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decorating college house

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I just moved into a house at college and my room is boring. What have any of you guys done to decorate your rooms at home or school? I've been trying to get the vinyl banners (beer or any kind of company) to decorate the walls with no luck. I just need some suggestions from fellow hockey players.

thanks in advance


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I just moved into a house at college and my room is boring. What have any of you guys done to decorate your rooms at home or school? I've been trying to get the vinyl banners (beer or any kind of company) to decorate the walls with no luck. I just need some suggestions from fellow hockey players.

thanks in advance


Video stores will sell the stand ups and movie posters pretty cheap...Not sure what kind of budget you have, but check out http://www.fathead.com/

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Possibly the gayest thread I've ever seen on MSH.

Turn on the tv and go to hgtv or something. There are lots of peachy ideas there.

I dont want to be an ass, and ask you if you are even in college....however....

Allposters is a good place to start. I have a whiteboard, people always like to write shit on it, wall calender, push pin board...etc. You could maybe even get some artwork for over your headboard, always looks classy.


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Necessities we had in our house:



Ping Pong Table

Bubble top hockey (USSR/USA woot)

Granted those can be hard to come by, but after that everything else was moot. Except one roommate had parents who owned a photo studio, so one day we went by and went thru all the old portraits they were throwing out to find some "art" to use. We ended up getting this huge 70s era portrait of a black family that we hung over the fireplace. The father looked like Rev. Brown from "Coming to America."

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Possibly the gayest thread I've ever seen on MSH.

Turn on the tv and go to hgtv or something. There are lots of peachy ideas there.

Gay? your info says never land island. you and mj play doctor? when you get to college you'll understand.

your bookstore or someone on campus will usually sell sweet posters for cheap, wait for those days. posters and flags are extemely common

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I dont want to be an ass, and ask you if you are even in college....however....

Ill be in college next year. And I wont be making any threads on how to decorate my room. On a hockey forum.

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Possibly the gayest thread I've ever seen on MSH.

Turn on the tv and go to hgtv or something. There are lots of peachy ideas there.

Stupid. I'm not going to go any further, I'm just going to say "stupid."


Any and all hockey jerseys you and your buddies have will look good on your walls. The full-page pictures in ESPN the Magazine and S.I. ("Zoom" and "Leading-Off" respectively, I believe) can look good in a big-ass collage, too - my buddies and I have covered entire walls with them. They're free (if you have subscriptions, as I do), so it's a nice low-budget way to do things.

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I dont want to be an ass, and ask you if you are even in college....however....

Ill be in college next year. And I wont be making any threads on how to decorate my room. On a hockey forum.

We're not talking about leather sofas, paint hues, and fine art. Dorm decoration is a huge deal in college. We have tons of hockey related paraphernalia strewn about the house, but I guess that is irrelevant. Thanks for the input though, "Max."

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Haha, thats funny. Although Im impressed you remember all of my posts. Kinda wierd.

Okay I dont want to ruin your thread anymore, continue talking about decorations and housewarming gifts and whatnot.

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Haha, thats funny. Although Im impressed you remember all of my posts. Kinda wierd.

Okay I dont want to ruin your thread anymore, continue talking about decorations and housewarming gifts and whatnot.

Lemme get this straight: in a sad attempt to gain the internet-admiration of some people on a message board, you lie and make the claim that you are a decent hockey player (and not even, like, claim that you play on a good team or at a solid level or anything, but you go ahead and actually use someone else's name) and WE'RE the pathetic ones?

hey guys, what do u guys think i should wear tomorrow? btw does this shirt match my eyes?

Your Mommy can dress you in the morning. She'll get you a fresh pair of Depends, too.

The OP asks for some help making his new pad a bit more comfortable, and you guys (unjustifiably) jump down his throat. I realize that this kind of thing is pretty hard for some of you to understand, seeing as your parents fully-furnished their basements for you, but getting set-up in a new place can be a little bit tough when you don't really have any ideas and an ass-load of money.

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LKPT- I was like 14. And still, people on this board have seen me play and can backup that Im a decent player. But I really dont care about that.

And yes, Im going to stick to what I said, this is a pathetic thread. Talking about the decorations in a room. Sure its college and the beer posters matter, but damn go find them yourself, dont ask other people on the internet whats cool to be in my room.

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