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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Canada-Russia Super Series Equipment Debuts

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I hope the Russian guys don't catch them with their pants down again. They almost embarrassed us big time the last series.

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P.S. His pants fell down :P

He shoulda gotten fitted at his LHS instead of ordering online.


Probably the best joke that I have ever seen on here.

Well done....well done


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Nike-branded pants...? They don't look to be anything like the old Quest line, and I don't think they're (all) shells (based on the Tavares picture).

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Looks like another advertising blitz for Nike/Bauer in this tournament. Not great advertising for the Nike pant fit in that Tavares photo in this thread though.

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I've heard of a team...(can't remember who/where) playing "strip shoot out" at the end of a practice. If you missed your shot...you had to take off a piece of gear...

Maybe Sutter let them have a little fun at the end of camp...oh, wait...probably not.

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The 8500 is a decent helmet and I guess that's the one their trying to promote and get exposure for.

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I would so raid that damn xxxx stick locker :P.The one i have seen (the demo) was very well balanced kinda like the 05 stealth.

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The 8500 is a decent helmet and I guess that's the one their trying to promote and get exposure for.

Strange - would've thought 9500 but I don't know if it is ready yet.

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where are all of these pictures coming from? the only one i've found from these is the first tavares in the MSH NHL gallery.

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