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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Its That Time Again

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Buzz. You HAVE to stop, buddy. You're kinda like one of those old, crazy cat ladies, but with sticks. I mean, I usually spend about $700 a year on sticks alone, but I only buy new ones when my old ones are either cracked or snapped. I am sure a couple of your sticks there are in damn near mint condition.

Apparently you don't have the same kind of "Uniformity Complex" that I do. I usually buy my sticks two-or-more-at-a-time. They HAVE to be the same kind of stick, with the same flex and curve and cut down to the exact same height. I have to say most of that would be because of the convienience factor (break a stick in the middle of the game, you don't spend the rest of the game getting used to your new one), but I also just can't stand having more than one thing that aren't the same.

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Lkpt im the same way, the two sticks im running at any given moment are either identical or very similar. Right now i have a si grip 85 drury and an 85 synth drury. My collection would be pretty impressive if i didnt sell the sticks i got bored of.

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I know im not even CLOSE to what ponty and buzz have, but im getting there. At the start of the season last fall I had: Typhoon with a Koho 3380 blade, Vector V40 woody.

Since that time, I've used/still have:

-Typhoon (sold)

-CCM GI 1052 blade

-Vector V120c (broken, sold replacement)

-Innovative 1100 shaft

-Inno GI Hull blade

-Ballistik utralight shaft

-Some old Titan blade I bought for $9.99 just for fun

+ M-2 and another Hull blade headed my way.

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I am glad someone else shares my pain.

We should start a support group

"Hello, my name is Matt and I am a stick whore"

What is your favorite at the moment?

(Everyone) Hi Matt.

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I've managed to turn over a lot of my old sticks, so my current stock is a little on the low side. We are the support group by the way.

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As long as we're making lists, Ill go from left to right in the picture:

-Bauer Supreme 3003 Wood, P71

-Bauer Tri Flex Tapered, Smrek Pro 112

-Bauer Vapor 10 OPS, P71

-Bauer TFS Shaft, 102

-Inno Novius Standard, 5/300

-Vapor XX Tapered, Hrkac 102 Pro

-Nike Quest 1 OPS 87 Zetterberg

-Bauer TFG OPS, PL106

-Nike Quest Apollo, Legwand 87

-Apollo Tapered Shaft, 102

-Apollo Standard Shaft, 102

-Easton A/C 7100, 11o Xstiff

-Gold Synergy Grip Pro Tapered

-Zbubble Grip 85

-UL 85

-UL 85

-UL 110

-Synthesis 100

-Synthesis Grip 100

-Sher Wood Eclipse, Bourque 85

-Sher Wood Eclipse, Schnabel Pro 110

-Montreal Nitro, Francis Pro

-Montreal Nitro, L KNowlzee

-Montreal Nitro, L DR

-Sher Wood Momentum, Spezza 95

-Titan ASD 6000 Wood, Savage Pro

-Franklin Sceptor, Deadmarsh Xstiff

-Hespeler Nemesis, Roberts 260

-Hespeler Alpha Nemesis, Pro 1 260

-Louisville Tri Core Stiff

-Repsonse R flex Tapered

-Red Lite XN10 w/ PTC

-Brunette R Pro Response +

-Response Plus Tapered, Safronov Xstiff

-Drake standard R2 Grip Shaft

-Zhamnov stiff XN10

-XN10 P11 SW

-XN10 Pirnes stiff

-Mission M-2 85 flex standard

-Mission M-1 Grip standard 105 flex

-Mission M-1 Wyatt Smith Pro

-M-1 Tapered 100 flex

-M-1 Smith Tapered

-M-1 Gaborik Pro 95

-M-1 Grip Rafalski 100

-M-1 Tapered W Smith

-Modano Si Core tapered

-SW 5030 Coffey

-SW 5030 Elias

-SOP 7000 Baca

-SOP 7000 Baca

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I'm with LkptTiger on this one.

Six Mission Flyweights with TPS blade, all taped the same way.

We we all know how much you love Flyweights...(cough, cough) Would you really rather starve than go without them? :P

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Holy shit buzz, you collection is just something else. :P What does it feel like to have that much sticks, shafts and blades? :D

I'm sure ponty's is as big as hell too.

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I'm with LkptTiger on this one.

Six Mission Flyweights with TPS blade, all taped the same way.

Well, at least there are a few other guys out there who feel the way I do.

I helped Peranis with their Spring Cleaning and took four Inno True-1s off their hands (I absolutely LOVE them!). All of them Fedorov pattern (name bars blacked out), all of them 300 flex, all of them cut to the exact same length and all of them taped the same way.

Once I get my new sticks, any of my old, unbroken ones then have the tape ripped off of the blades and are used for street hockey and dry-land.

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That's the difference between people who are still searching for the perfect stick for them and those who have found it, at least for the moment. I still haven't found either the perfect curve, shaft, or material of blade, so I bounce around as I pickup new sticks and break old ones. I think some people are addicted to the search though, like even if they found the perfect stick they would keep searching... Good old capitalism...

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buzz gimme a pm if your lookin for someone to take some of those m-1 tapred shafts off your hands

i wish my collection was 1/15 of his :o

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