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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Interesting NHL Equipment Stats

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NBH's support/service at the pro level is nuts.

Actually, one should take this into account - i.e., us "normal folk" won't be able to get custom fitted like the pro's can. Furthermore, a lot of them may not choose a particular skate based on it's performance, fit, styling, etc but which one gives them the best deal (i.e., perhaps Bauer gives away more free custom skates than Graf) sponsorship wise.

True. I don't think Graf pays anyone to wear their skates. Someone wearing Graf, truely likes the skates, not endorsement money. What pro's wear or use is not "real life", there are so many variables. Even at the Junior level, the kids succumb to so much peer pressure. I had one kid try on some skates last week and he really liked one particular model, the fit, feel, features, etc. However, he wanted to wait, er, to see what his teamates were going to buy. So, in the end, he'll cave to the peer pressure and end up with a skate he doesn't like or one that doesn't fit him right, just so he'll "fit in" with his teammates. Amazing how hockey has changed.

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According to the Aug. issue of The Hockey News (which includes a skate buyer's guide), Marian Hossa is using Mission skates...well, at least his name and picture are in an ad right above a Fuel 120 XP alongside Rafalski who's above the AG.

I read it today, just thought I'd pass it along.. :)

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Paul Martin wears mission, Anson Carter also. i want to say Anti Laaksonen maybe did at one point(??). Alyn Mccauley did too, and a boston player was the only one in the NHL I ever saw with an L-series skates. It seems like mostly sponsored guys are the only ones. I see some collegiate guys with them (on mission sponsored teams). Once in a blue moon ill see a guy who likes to try every skate out there (like geoff sanderson) wear them. Thats about it.

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Paul Martin wears mission, Anson Carter also. i want to say Anti Laaksonen maybe did at one point(??). Alyn Mccauley did too, and a boston player was the only one in the NHL I ever saw with an L-series skates. It seems like mostly sponsored guys are the only ones. I see some collegiate guys with them (on mission sponsored teams). Once in a blue moon ill see a guy who likes to try every skate out there (like geoff sanderson) wear them. Thats about it.

The Boston guy was Brad Boyes now with St.Louis.

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Ok, here are the stats for sticks / gloves / pants / helmets. Again, top 50 06-07 regular season scorers, based on Getty images from pics of most recent NHL play:


Easton / 19 / 38%

Rbk / 8 / 16%

Warrior / 8 / 16%

Nike Bauer / 7 / 14%

CCM / 4 / 8%

Sher-Wood / 3 / 6%

TPS / 1 / 2%

Total / 50 / 100%


Easton / 14 / 28%

Nike Bauer / 11 / 22%

Rbk / 10 / 20%

CCM / 4 / 8%

Mission / 4 / 8%

Warrior / 2 / 4%

TPS / 2 / 4%

Sher-Wood / 1 / 2%

MIA / 1 / 2%

Eagle / 1 / 2%

Total / 50 / 100%


Easton / 12 / 24%

Rbk / 9 / 18%

CCM / 9 / 18%

Nike Bauer / 8 / 16%

NA / 7 / 14%

Tackla / 3 / 6%

Jofa / 2 / 4%

Total / 50 / 100%


Nike Bauer / 21 / 42%

Rbk / 11 / 22%

CCM / 11 / 22%

Mission / 5 / 10%

Jofa / 1 / 2%

NA / 1 / 2%

Total / 50 / 100%

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working in retail i am shocked at the pant count. easton is such a bad fitting pant, most people are loving the vapor line in pants, and even the graf 700 series sells very well at my store.

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Stephane Who? (head scratch)

Stars defenseman. Most notable for getting knocked out by Jordin Tootoo coming to Mike Modano's defense during Modano;s 500th goal game. And SRI is right, he is a very nice guy. Him, Daley, and Ott all deserve a spot in most accomidating NHLers I've met.

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Same company, different divisions. That seems to me like adding Cadillac's sales to Chevrolet's for sales figures.

I'll buy that but then the Supreme Line should be seperated from the Vapor line, totally different skates aren't they. Once you combine the full RBK totals which is a RBK line and a Vector line, the stats are totally changed.

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Same company, different divisions. That seems to me like adding Cadillac's sales to Chevrolet's for sales figures.

I'll buy that but then the Supreme Line should be seperated from the Vapor line, totally different skates aren't they. Once you combine the full RBK totals which is a RBK line and a Vector line, the stats are totally changed.

Are you kidding me? The only one who that applies to is RBK - who has TWO subbrands. NBH used to, and now they have one brand.

Still going by the car argument, that's like separating Corvettes and Aveos.

That doesn't make any sense and you know it. And even if you go by your "argument," Vapor's still smoking your precious RBK as a brand. :rolleyes:

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Same company, different divisions. That seems to me like adding Cadillac's sales to Chevrolet's for sales figures.

I'll buy that but then the Supreme Line should be seperated from the Vapor line, totally different skates aren't they. Once you combine the full RBK totals which is a RBK line and a Vector line, the stats are totally changed.

Maybe we should seperate the tacks from the vectors

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