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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

How much would you be willing to pay...

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they can go to the human fund! LOL

for a chance at dropping the cost to skate at the joe, it makes sense... nobody didnt say you couldnt drop an extra 10 in a hat for site costs ;)

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I paid $25 to skate at the Xcel, but we had no ref or scorekeeper. I would do it again, but probably not for more than $30.

By the way, that was $25 a person, probably 22 skaters and 4 goalies (they switched halfway through). We had about 75 minutes of ice time. No fancy tours and we obviously used the guest locker rooms as it was during the season. Although I did get tons of pictures of the hallways and locker area. One guest per person watching for free and taking video/pictures. Parking was free as there was no event.

Ice was okay, it was warmer than most places. Weird thing was the HUGE offensive zones and the REALLY lively boards. Bad part was most of the skaters weren't that great (all levels kind of thing).

I skated at the Xcel once as well. The only difference than above was that we only had two goalies and depending on when you got there, you actually paid to park. I was probably one of the bad skaters. :P

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woah wish i woulda saw this earlier i bet you could get em to go down a little bit. but ive also been told by some of the guys who play for lc the workers are somewhat assholeish. yet some are really cool i guess it could be who you talk to

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when i played midget A hockey we got to skate at the Joe for one of our tounaments. They gave us a tour and everything. The ice wasn't that expensive to rent either. Charging $1800 dollars is ridiculous. Especially considering that both Bell Tire and Little Caesars both skate there on a regular basis and they probably pay around maybe im guessing $300-$450 for and hour and a half practice.

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We're not doing JLA.

The MSH MI Squadron Skate will be at Novi again. Most likely Dec 8. Details to follow.

Ok, Thanks JR although JLA would be sweet.

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At the last MSH skate did people stay overnight or was it a come and hang out, play, and then leave? I really want to make the trip this time around as I live in Indiana so it's not that far of a trip at all, but I was just wondering if people crash there for the night or all leave after (of course that don't live in Michigan).

Thanks for any information!

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did you post those pictures on here before (equipment pics)? I don't recall seeing them before.

and nice slippers.

Yes - the MSH Skate was the first time the stick was unveiled to the "general public." Rep had gotten it the day before.

And as for the slippers, yes, they will make an appearance again. I might rock 'em in the locker room.

I walked into a bar with them, and a restaurant.

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Goddamn it - if it's on a Saturday, I just might have to make the trip (depending on what the numbers are). To Hell with studying for Finals. Who's got extra room for the broke-ass college kid? ;)

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Shotties room at Bouce's pad!

P.S. Tell me what kind of beer you like and I'll send you a sixer.. Or maybe a 12, depending on the brand :P

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