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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Canada-Russia Super Series Equipment Debuts

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The boot shape does not remind me of the traditional tacks at all.

Toe box doesn't look tall enough, and the ankle support doesn't look as large as the Tacks used to.

And no lace lock or that white heel wedge...

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The boot shape does not remind me of the traditional tacks at all.

Toe box doesn't look tall enough, and the ankle support doesn't look as large as the Tacks used to.

And no lace lock or that white heel wedge...

There's a reason...

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The boot shape does not remind me of the traditional tacks at all.

Toe box doesn't look tall enough, and the ankle support doesn't look as large as the Tacks used to.

And no lace lock or that white heel wedge...

There's a reason...

........because it is a completely new and different skate and NOT having any lineage to the Tacks line....????

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........because it is a completely new and different skate and NOT having any lineage to the Tacks line....????

Could this be because the RBK's are based off older CCM's? I look at my RBK's and all I see is a slightly modified Vector. A new line with a new design and a different fit wouldn't be a bad idea. It would give people two options fit wise within the brand. Make it more of a traditional looking skate and you have a real winner.

I'm just speculating, of course.

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I don't think the Vecotrs are like Rbk in terms of fit. The Rbk's are like the Tacks line in terms of depth, heel width etc etc. So CCM had two lines to offer people a fit choice with Vectors and Tacks boots.

They made such a big deal a few years back about the legacy of the Tacks brand, so to drop it seemed wierd.

Maybe they are giving Tacks a face lift and "I'm back" like Mission did with the Wicked inline range? That would be logical .....

But then again JR's ... "there's a reason" leads me to think a totally new range for CCM. Maybe something to offer the customer fit to the retail shopper, like the One90's????

I think the phrase clutching at straws applies to my post here.

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I noticed the tenon guard today when it showed an up close shot of Tavares, and I thought it actually looked vaporish. I could very well be wrong but that's just what I thought from the shot I saw (not implying it's a bauer skate just what I thought the tenon guard looked like).

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Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Better than letting an anti-adidas thread get started. There were enough hints as to the skate family anyway.

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He's a rookie. I love training camp for rookies on MSH. It is so predictable.

Welcome to MSH reddog.




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The Rbk's are like the Tacks line in terms of depth, heel width etc etc.

Actually no, they're not. In terms of depth, the RBK's fits much deeper when compared to the Tacks which has a rather shallow fit. As for the heel cup, RBK's fits wider as well as in the mid foot.

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Guess we'll agree to disagree on that one then ....

Felt the same to me when I tried on a pair of Tacks and the first 8K boots a couple of years ago. But that was the last time, so the winds of time may have distorted my memeory ... don't go getting your measuring tape out or anything.

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