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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Chrome SyNergy

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I think that this whole new sitck crap is out of control now. I mean that why is Easton hockey trying to make a stick lighter than the stealth when the stealth isn't even out yet, that destroyes all hype about the stealth. Now if companies are now going to try making sticks lighter than the XN10 thats retarded. I had an XN10 and my broke 3 months to the day i got it.(thats when I was playing 4-5 times a week.)

My best friend went trough 4 XN10 in one month and traded it in to get a responce plus.(that has now lasted 2 months)

What im trying to say is when are sticks going to be too light?

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dammit i hate this i've wanted the stealth for like 5 months now an di have been waiting and saving and now there is a new synergy?? now i want that man i am soo greedy :D but i reallly want both sticks now..but considering the fact the stealth has been talked about for soooo long and i just heard about this i assume it won't be out til' like next september so that will be good.

save your milk money for lunch time

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The companies are constantly tring to improve on their designs which is a good thing. That's one of the reasons to keep coming out with new sticks. The other reason is to make money. Easton's game plan is simple, release a cool looking stick to several stars in the NHL and release promotional info on the stick to build hype, wait 3 to 8 months to release it, release in small quantities before mass release. This has to build tons of sales just from the people that have to have the latest and greatest. Now that the Stealth is close to release, they will ride it's sales for a bit and then it's time to do it all over again with a newer stick. It's smart marketing.

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My guess is that it is going to be below the Stealth. Stealth shaft and construction but with a regular SyNergy blade.

So kind of reverse of the Response + with the XN10. Would this combination be very blade heavy?

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It takes enough time to create a new product that they're always working on the next big thing. I'd bet TPS is already working on the successor to the XN10 for 2005.

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the stealth is already 5 grams lighter than the xn10, right? So why dont they just say its lighter than the stealth? Im always in it for a ghimick, so I will be lined up for these.

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Speaking of the stealth, I just talked to somebody from my LHS, and they said the stealth is going to be 225, and they probably arent going to stock them... 225?! I thought they were suppose to be 200 and down

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I thought the xn10 was 400 grams. But didnt Easton originaly say that it was lighter than the xn10, something like 390 grams, I thought I remembered a 5 gram difference

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They put the Stealth weight which I believe was the quoted XN10 weight, along with the marked Synergy weights against actual weighings from the competitors. I believe they had the XN10 weighed in at 420. I am curious as to whether the Synergy will be put as a price-point stick or just discontinued it. I know I haven't seen a new Response in the area since the + and Xn10 came out. Even Response Rubbers are getting scarce.

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Still waiting for some info from our local MSH easton contacts. They tend to drop info, it seems, right before things come out but never when we find something out about a new product in the works! Hummm...

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I am curious as to whether the Synergy will be put as a price-point stick or just discontinued it.

I bet that easton will get rid of the regular Synergy.

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Still waiting for some info from our local MSH easton contacts. They tend to drop info, it seems, right before things come out but never when we find something out about a new product in the works! Hummm...

I doubt he will be able to comment on the record about unannounced products like this.

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Never saw them on TV.

there same colour as the silver synergy just shinier

Earlier you said it was as shiny as a Gretz aluminum, that would stand out on TV.

Yeah, I'm picturing a Poti looking synergy.

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