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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stealth S17

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Jr, or some1 else who has seen it. Can you tell us whether they are going to be make different versions like the stealth skate? sk15, sk11 etc. I wouldn't think so, was just wondering. I have high expectations since they haven't really come out with a new top of the line stick in several years.

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i'm really curious to see this stick, and hear about this new technology. Is this stick going to be the next hit?

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I just found this on yahoo. Posted by zapcity29 "Easton's next stick (will be called the S17, I believe) has an oval geometry in the throat (connection area between blade and shaft)." Here. To me sounds a little like that old Focus Flex blade, but on a OPS (I believe that was the name). Maybe not, just a random guess.

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Not that I know of.

There's a new SyNergy - SC6, replacing the 300/350.

hmm... JR, do you know anything about a Stick called synergy 500? I assume it's a europe stick only cause i havent seen it on any US/CAN website..

It has the same paintjob as the Synergy SE but the graphics are grey/black instead of red or blue..

It's price is between Synergy 350 and Synergy st (closer to the st).


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So it won't feel so incredibly light? The Stealth+Response Lite are waaaay too blade light for my tastes. Fuel is pretty much perfect as far as balance goes, and the V-Hex is really good too.

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So it won't feel so incredibly light? The Stealth+Response Lite are waaaay too blade light for my tastes. Fuel is pretty much perfect as far as balance goes, and the V-Hex is really good too.

The R-lite is more blade heavy than the XN10 stuff thanks to the full length comp and lack of a wood plug. The balance is fairly good but still very slightly blade heavy to me. Not enough to complain about but enough to be noticed.

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So it won't feel so incredibly light? The Stealth+Response Lite are waaaay too blade light for my tastes. Fuel is pretty much perfect as far as balance goes, and the V-Hex is really good too.

The R-lite is more blade heavy than the XN10 stuff thanks to the full length comp and lack of a wood plug. The balance is fairly good but still very slightly blade heavy to me. Not enough to complain about but enough to be noticed.

I guess I'm just too used to my One90, which isn't a super-light stick, so that's throwing off my feel of the Stealths and the like. Having not held a XN10 for awhile, it's hard to compare them to their newer counterparts.

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Yes, 100 flex, non-grip. The 100 flex does not feel as stiff as you would expect. The sample I saw was not that stiff. This is a result of the technology which you will have to wait to see.

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Exactly - I bowed it a bit and realized that I could probably use 100.

Anyone else having a flashback to the "Things Customers Do" thread? :P

If they went back to the handle shape of the original Stealth then count me in come November.

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A lot of shops are supposedly getting flyers for the S17 in now. My friend works at a shop and wanted to run out on the sales Rep with the stick he said it was so good lol The oval concept is correct, and it goes up a good amount up the actual shaft, not just down at the fuse point. The fuse point is apparently more in the middle of the stick. It has a new "torque technology" to it that supposedly makes it bend a lot more, as JR said how he could use the 100 flex. He said there's something in the blade along the lines of the Kronik too. The first thing he said when I saw him at my game the other night was "dude, theres this stick coming out thats going to blow everyone out of the water"

edit: oh yeah, and its back to the normal shaft shape, and weighs in at 415grams

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