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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2008 NYR Thread

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No Jagr and and it would have been 10 years without seeing or sniffing the playoffs.

Pay/sign Henrik or the Rangers have no chance in hell of ever winning anything, division, conference, Cup or get to the playoffs. The Flyers would have thrown the offer sheet at him and then what is your plan? BTW, the most over-rated player in the NHL is the FIRST ROUND DRAFT PICK that hasn't been drafted.

This is the most sensible comment that has been made in this thread for a long time.

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96- I thought about it already and it is not worth my time to defend him anymore since you never gave him credit to begin with. Funny that you wouldn't give Jagr any credit the two years when he did well here and led us to the playoffs and now when things look bad you blame everything on him? Can't have it both ways, hypocritical asshat.

Montoya, Kosy, was supposed to be great. But he is regressing on the farm. Some say he needs more of a challenge and has gotten bored. But on Lundy, we see what he can do and while his lack of consistency does not warrent the most expensive goalie contract, most figured his fair value to be 6M. I am not going to go crazy over an additional 700K, despite the cap NHL. I think he has it in him. When he is on, he can be the best.

The real problem going forward for the Rangers is that they do not have the funds now for a legit superstar. Gomez is a star-lite, but not top tier. But you know what? Time to develop them from within as well. We see how well the alternative has worked. Staal will be a stud on the backline as well as Sanguiette, so we have to hope for Cherepanov to be that huge offensive threat. Dubinsky has a high ceiling, but he will be star-lite as well. Although with Malik, Jagr, STraka, Jagr, etc gone next year, we will have quite a bit of $$ off the books. Do the Rangers sign a grandslam deal with Rozy (who could score 25 goals a year on the back end) or go for a Campbell, which would cost more? Perhaps neither

See Theo, if you had taken the time to read my comment before you insulted me (a la Mack), you would have noticed that I never gave Jagr any credit because I never liked him, 3 years ago or now. So therefore, I am not a hypocrite - my opinion never changed.

Apparently your reading is not up to standards.

Because I wrote:

Funny that you wouldn't give Jagr any credit the two years when he did well here

I have established that you never gave him credit, even when the team did well. But that doesn't mean it is not hypocritical to then place all the blame on him when the team is doing bad. It is a double standard

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Pay/sign Henrik or the Rangers have no chance in hell of ever winning anything, division, conference, Cup or get to the playoffs. The Flyers would have thrown the offer sheet at him and then what is your plan? BTW, the most over-rated player in the NHL is the FIRST ROUND DRAFT PICK that hasn't been drafted.

I don't disagree that a first round pick is overrated, but I don't think you can say the same about four first round picks. The name of the game of the game in the new NHL is drafting, youth, and prospects. Would it really hurt to have an extra pick (which odds are, would be a pretty good pick) in the Stamkos lottery? Tavares? Obviously this whole plan doesn't work because they can't trust Montoya to be the #1 within a year or two. But if they could, and get a decent filler goalie on the UFA market for 1-2 years, it'd be smart. Handcuffing yourself with a long contract for the highest paid goalie in the league (who frankly shouldn't be the highest paid), isn't always the best move.

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It depends on the situation. If Lundvist is signed by the Wings, who need a goalie, then the first rounders aren't much to think about. If he goes somewhere that is struggling, and will likely struggle for a little longer, but wants to make an impact, it might be worth considering.

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Pay/sign Henrik or the Rangers have no chance in hell of ever winning anything, division, conference, Cup or get to the playoffs. The Flyers would have thrown the offer sheet at him and then what is your plan? BTW, the most over-rated player in the NHL is the FIRST ROUND DRAFT PICK that hasn't been drafted.

I don't disagree that a first round pick is overrated, but I don't think you can say the same about four first round picks. The name of the game of the game in the new NHL is drafting, youth, and prospects. Would it really hurt to have an extra pick (which odds are, would be a pretty good pick) in the Stamkos lottery? Tavares? Obviously this whole plan doesn't work because they can't trust Montoya to be the #1 within a year or two. But if they could, and get a decent filler goalie on the UFA market for 1-2 years, it'd be smart. Handcuffing yourself with a long contract for the highest paid goalie in the league (who frankly shouldn't be the highest paid), isn't always the best move.

Still though, having a fair value of probably 6.0, overpaying by 750K is not the biggest crime.

The guy can be the best and has been for stretches, especially early in the season (when talking this year). It scares me to think how good he will be with legit first pairing defensemen along with a subtraction of a misfit defensemen. He has had very little to work with in that regard.

It shouldn't even have anything to do with Montoya (aside from insurance in case Lundqvist gets injured). It is all about getting your franchise (goalie and player) locked up and giving him a tad above what he is worth

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I love reading about the up and coming draft eligible players every year. It makes for great intrigue trying to see who is worth the hype and who isn't. There are two kinds of players at draft day: prospects and suspects. The hard part is being really sure which is which. For every Crosby and Ov, can't miss no-brainer 1st round pick, there is the Alex Daigle and Pavel Brendl 1st round dog. Hockey is still the leading sport where the 18 year old drafted player can go to the NHL and be expected to make it right away. I am impressed with Kane and Toews in Chicago. They are something to build a future around. With 30 teams drafting all around you, though, the talent pool gets real thin real fast. We'll have to wait and see what Brian Burke does with his Oiler windfall of first rounders in the Penner signing.

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Hey 96...You're like these Montreal media schmucks. Although this is new to them, it has been under your nose for 3 years. Yet you still don't give credit

It’s 1:15 p.m. and I believe Jaromir Jagr just finished answering the last question from Montreal reporters who were delighted with the opportunity to enter the Rangers’ captain’s mind — after many marvelled at how he spent an extra 30 minutes on the ice after the morning skate working on his shooting with assistant coach Perry Pearn.

When told that that is not unusual for Jagr — that he, in fact, often returns to the Rangers’ practice facility in the afternoon for a second session on non-game days — some were stunned

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Wow...you boys are puttin' the damn Smack Down on the Habs so far!

But...I recall a 3-0 lead that blew up a few weeks ago.

Go Habs Go!

[EDIT] *sigh!* YIKES!!!!! Sitler's 10 point game may be in jeopardy if this keeps up. Jagr is in on all 5 so far.

[EDIT 2]: Sorry, 4 of 5.

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Disregard any posts after this until Drewhunz responds because his system is unbeatable.

As for carriers, USPS is generally the cheapest, assuming of course you live in the US.

Wow, you better hope Montreal wins or you should check the Habs fan post in the morning. Go Habs Go (Joke)


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Hey 96...You're like these Montreal media schmucks. Although this is new to them, it has been under your nose for 3 years. Yet you still don't give credit

It’s 1:15 p.m. and I believe Jaromir Jagr just finished answering the last question from Montreal reporters who were delighted with the opportunity to enter the Rangers’ captain’s mind — after many marvelled at how he spent an extra 30 minutes on the ice after the morning skate working on his shooting with assistant coach Perry Pearn.

When told that that is not unusual for Jagr — that he, in fact, often returns to the Rangers’ practice facility in the afternoon for a second session on non-game days — some were stunned

I see all that extra shooting did well for him, huh Theo?

Are you F-ing kidding me? Renney couldn't coach them from a 5-0 lead to win the stupid game? The players just gave up. Mr. Captain blows the opportunity to tie the shootout for his team?

I'm really embarrassed to be a Ranger fan right now. Really embarrassed. The rest of the season has given me plenty of opportunities to be embarrassed, but this takes the cake.

I'm not even mad at Malik for taking that penalty because it was so obvious what was going to happen. Once the comeback started happening, it was almost scripted that Montreal would get a PP to tie to the game.

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Was a disgrace. We owned them for 2/3rd of the game and gave up after that. Looked great for the first half+. But that doesn't cut it. Big test for Renney because this can be a complete team breaker or we can use it like the Giants did when they were embarassed 41-17 early this season.

Lundqvist is much to blame, don't mention the shootout because it shouldn't have gotten there. It was a team collapse, but 5-0, your goalie has to make some big saves

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If crap like this doesn't happen to the Rangers every season, what's the point of being a Rangers fan? This is totally been there, done that. Bring back Larry Popein, Ron Stewart, Jean Guy Talbot, Ted Sator, Michel Bergeron, and Phil Esposito to coach the team. See what I mean?

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Lunqvist should've been pulled after the 3rd goal. Did the Rags call a time-out at any point in the game? I would've after the 3rd goal, to get everyone back and settle the crowd down. You guys need Kubina :)

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That was to make it 5-2, correct? I don't think I would've done it there, but it's nice to know he was thinking and say the collapse happening.

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That was to make it 5-2, correct? I don't think I would've done it there, but it's nice to know he was thinking and say the collapse happening.

It seemed like a good idea at the time, it just didn't work out.

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I think that after goal number 3 or 4, Renney should have yanked Henrik. Not because of his play, (although he did let up just as much as his teammates) but because it would have sent a signal to his team that the game hadn't been won yet.

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If crap like this doesn't happen to the Rangers every season, what's the point of being a Rangers fan? This is totally been there, done that. Bring back Larry Popein, Ron Stewart, Jean Guy Talbot, Ted Sator, Michel Bergeron, and Phil Esposito to coach the team. See what I mean?

That's where you're wrong, the Rangers have never given up a 5 goal lead and the Habs have never scored that many to come back. This was not something that has happened to the Rangers before, and amazingly enough, this terrible collapse was something new altogether.

I think it's safe to say the collapse was a team effort. The players weren't skating, the goalie wasn't making saves, and the coach wasn't coaching. It would take all 3 of those things for a collapse like that to happen, and it did.

I agree with you, Theo. A loss like that either gets the boys goin, or they sink deeper because they're all hating and blaming each other.

And if they get Bobby Holik to come back and play just because they think it will help Jagr, I couldn't think of a better example of selling yourself out and cow-tailing to one guy's needs.

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The players looked scared. After that second goal it seemed like they would be in trouble and were just holding on. Once that 3rd goal went in they were in alot of trouble. I'm a little surprised they even got a point, they looked extremely fragile last night.

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The Habs were faster, smarter and way more tenacious. They aren't really bigger than the Rangers but were winning all the races to the puck and then all the battles. They used the ice way more effectively. Each goal got the reaction from the Rangers like they just needed to play the clock out and they could steal a win. That's not a winning attitude - Looking like you're happy with a steal when you had the chance to dominate.

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If crap like this doesn't happen to the Rangers every season, what's the point of being a Rangers fan? This is totally been there, done that. Bring back Larry Popein, Ron Stewart, Jean Guy Talbot, Ted Sator, Michel Bergeron, and Phil Esposito to coach the team. See what I mean?

That's where you're wrong, the Rangers have never given up a 5 goal lead and the Habs have never scored that many to come back. This was not something that has happened to the Rangers before, and amazingly enough, this terrible collapse was something new altogether.

I think it's safe to say the collapse was a team effort. The players weren't skating, the goalie wasn't making saves, and the coach wasn't coaching. It would take all 3 of those things for a collapse like that to happen, and it did.

I agree with you, Theo. A loss like that either gets the boys goin, or they sink deeper because they're all hating and blaming each other.

And if they get Bobby Holik to come back and play just because they think it will help Jagr, I couldn't think of a better example of selling yourself out and cow-tailing to one guy's needs.

I know the history of the Rangers. I know they have never blown a five goal lead before. My point, since you missed it, was that I have seen more crap like that happen to the Rangers where they screwed up royally, where they lost games they easily should have won, and where what once seemed so easy suddenly, suddenly became so difficult. I have seen the Rangers screw up more times than you can imagine nine-six. I have seen Bobby Orr pull the spinner-rama around Bruce MacGregor to score on a slapshot from the point in the CUP FINALS. I have seen Lou Angotti win the draw against Walt Tkaczuk to put the puck on Bobby Hull's stick for a one-timer slapshot past Eddie Giacomin in the 71 playoffs to end it. I have seen this team disgrace Eddie Giacomin by sending him to Detroit. I have seen them blow the series to the Islanders in the 80s when all Larry Patey had to do was tie up the puck in the corner instead of letting Ken Morrow let go another series winning slapshot from the point. I have seen Phil Esposito push the panic button and fire his head coach Michel Bergeron with 2 games to go in the regular season and put himself behind the bench. The Rangers will always make it difficult. I am surprised you haven't figured that part out yet. You seem to have the answer for everything else.

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