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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike/Bauer ONE95/ONE75 Skates

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I'm ordering a pair soon but am worried about sizing. No shops around here have wides in stock so I tried on a 7.5 D and the length felt good but obviously the width just wasnt there.

I'm coming from a 7.5ee in the one90 and hope to christ the 7.5ee will fit in the 95

also, as mentioned above has anyone used superfeet in the skate during the baking process?

edit: Did not see the post above... good call on just inserting SF after the baking process

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You guys all seem very knowledgeable about the skate baking process etc, could I just ask for an 'idiot's guide' for the ONE95's?

My LHS has a Bauer skate oven which is configurable for variable heat/time etc.

I know to bake one skate at a time, but could you tell me what temperature to set the oven to, how long to bake each skate for, and what to do once the skate is ready to be taken out of the oven


Is there any special way to lace the skate up compared to normal?

Is there anything I need to watch out for when lacing up?

Do I stand up/sit down in them? - How long for?

How long do I have to wait until I can skate in them?

Thanks for any help with this :)

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when i was at PIAS, we always told people not to pull straight up whe tieing the skates. after they have bee heated there is a small chance that you will rip the eye lits. not common but i have seen it. i know with the one90 skates you told to stand. when standing dont not flex the skates forward or torque them in any direction just stand normal and relax. i would wait until they are cool, so like 10 minutes. also I would wait a day before skating them, let everything set. good luck and enjoy

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You shouldnt bake superfeet. But he should have baked the skate, inserted SF and then laced them up.

I hear ya, but I found my foot sits in the boot perfectly with the ShockDoctor in it now. The insole does not seem to make the fit different for me. I tried to do just that, but I forgot to bring them and they did not have any in the store. Nevertheless, my heel locks in like a glove and they feel like a broken-in slipper.

Can't wait to skate in them tomorrow with the newly inserted LS2 steel. Man did I feel like a mentally challenged skater with those 2.1s...I don't think I personally could ever get used to them.

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I know it's pp but would you guys, esp. JR, think that since I wear a 9.5 street shoe or sneaker a size 8 in the 95's be a good place to start. There is no chance of trying these on in my area so I have to mail order. I got them in an eight and can fit the pencil down the back of the boot but when I stand up my toes kind of tighten up to the toe cap.

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i wear my shoes so my toes are against the end, so they fit like a hockey skate. 9.5 shoe, 7.5 one95 thats just me though, with a bake, they would be perfect, toes just feathering the end

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Hi guys,

after baking the ONE95 are you put them on barefoot or with thin socks or just with that socks you would wear in them on the ice? Maybe the skate is too hot for barefoot isn´t?



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i wear my shoes so my toes are against the end, so they fit like a hockey skate. 9.5 shoe, 7.5 one95 thats just me though, with a bake, they would be perfect, toes just feathering the end

its your PP. but there is no worry that the skate will be too hot if you want to go barefeet in the skate after heating. i would wear what you normally wear in your skate.

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So, I had a really bad day...brand new One90 stick broke...digging for receipt.

Anyway, got back into the locker room, and noticed this on my One95s:




Is this something that others using the One95 have seen? Is this something to worry about? Should I be giving NBH a call on this? This will surely keep me up tonight.

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yikes, is that from another skate? That's a solid chunk missing there, I wouldn't take it too lightly.

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ouch how that happened!! It could be a defect? It looks to me a crack..that may move its way next time..I think you should get a warranty on it right away if it continues

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I think it was a skate.

It doesn't feel too deep. I can't tell if it is a "flesh wound" or something more serious. Ugh!

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Are you f**king serious?!?!?! Should you be giving NBH a call on this? FOR WHAT?

Thanks for your words of wisdom wise one.

It has to do with spending over $550 for a pair of skates, only to wear them twice, and to see this happen. That is what is bothering me.

Frankly...don't need your useless comments. Just asking for some help, which you seem keen on not providing.

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stop getting your foot stepped on.


Certainly wasn't looking to get my foot in the way of someone's skate today.

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stop getting your foot stepped on.


Certainly wasn't looking to get my foot in the way of someone's skate today.

Then maybe hockey ain't your game

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You're welcome...

Thanks for your words of wisdom wise one.

It has to do with spending over $550 for a pair of skates, only to wear them twice, and to see this happen. That is what is bothering me.

Frankly...don't need your useless comments. Just asking for some help, which you seem keen on not providing.

Two can play that game

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If this actually is damaging to the skate, and not purely a cosmetic issue, then what's wrong with him inquiring into the warranty coverage?

If you buy a new vehicle, and it breaks down after 50 miles into "the course of normal driving", you are entitled to have it fixed.

Don't all jump down my throat at once, I'm just saying that he's not way offside on this one. The staying up all night is a bit much though.

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Nothing I already didn't know. Go cry to your mom about your skates. YOU are the reason why skates and sticks cost so much because you are looking to warranty skates that were "injured" during the course of play.

May we all thank you in advance for fucking us all!

No...I didn't say I WANTED to warranty them. You see, I do not like to go that route. I was simply asking a question. Unlike others you may want to classify me as, I have broken sticks on my own accord, and do NOT try to be a dick and play the warranty game...knowing full well that it was MY fault that I broke it.

You might not want to judge so damn quick...and you're lucky you can hide here..you see that little comment about about "your mom"...my mother died of cancer 11 years ago you piece of shit...you don't know me.

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Look...I didn't ask the question to get badgered. I certainly don't want to waste my time and money on warranty issues. I completely agree with SRI's point on warranty costs, and have said it on more than one occasion here.

But I didn't expect to hear all this nonsense...and I understand, JR,your point. Just as someone might take personal a racial slur or anything else that one may deem "personal".

The point is I just asked a damn question.

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