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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Saw a synergy skate/demo display tonight

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I actually saw a synergy demo skate and promo setup tonight. It said september. I was told $550 for the price. Skate seemed quite stiff but the display touted that the boot does indeed have a flex point. Freakishly light I must say. I also want to add that they said it will have somewhat of a wide fit. It's too bad they weren't my size or I would have crammed a foot in to be able to tell you more. I don't know if I would pay basically $600 after taxes for skates, but I must say they were interesting.

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What was the liner made out of inside of the skate? Also does it seem like thier built good and wont break down in half a season like Vapor XX's.

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The liner isn't cloth like a xx liner. Honestly, it seemed much stronger than a xx boot, but nobody really knows how those will react to shots and skate cuts until the public gets their hands on them.

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I was in a shop the yesterday and the Easton sales rep was visiting and I asked him about the Synergy skate. He tried to tell me that they had 58 players in the World Cup skating in it. If that is true, that is huge! He also said that it would probably be at $529 most places but with very limited availability the first few months. The shop I was in was only allocated 13 pair.

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The first allocation will be limited to certain stores with more available in the future. So far, every shop has been buying 100% of their allocation. I wouldn't be surprised if you see quite a few players in them in the World Cup.

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That's coo, but I honestly think you'd be missing out. We feel that these skates will revolutionize the skate industry the way the SyNergy stick did for sticks 5 years ago.

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In what way? Are you flat out saying these will make you faster or more agile? I must admit I find that hard to believe. Or are you guys just touting the weight factor and how it could keep a player fresher for longer? All I really got from looking at them was that they were extremely light and seemed quite stiff. The actual layout of the boot seemed quite basic otherwise. What I don't get is how stores in good conscience can be taking pre-orders on something like skates. How the hell can you sell a skate to someone when they have never tried it on before?

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The guy who is wearing the skate makes them look good if he's good, the skate won't make the player better (faster, give him more agility or a better shot) or make him revolutionize his game. Skates and sticks can't be compared, sticks give a faster shot, skates won't make the player skate faster.

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when i talked to my rep he said somethin kinda like what you said ryan, that they had the potential to really revolutionize the skate industry. the reason he told me was somethin about the way the skate was made, that they could eventually make skates of different stiffness the same way they do sticks, although i forget if he said the reason was the spacing between the pieces of graphite/carbon whatever it is on the boot or if it was the graphite stuff itself, the way you make sticks of different stiffness.

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Im going to wait to judge these untill they come out. Someone correct me if im wrong but, it seems like i remember when the first synergy sticks came out that a lot of them were breaking.

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mm - Very close...The way you alter the flex of composites is the angles at which you put the layers/materials together.

You can easily compare sticks to skates or to any other groundbreaking technology. What you're actually doing is comparing to every factor within their own category.

Hold on a sec...skates can't make a skater faster? Hmm...and all this time all those speed skaters using the clap skate were just crazy loons who could go back to older version skates and be just as fast. The clap skate was a new piece of technology, a new way of making skates, that made skaters faster.

All I'm saying is don't be so quick to make a decision until you've at least tried them on. Just looking at something won't give you any info...unless it's a hot chick in a bikini selling a hockey stick! hahaha.

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The guy who is wearing the skate makes them look good if he's good, the skate won't make the player better (faster, give him more agility or a better shot) or make him revolutionize his game. Skates and sticks can't be compared, sticks give a faster shot, skates won't make the player skate faster.

True, but i think a good pair of skates does the complete opposite of a good stick. IMO you're not supposed to feel like you're wearing skates at all so you have more confort, confidence and balance to do your thing.

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the reason he told me was somethin about the way the skate was made, that they could eventually make skates of different stiffness the same way they do sticks

i got dips on the first 100flex skates :lol:

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Actually, I was playing shinny with a guy who played at Maine last year and he had a pair of the skates as well as Jamie Lundmark's brother, Jason. They do look interesting that's for sure.

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That's coo, but I honestly think you'd be missing out. We feel that these skates will revolutionize the skate industry the way the SyNergy stick did for sticks 5 years ago.

Missing out? If I buy these skates ill be missing out on food for a couple months. Im sorry but thats just to much for a pair of skates.

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I saw them in Cinci and they were definitely light...Fit very similar to regular Easton's, but the pair I tried on was a bit narrow....I have a C+ to D width foot...I hope your production is a bit wider...

The skates definitely accomplished one thing...They are light...Weight isn't everything though.....

It is not fair for me to comment on these, but they are definitely different than what is out there. Good job on trying to push the envelope...

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mm - Very close...The way you alter the flex of composites is the angles at which you put the layers/materials together.

You can easily compare sticks to skates or to any other groundbreaking technology. What you're actually doing is comparing to every factor within their own category.

Hold on a sec...skates can't make a skater faster? Hmm...and all this time all those speed skaters using the clap skate were just crazy loons who could go back to older version skates and be just as fast. The clap skate was a new piece of technology, a new way of making skates, that made skaters faster.

All I'm saying is don't be so quick to make a decision until you've at least tried them on. Just looking at something won't give you any info...unless it's a hot chick in a bikini selling a hockey stick! hahaha.

I just spend 500$ on a pair of Graf, I probably will never try those skates, yeah clap skates they do make the sport different, but remember that a pair of those skates cost almost the same price as a car. The technology isn't comparable in both those sports. And it's the clap blade that makes them go faster, not the boot. I've personally never seen good reviews for the Razor Blades or the Razor Blades 2. And from seeing the skates, there are not amazing changes, maybe the materials that make the boot, other then thate, there are no rockets on the side or Powerbar dispencer under the skate.

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Using clap skates as a comparison is misguided at best. To compare saving a bit of weight with the design of a new mechanism that allows for greater thrust and speed is just wrong. To quote a friend of mine; "Evolutionary, not revolutionary."

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