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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pure hockey warehouse sale

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went yesterday round 5

still crazy with people and it didnt seem like the selection was limited at all

still had plenty of sticks including 9k, one90 chrome, rm19, and some others

protective was great, if i was lookin for gloves or pants or somethin i wouldnt have hestitated

the big skate deals were pretty much gone... they had one90s for $300 but only a pair in 11's and 11.5's

i pretty much just went in to check it out cuz i didnt even need anything, but i ended up snaggin a robidas rm19 that had a perfect curve and everything for me and a couple shirts

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Keep in mind the leftover inventory isn't going anywhere. And with the Massachusetts tax-free shopping weekend coming up NEXT weekend, there won't be much difference from this weekend to last weekend other than what inventory they have... I'm just sayin'.

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I looked and there weren't any One70's, just 30's, 50's and 90's. Tons or Mission skates....plenty of Easton S11's too.

There was a crap load of RBK 9K O sticks.

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Went up yesterday, got some graf s7.4 for 100 bucks and a Koivu pro-stock U+ for 100 bucks aswell. Did see some one70 skates but they only had 1 pair left don't recall the price. I think I made out pretty well.

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Keep in mind the leftover inventory isn't going anywhere. And with the Massachusetts tax-free shopping weekend coming up NEXT weekend, there won't be much difference from this weekend to last weekend other than what inventory they have... I'm just sayin'.

Yeah, but honestly, how much are people really going to save buying an $85 stick? Something like $4? It's not all that big a deal with the caps on discounts, IMHO.

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No, I mean, the sale prices from this weekend are highly likely to carry over to next weekend on the leftover inventory, for multiple reasons (the tax free weekend being one of them).

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I did and i thought it pretty much sucked. They had 8k Rbk helmets for $70, Easton custom gloves for $80. The Vapor XXXX "Pro Stock" Skates are 300. I think most of the Eagle Gloves for $40. I didn't really see anything that was a fantastic deal from what i remember. I managed to pick up a pair of One90 Jr skates for $100. I went down to the Marlboro store and i think the other 2 may have had some different stuff from what i heard. Someone mentioned the Danvers store had some Kessel sticks for $250 and i laughed.

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Yep... Berlin one really really sucked a fat one. Didn't even leave with a thing. Which is almost impossible for someone like me. And seriously, move the people away from the skates. I couldn't even get in there to take a peak. I wanted to pull these people off their fold-up chairs and smack them with it.

Really I was hoping to grab a stick or two but their INT stick selection was horrendously small.

The pure hockey sales aren't what the used to be. I guess that is to be expected after being taken under by new management.

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Braintree still has a ton of the leftover stuff from the sales piled up next door where "Sports Warehouse" used to be.... one thing that caught my eye was 5 pro stock original Stealths in RH... They were looking to get $115 a pop for them. I know guys are usually looking for those, so I snapped a pic or 2 of them with my phone....

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*zip* go on...

Actually, I remembered you mentioning you snatched up some Kvasha pro stocks from PH a while back, and saw this curve and figured it'd be right up your alley.... no flex listed on it. Like I said, Braintree had 5 of 'em left this afternoon.


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Took a trip over to the Berlin shop the other day. Don't hold me to this 100% but one of the guys there said the sale this year will be Aug 4th - 8th. I think he also said it would just be Berlin but I can't totally remember as I was drooling over the sticks in the basement.

Nothing on the website yet, I've been checking every few days. I imagine we'll see something put up shortly to confirm. Hopefully they put up prices beforehand like they did a few years ago so I know what to expect.

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Took a trip over to the Berlin shop the other day. Don't hold me to this 100% but one of the guys there said the sale this year will be Aug 4th - 8th. I think he also said it would just be Berlin but I can't totally remember as I was drooling over the sticks in the basement.

Nothing on the website yet, I've been checking every few days. I imagine we'll see something put up shortly to confirm. Hopefully they put up prices beforehand like they did a few years ago so I know what to expect.

No, facebook site said all stores and 5th through 8th and I went to the norwalk location and called headquarters

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