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Reebok 9KN Gloves

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Hi guys, has anyone have any experiences with the new reebok gloves (9KN)?

Particularly, how good the glove is. (Protection, palm)

Any insights from store owners would be helpful. Particularly how good are they compared to the 8K model.

Hockey giant has them for $48 (9K) and the 8K for $46 bucks I beleive.

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I've tried the standard 9k's on a few times - essentially the same thing as the 9kN's only no nylon. To me, they feel sort of like a "neutral" fit - not real tight, not real loose. I get the impression that they would be reasonably protective.

They seem like a real nice glove, but I'm just not sure I would ever be able to get used to the padding in the palm - I just have to think it would kill your feel for the puck. I'm thinking about jumping on a pair and having new palms put in immediately.

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lkptTiger- the last time i saw these gloves in person was at the msh fit, i jumped on a pair from hockey giant a few minutes ago because of the price, compared to a vapor you would agree with me that these are a looser fit then the vapor, but not loose like an eagle correct? im trying to remember exactly how they fit, but i remember that they felt good back in december

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Do you guys think the glove is worth the price at Hockey Giant right now and how well do the materials in the palm and overall construction compare to the 8k last year.

BTW-HG also is selling the Supreme 70,s for $46 and the 8k for $46 and the NikeBauer 4roll for 60.

Forgot the Vapor XX for $55 or 60

I have a pair of Eagle X72 and they are tighter fitting than the X70

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lkptTiger- the last time i saw these gloves in person was at the msh fit, i jumped on a pair from hockey giant a few minutes ago because of the price, compared to a vapor you would agree with me that these are a looser fit then the vapor, but not loose like an eagle correct?

I was thinking more along the lines of the NBH One90...but, then again, everything is pretty loose compared to that glove.

JR's right, though - from what I remember, the 9k does feel a bit longer than your typical 14" glove; though I wouldn't say it is necessarily that much looser.

$46 for a top-end glove is a steal. I'd say give it a whirl - if you don't like 'em, you can always put 'em up on eBay and likely make a few bucks.

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I purchased the 9KN gloves a couple months ago off Edge for $95US and don't regret the purchase. For $48US they're a steal. I find them to be light, protective and mobile. The extra padding in the palm doesn't bother me and they look almost like new after about 2 months of playing twice a week. I have 15" gloves and they do overlap with my size large V-14 elbow pads...they're a little longer in the cuff than I'd prefer, but the finger length is basically perfect so the 14" ones may have been too short in the fingers for me (not sure as I haven't been able to try on 14" versions). Now, even though they overlap with the slash guards on my elbow pads it doesn't really bother me when playing. If I had elbows with bulkier slash guards like the new One90 elbow pads I think it would (that's why Edge sold his in the first place as he had the 0ne90 elbows). So I'd recommend the gloves, but keep in mind that they're fairly long. They're not as tight as the One90s (I've tried these on), but they're definitely more snug than my Ferland/DR gloves.

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hOW ARE THEY COMPARED TO A NB Pro 4roll or the new CCM Vector 10.0

I purchased the 9KN gloves a couple months ago off Edge for $95US and don't regret the purchase. For $48US they're a steal. I find them to be light, protective and mobile. The extra padding in the palm doesn't bother me and they look almost like new after about 2 months of playing twice a week. I have 15" gloves and they do overlap with my size large V-14 elbow pads...they're a little longer in the cuff than I'd prefer, but the finger length is basically perfect so the 14" ones may have been too short in the fingers for me (not sure as I haven't been able to try on 14" versions). Now, even though they overlap with the slash guards on my elbow pads it doesn't really bother me when playing. If I had elbows with bulkier slash guards like the new One90 elbow pads I think it would (that's why Edge sold his in the first place as he had the 0ne90 elbows). So I'd recommend the gloves, but keep in mind that they're fairly long. They're not as tight as the One90s (I've tried these on), but they're definitely more snug than my Ferland/DR gloves.

How durable has the nylon been and what color are your gloves in.

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The 4-Rolls are shorter in the cuff and I think they fit a little cleaner/simpler (not as much internal padding, etc.) I can't speak for the 10.0s.

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jgiovanni Posted Today, 12:36 PM

hOW ARE THEY COMPARED TO A NB Pro 4roll or the new CCM Vector 10.0

No idea as I've never worn either glove. I believe I read here in another thread that the Vectors and the Reebok gloves fit somewhat similar, but you should search to be sure.

How durable has the nylon been and what color are your gloves in.

My gloves are black and silver and the nylon has been very durable. There is no noticeable damage to the nylon at all.

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I just checked and the price wen up, hey had them up from midnight to about 3pm today for $55. I would ceck back later tonight as they will put new stuff on sale for the weekend.


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they fit similar to last years 10.0 glove. This years 10.0 glove fits tighter and has shorter fingers. The RBKs are, as stated, a bit longer than most gloves. Think NBH finger length with last years RBK cuff.

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I got RBK 9KNs about a month ago and love them. The extra padding on the palms is really protecting them and they're quite comfortable. 50 Bucks is an incredible price for them, I'd even buy a second pair.

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These deals look very tempting, I already have 3 pairs of gloves though (xxx, old CCMs and some shitty s9's)

The one70 looks SOOOO tempting at that price!!

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If anyone got some 15" on closeout and don't like them, let me know. I waited until I got back from a friend's and wasn't able to get a pair (9KN or One70)

I'll pay what your invoice was for, so you don't loose shipping returning them to HG, and you can most likely find a cheaper shipping method.

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8Ks are still on sale btw.

And are only available in 14". I've been looking for an excuse to get a new pair of gloves, but really didn't want to buy a $40 bottom-line set. I have 15" Jofa gloves that sound like they fit how you guys have been describing the 9KN set, and the fingers are slightly too short, but the palms are loose. Most 15" gloves don't fit really well, and I was going to get a set from Montreal, but the only pair I could find locally was forest green.

The Jofas I have are the HG2500 model. My main gripe is the the fingers are really wide so when my finger goes to the end the mesh twists slightly and the seam where the palm is sewn to the finger gusset regularly gets between my fingers and the stick.


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Thanks jgiovanni for the headsup.

I was able to pick up some 14" 9kn. I am just waiting for them to arrive :)

I hope the duty will not kill my deal since I am up here in Canada.

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