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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2008 NYR Thread

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He will be but i wish he wouldn't have played for 2 other teams....

It would have been nice to retire him as a only ranger

I agree. I flipped out when the Shirts traded him, but the next day when I calmed down, I realized that they traded him because they knew he deserved a chance to win another cup, and the Rangers couldn't do that for him.

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He will be but i wish he wouldn't have played for 2 other teams....

It would have been nice to retire him as a only ranger

I agree. I flipped out when the Shirts traded him, but the next day when I calmed down, I realized that they traded him because they knew he deserved a chance to win another cup, and the Rangers couldn't do that for him.

I was the sameway...maybe thought he was going to be a rent a player and come back though

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He could have came after after his Bruins stint, but he wanted nothing to do w/ Glen anymore and he probably felt and knew he was done anyways

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Its a real shame that the game isn't nationally televised. Leetch was one of the greatest Americans to ever play the game, and every American hockey fan should be watching. The thing that pisses me off most about the lockout was not being able to see him for an entire season.

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Its a real shame that the game isn't nationally televised. Leetch was one of the greatest Americans to ever play the game, and every American hockey fan should be watching. The thing that pisses me off most about the lockout was not being able to see him for an entire season.

It is absolutly a shame...

Tie Domi and Darren Langdon presented him with a motorcycle....

Did anyone else see it????????

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Its a real shame that the game isn't nationally televised. Leetch was one of the greatest Americans to ever play the game, and every American hockey fan should be watching. The thing that pisses me off most about the lockout was not being able to see him for an entire season.

I said back then with you as a TO fan that unfortunately he really hurt his ankle that season and as he was working his way back asshole Holik hit the same spot with a shot in practice. He still played well, but could have been much better during the Twilight years, but he lost two steps due to that ankle injury.

Hopefully Youtube has most of the clips tomorrow. Was quite the event. Surprised everyone by announcing Graves is next to go up!

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Hopefully Youtube has most of the clips tomorrow. Was quite the event. Surprised everyone by announcing Graves is next to go up!

Can't wait to see that

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Wow, congrats Adam Graves. Very deserving of it.

Theo, if he would have come back, he would have been accepted with open arms, but he tried to prove a point to the fans, and open their eyes to the shitty ownership/management. Like we hadn't known.

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On a totally seperate note...

Gomez, who has always been a TPS XN 10 guy, was using an S17 on the Shirt's first power play tonight. Let's see if he sticks with it, no pun intended.

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tonight they are playing well but Hedberg is playing better...it will definitly be an interesting 3rd, on forever a ranger, brian leetch night

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On a totally seperate note...

Gomez, who has always been a TPS XN 10 guy, was using an S17 on the Shirt's first power play tonight. Let's see if he sticks with it, no pun intended.

I'll be calling the Devils tomorrow to get whatever stockpile of XN10s they have.

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The sad part about Leetch's Rangers career is that in over half of his career the Rangers did not make the playoffs. His statistics and legacy could be, should be even greater. It just didn't happen. This is what makes 1994 all the more special because that did happen.

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The sad part about Leetch's Rangers career is that in over half of his career the Rangers did not make the playoffs. His statistics and legacy could be, should be even greater. It just didn't happen. This is what makes 1994 all the more special because that did happen.

True...Didn't help that they surrounded him with pooh during the past 6+ years of his years here, especially in terms of defensive partners/ defensemen.

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I was at the game and it was amazing. The Place was Crazy, i loved every minute. When he said we have a surprise the whole place was silant, and everyone was throwing out guesses. When he said Gravey was getting retired the Place went nucking futz. The game was awsome too, that goal by rosival was nice.

Sick Sick Sick, was the second best game I've ever been to. 1st was 94 eastern confrence finals game 7 (first game ever)


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I have no clue why the Rangers don't just trade Montoya.

It doesn't look like he's going to do much, if anything with the Rangers.

And with the way it's going for Lundqvist, even if he becomes a stellar goalie, he'd only be getting half the playing time, if that.

They already have a solid backup with Valiquette (who happens to be a personal friend of mine.)

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Don't know if this is the right place for this, and if its not please disregard this.

I've got 4 club level tickets for tomorrow nights (2/5) Rangers vs. Kings game that I won't be able to use. PM me if you're interested.

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A buddy of mine emailed this to me earlier, he found it on the NY Daily News NYR Blog

Line rushes? Check. Breakout drill? Check. Backchecking work? Check.

Fight between Sean Avery and Marek Malik. Check?!?

Sure enough, there the gangly defenseman and mouthy forward were 40 minutes into today’s MSG Training Center practice, gloves shed and fists balled. Nobody got hurt - fact is, using his far superior reach, Malik won on points what turned into a Greco-Roman wrestling match.

But that a fight broke out at all in a non-training camp Rangers practice was stunning. It was believed to be the first since Jeff Beukeboom and Eddie Olczyk duked it out at Rye Playland during the ‘94 season. An omen?

Here’s how things shook out:

Avery was driving down the right wing with the puck in a one-on-one drill when he lost his stick trying to cut in on Malik. The big defenseman rode the stickless and hunched-over winger to the backboards, where he administered an extra hit.

Avery immediately took exception and the two dropped their gloves in what was not a half-hearted bout. Rangers coach Tom Renney was on the scene and made no attempt to either get in between or order that any other players should. So nobody did for 15 or 20 seconds until Malik was on top of Avery.

When they were peeled apart, Avery delivered the most cutting blow, yelling at Malik: “What are you - a bleeping tough guy? Why don’t you play like that in a game?”

Renney skated over to Malik and said, “Good job, big guy.”

Of course, the Rangers (and many Rangers fans) would love it if Malik played a more robust game against opposing teams.

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A buddy of mine emailed this to me earlier, he found it on the NY Daily News NYR Blog

Line rushes? Check. Breakout drill? Check. Backchecking work? Check.

Fight between Sean Avery and Marek Malik. Check?!?

Sure enough, there the gangly defenseman and mouthy forward were 40 minutes into today’s MSG Training Center practice, gloves shed and fists balled. Nobody got hurt - fact is, using his far superior reach, Malik won on points what turned into a Greco-Roman wrestling match.

But that a fight broke out at all in a non-training camp Rangers practice was stunning. It was believed to be the first since Jeff Beukeboom and Eddie Olczyk duked it out at Rye Playland during the ‘94 season. An omen?

Here’s how things shook out:

Avery was driving down the right wing with the puck in a one-on-one drill when he lost his stick trying to cut in on Malik. The big defenseman rode the stickless and hunched-over winger to the backboards, where he administered an extra hit.

Avery immediately took exception and the two dropped their gloves in what was not a half-hearted bout. Rangers coach Tom Renney was on the scene and made no attempt to either get in between or order that any other players should. So nobody did for 15 or 20 seconds until Malik was on top of Avery.

When they were peeled apart, Avery delivered the most cutting blow, yelling at Malik: “What are you - a bleeping tough guy? Why don’t you play like that in a game?”

Renney skated over to Malik and said, “Good job, big guy.”

Of course, the Rangers (and many Rangers fans) would love it if Malik played a more robust game against opposing teams.

...and this signals pretty much the point where Avery turns into the cancer in the locker room. Not that he isn't already, but now it's pretty obvious where he's going. He also did not talk to the media after the game last night and then today after the fight. Malik did.

I love how Renney puts the spin on it. I know boys will be boys, blah, blah, blah, but you don't want that $hit in your locker room. You don't want people getting so frustrated with each other and the team that they start beating each other up. Beat the other team up, not each other. Exit the Spin Zone, Tom-o, your team is in trouble.

And please save all the "But we're only 3 points outta this place, and 5 outta first overall" and what have you. I will immediately remind you that Playoff berths can and will come down to the wire, and it's much better to have more points than less points. And right now, we're on the less points side of things.

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A buddy of mine emailed this to me earlier, he found it on the NY Daily News NYR Blog

Line rushes? Check. Breakout drill? Check. Backchecking work? Check.

Fight between Sean Avery and Marek Malik. Check?!?

Sure enough, there the gangly defenseman and mouthy forward were 40 minutes into today’s MSG Training Center practice, gloves shed and fists balled. Nobody got hurt - fact is, using his far superior reach, Malik won on points what turned into a Greco-Roman wrestling match.

But that a fight broke out at all in a non-training camp Rangers practice was stunning. It was believed to be the first since Jeff Beukeboom and Eddie Olczyk duked it out at Rye Playland during the ‘94 season. An omen?

Here’s how things shook out:

Avery was driving down the right wing with the puck in a one-on-one drill when he lost his stick trying to cut in on Malik. The big defenseman rode the stickless and hunched-over winger to the backboards, where he administered an extra hit.

Avery immediately took exception and the two dropped their gloves in what was not a half-hearted bout. Rangers coach Tom Renney was on the scene and made no attempt to either get in between or order that any other players should. So nobody did for 15 or 20 seconds until Malik was on top of Avery.

When they were peeled apart, Avery delivered the most cutting blow, yelling at Malik: “What are you - a bleeping tough guy? Why don’t you play like that in a game?”

Renney skated over to Malik and said, “Good job, big guy.”

Of course, the Rangers (and many Rangers fans) would love it if Malik played a more robust game against opposing teams.

...and this signals pretty much the point where Avery turns into the cancer in the locker room. Not that he isn't already, but now it's pretty obvious where he's going. He also did not talk to the media after the game last night and then today after the fight. Malik did.

I love how Renney puts the spin on it. I know boys will be boys, blah, blah, blah, but you don't want that $hit in your locker room. You don't want people getting so frustrated with each other and the team that they start beating each other up. Beat the other team up, not each other. Exit the Spin Zone, Tom-o, your team is in trouble.

And please save all the "But we're only 3 points outta this place, and 5 outta first overall" and what have you. I will immediately remind you that Playoff berths can and will come down to the wire, and it's much better to have more points than less points. And right now, we're on the less points side of things.

Maybe Malik is the cancer:

Being that he,

-Walked out on the team 2 months ago

-Failed to shake Renney's hand a few weeks back (And a lot of the team called him on that BS as well)

-And this latest incident

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Oh, we know about Malik, I'm just suggesting that Avery is joining the list. He didn't talk to the media two days in a row. He's pissy about something.

In latest news: NEW YORK POST: Larry Brooks reports the Rangers obligation this summer will be to find a first line winger for Scott Gomez, and thus it might be time to evaluate Jaromir Jagr's value on this year's trade market, where teams like the Dallas Stars, Detroit Red Wings, and Phoenix Coyotes might have interest in him.

Bye bye Jags. Thanks for coming. This was so obvious when they dealt his buddy Nylander and brought two new, North American guys in. I don't think the Rangers had any intention of a long-term deal with Jags after last season.

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