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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike/Bauer ONE95/ONE75 Skates

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The point is I just asked a damn question.

Just becasue you got an answer you didn't like in a format you didn't was no reason to drag this out to almost three pages.

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Can we all agree that -

A ) The fact that his skate has a big gash in it is unfortunate.

B ) Yes, it sucks but it's part of the game.

C ) He does indeed have a reason to be slightly upset.

D ) He definitely shouldn't lose sleep over it.

E ) SRI is an insensitive prick (;)).

F ) Let's move on.

Thank you.

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Is this something that others using the One95 have seen? Is this something to worry about? Should I be giving NBH a call on this? This will surely keep me up tonight.

looks like a usual cut except that it's quite deep - sorry dude:(

strange though it went so deep - maybe it's a side effect of Alive material that it's rigid to hits but prone to cuts?

my 1500c had many cases when it was stepped over & got scratched - but nothing as bad as this one :(

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Because it isn't a manufacturing defect, THAT'S WHY. It is an inherent reality of our sport that something like this CAN and WILL happen.

I think he was just asking the board if this was a DESIGN defect. I am sure that everyone is aware (including the skate designers) that skates "CAN and WILL " get stepped on. As a result, that should be a design consideration when choosing materials in the design stage.

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Back on topic. Normal wear and tear. It happens.

but why is it so deep?

I'm with Jordan on this one - could it be an oversight on Baure's part & the material is indeed prone to cuts & rips?

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Sharp skates.

I've seen skates with gouges down to the 3rd layer. It's NOT metal. If it bothers you that much, fill it with fibreglass resin or clear protectoe.

You guys are honestly making mountains out of molehills.

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Sharp skates.

I've seen skates with gouges down to the 3rd layer. It's NOT metal. If it bothers you that much, fill it with fibreglass resin or clear protectoe.

You guys are honestly making mountains out of molehills.

Not me....

That's why I asked you...to get your professional opinion.

Last night filled it with protectoe clear. Looks like a couple of coats should do the trick.

Thanks for the help.

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Sharp skates.

I've seen skates with gouges down to the 3rd layer. It's NOT metal. If it bothers you that much, fill it with fibreglass resin or clear protectoe.

You guys are honestly making mountains out of molehills.

Not me....

That's why I asked you...to get your professional opinion.

Last night filled it with protectoe clear. Looks like a couple of coats should do the trick.

Thanks for the help.

Nah, it's the peanut gallery chiming in...by "you" I meant all ONE95 owners.

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Haven't seen this question yet (though I could easily have missed it): Is the One95 going to be available in Junior sizes also ??

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Has anyone out there tried on the One95 and NOT liked them? Not asking if they didn't fit, but if you tried them on and just thought the skates weren't worth it. Thanks.

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I have a question.

I am currently in the S15, I like the skates and fit a lot and I would like to know if the One95 is similar in fit to the S15 and if they wrap around the foot better then the S15.

The only problem I have with the s15 is that unless I tie them super tight they don't feel as snug as I'd like them to.

Also is the One95 a higher cut boot then the One90 s ?

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Haven't seen this question yet (though I could easily have missed it): Is the One95 going to be available in Junior sizes also ??

Yes- Jr sizes 1-5.5

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I have a question.

I am currently in the S15, I like the skates and fit a lot and I would like to know if the One95 is similar in fit to the S15 and if they wrap around the foot better then the S15.

The only problem I have with the s15 is that unless I tie them super tight they don't feel as snug as I'd like them to.

Also is the One95 a higher cut boot then the One90 s ?

I fit into the same size on both skates, 9.5 but that dosent mean that you will. I was origanly told that I would fit into a 9. As for width and depth I would say that they are very similar although I feel the heel in the 0ne95 is wider. I was told that the One95 when baked will expand to fit a size E foot but will also close to fit a narrower foot as well. I think the depth is the same on both skates as well. This is just from my personal experience. It is from feel a big improvement from the One90. Hope this helps.

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I had a chance to check both the 95 and the 75s out today. I think that durability is going to be an issue with the 95s. The outer skin looks to be very vulnerable to cuts like the one posted here. I think the 75 is a nice package at a better price with a more durable shell. I think the 75s and the XXXX will take more abuse from skate blades. Can you get custom 75s, they do not make a C width I need in the 75s. Also I would be happier with the clarion used on the 95s. When you go to C width does the depth stay the same or will the boot be more shallow?

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I finally got a chance to check them out today. They fit really well except for some pain in the navicular bone area. Just for fun, I asked the kid if they could be punched and he said no, they couldn't. But, I remember JR saying they could so I wasn't too concerned about it. I just wonder how much punching they could take - a little or a lot?

Also, I wonder if baking would take care of the problem altogether so I wouldn't have to punch them. It wasn't a bad hot spot...just a little tightness and rubbing but I can see it rubbing the skin off if left that way.


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