryden or timmins

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American ignorance. They still think our dollar sucks.

No your dollar doesn't suck, but jeeeze, your spagetti is terrible. Don't EVER eat italian food in Canada! Them crazy bastards put cinnimon in the sauce. :) WTF

Yeah, because the single plate of pasta you had years ago is completely representative of all Italian cuisine available in Canada... :rolleyes:

What, there's something wrong basing a decision on one experience. Isn't that what we see in this forum every day????

As for the topic, I buy hockey equipment from wholesalers both in US and Canada. The prices are comparable depending on the item. Take Sherwood wood sticks, same price both countries. Most mid to low end equipment is comparable, but the high end stuff is way more in Canada.

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us dollars are the ones that suck.

i wish our fives were blue with the little hockey kids on the back. :lol:

Right now it's not just the color and graphics of the US dollar that sucks. At $1.05 CDN to $1.00 US everything in Canada is expensive for Americans. I can remember 5 years ago when it was about $1.50 CDN to $1.00 US. So to all you Canadians, in the words of Barb Barker, come on down. Play some hockey down here and do some shopping as well. Just remember that next year, the US government is going to require passports, even for driving down.

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