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Bleeding Blue Note

2007/2008 EPL Season Starts

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  flaming_june said:

abs wonderful goal by messi this weekend

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sounds like a broken record. this has been the case for the past couple months, and hopefully for the next while. he's one of the most exciting players to watch.

  bubber27 said:

What kills me is that a front line of Torres, Voronin and Kuyt would DESTROY every single game. And Rafa continues to rotate them. Is he trying to save them for later in the year, when they're 14 points out?

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would they all gel? who's to say Babel wouldn't be a better option off the wing? i could never see Rafa trying out a 3-4-3 or 4-3-3 but i would love to see it. i think they could pull it off. Gerrard and Mascherano alone could hold down the midfield. :)

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so you want 3 strikers up front? or 1 striker and 2 amc's that spreads left and right?

voronin isn't world class palyer like torres and kuyt. couch isn't the greatest either. couch's great jumper though.

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I think we all agree rafa has issues. if anyone, torres and kuyt should play every game up top. both are proven scorers. add babel and voronin to the mix as subs, or a third attacker, and 'pool would have one of the best strike forces in europe. IME rotation hurts a team, especially in the beggining of a new season, with new players that need to gel.

If he really must rotate, why not play a different team in the fa/carling cup? that way everyone gets experience, gets to gel, and gets to play. and we all know rafa is not after one of those cups this year...

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I have been a liverpool fan for years. Although I am not a big fan of Rafa's rotation policy it's necessary. Rotation has never been so much more necessary especially in the premier league where the pace of the game is so much more faster and physical compared to most leagues. And for the top four teams travel is alot harder as well.

I agree that some players (ie. Torres, Gerrard, Alonso, Reina) shouldn't be rotated but Babel is not off to a great start, and I am not sure why everyone here is high on him but Kuyt gets SO MANY CHANCES and converts about 1/3 of them. If he nailed 1/2 his chances he would have just as many goals as Torres right now. To his credit he works hard and pressures the opposing teams' backs into playing the ball right away.

Personally I don't think Liverpool will win the cup this year (Man U will take it again :@) as we're not deep in our own back end (Hypia is past his prime)but I expect us to do good in the cup and Champions League.

Now if Man U allowed Heinze to join us...

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i don't think kuyt and torres should be the go to guys. up front best be couch and torres. you need someone to win headers up front. torres has pace, couch can win jumpers and can finish as well. this is english football, long balls and counters. i dont think torres is suited for that yet.

but i do like rafa's mindset of making sure the players are rested and in good health at the end of the season, during cups.

who cares anyway, liverpool can go get relagated. Go arsenal!

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Wow, Captain England starts it off, and Super Cesc just adds to his claim of best player in EPL this year.

What a great game from start to finish. Now gotta look forward to ManU Arsenal at Emirates next week!

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Cesc has done real well this year.

I believe that Rafa is trying to ensure that he has the players to last the whole year. With all the competitions, it does drain the players if they dont get rested. Didnt see the game yesterday, but I heard that Liverpool and Arsenal both deserved to share the points.

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All hail the Gunners. Some Manure fans want to explain why when a call does not go there way Ferdinads gets to berrate a ref like that?

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  flaming_june said:

i cannot believe nobody has the arsenal man utd game tomorrow. sportsnet is showing newcastle v portsmouth instead.

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I think because Setanta and The Score went and paid the huge rights for broadcasting the Premiership, that Sportsnet got left out in the dark and had first dibs on only the 1000am Saturday game only, nothing else. And Pompey spanked the crap out of Newcastle.

I love the resiliency the Gunners showed on Saturday, scoring on the other side of the break, then the stoppage time goal. The kids have what it takes to compete for the title!

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yeah i ended up watching it on setanta at friends sat TV. I'm bitterly disappointed that we didn't pull of a win at home. it'd interesting to see when lehmann and gilberto silva will start. i wonder how long eboue will play MR before wenger gets a bona fide winger.

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Forrest is sitting #2 in the table but with no separation from the pack....they were horrid in the playoffs last season. Agogo is tearing it up again and Commons is showing he can do more than score opportunistic goals....they might have a chance to move up but the Jan transfer window will determine that more than their current run of form.

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I feel like singing, a wee scottish song

Well it's a grand old team to play for

And it's a grand old team to saaaaaaay

That if, you know, your his-toryyyy

It's enough to make your heart go wooo-oohhhh-ohhh-ohhhhh

We don't care what the animals say

What, the hell do we care..

For we always know

That there's gonna be a show

And the Glasgow Celtic will be there.


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  daca said:

sounds like a personal problem.

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Probably. Can you blame me? "I'll never leave Arsenal." Blah blah blah.

"Oh wait, I said I'd only leave Arsenal for Barca!"

Oh well...we have "the best player in the EPL" in Van Persie. I can't believe how many people (both from Arsenal and not) actually believe that. The man's amazing, but he's no Drogba or (insert name from Liverpool).

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Yeah, I thought that was pretty ridiculous too. I think the funniest part is him saying all that, then saying "uhh...I regret saying I wanted to leave Chelsea". Hahahaha.

Oh well, I guess I'll just go back to hoping Theo Walcott grows up to be something ridiculous.

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  ScottMan said:
  daca said:

sounds like a personal problem.

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Probably. Can you blame me? "I'll never leave Arsenal." Blah blah blah.

"Oh wait, I said I'd only leave Arsenal for Barca!"

Oh well...we have "the best player in the EPL" in Van Persie. I can't believe how many people (both from Arsenal and not) actually believe that. The man's amazing, but he's no Drogba or (insert name from Liverpool).

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it's football. look at the situation at Spurs with Berbatov. you have to take what pro footballers say to the media with a grain of salt. Arsenal is doing just fine without him, even though i am a Barça fan.

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No, I know, I agree with you, man. I was speaking tongue in cheek, of course. I'm glad Henry is happy where he is, and if I had a chance to go to Barca I would too! Haha.

Check your PMs, btw.

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