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Doping in Tour de France

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Vinokourov tests positive; Astana withdraws from Tour


David Millar was the first rider to react to the news: "Jesus Christ - there you go, that's my quote," he blurted out. "What timing, huh? This is just fucking great."

That's great coming from David Millar - he just got back from his own two-year doping ban.

It's a shame, I really like Vino, too. I think I'm pretty much done with the Tour now.

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The Tour has been exciting this year....but this kinda dampens it.

But with Vino crashing early on, could see how he mighta wanted an advantage. But it is interesting how he dominated the TT and also how he cracked the day before his stage win in the mountains.

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People actually watch this?

Seriously- lifetime ban for your first offense. Problem solved.

why, then all sports will have to change it. You can say that for baseball and football and all the main sports but it will never change. what makes you think cycling will?

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People actually watch this?

Seriously- lifetime ban for your first offense. Problem solved.

why, then all sports will have to change it. You can say that for baseball and football and all the main sports but it will never change. what makes you think cycling will?

I'm fine with this being an across the board change- O.P. was about the Tour, so that's all I commented on. It bothers me that every sport that has a steroid scandal just throws up there arms and pretends to want to fix it, but no one has the sac to follow through.

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Tour de France leader Michael Rasmussen was removed from the race by his team after winning Wednesday's stage, the biggest blow yet in cycling's doping-tainted premier event.

"Michael Rasmussen has been sent home for violating (the team's) internal rules," Rabobank team spokesman Jacob Bergsma told The Associated Press by phone.

The expulsion, which Bergsma said was ordered by the Dutch team sponsor, was linked to "incorrect" information that Rasmussen gave to the team's sports director over his whereabouts last month. Rasmussen, who also has been suspended from the team, missed random drug tests May 8 and June 28, saying he was in Mexico. But a former rider, Davide Cassani, told Denmark's Danmarks Radio on Wednesday that he had seen Rasmussen in Italy in mid-June.

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Man, I feel like even though we're a board dedicated to a sport the majority don't care about, we shouldn't have info on all the sports people don't care about.

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People actually watch this?

Seriously- lifetime ban for your first offense. Problem solved.

why, then all sports will have to change it. You can say that for baseball and football and all the main sports but it will never change. what makes you think cycling will?

I'm fine with this being an across the board change- O.P. was about the Tour, so that's all I commented on. It bothers me that every sport that has a steroid scandal just throws up there arms and pretends to want to fix it, but no one has the sac to follow through.

I could not agree more.

As a proffesional athlete, you are in the unique situation to be an ambassador of said sport.

You are a role model like it or not.

Conduct yourself as such.

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I follow the Tour with a minor interest but now it has gotten to the point that I check it out to see what problem happened each day. For dedicated fans, this must be crazy.

Face it mack, the only 100% pure sporting event left in the world is the Iditarod. Its dogs, distance, and nature that no drug can conquer. The mushers are all natural and put themselves through more danger and hardship for a minimum of 12 days straight than any other athlete in one afternoon's event.

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Do they drug test the dogs these days too? Then idk how clean it is :P

But man...guys are dropping like flies with the drug tests. Another team pulled out cause of a positive test, French squad interestingly. But now with Chicken Legs Rasmussen out, it must pain the French that a guy from the American Discovery Team is wearing the yellow.

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Do they drug test the dogs these days too? Then idk how clean it is :P

But man...guys are dropping like flies with the drug tests. Another team pulled out cause of a positive test, French squad interestingly. But now with Chicken Legs Rasmussen out, it must pain the French that a guy from the American Discovery Team is wearing the yellow.

It may be an American based team.....but at least the French can rest assured that it is a Basque rider, and not an American winning the tour this year.

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Actually I think he was born in Madrid :)

Even after the Tour is over....positive tests are coming out. Latest is Iban Mayo, used to ride for the Basque team, tested for EPO.

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