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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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now all the guys that bought the CHROMIES last year have something else to race out and buy. what a donkey show! when did it stop being about hockey???

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The skates are still most likely pre-production from the graphics perspective. I would not be surprised if they so the same thing as they did with the Vector 10SEs...produce a different color scheme for just Ovey.

Anyone see the game yesterday? He seems to just have an extra gear compared to everyone else. Might be the decrease in wind resistance with his mouth open now that he has one less tooth! I think it was in the first period when they were on the power play...he took that quick snap shot right at the left circle. If Grahame didn't make that great glove stop...it could have been 2 in the first for Ovey. BTW - he looks like he is having fun with Kozlov on the PP. Could be a good year for Caps fans.

I also noticed that he is switching between the new Vectors and the 10SEs. In one of the periods yesterday, and in the first game against Atlanta, he wore the SEs briefly.

Graphics are finalized.

I've had a close-up pic that I can't show yet.

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Graphics are finalized.

I've had a close-up pic that I can't show yet.

Thanks for the update JR...always good for that! :)

So is it pretty much confirmed no SE for the new Vector?

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Ovy always looks like he just walked out of a wind tunnel with his hair all over the place like it always seems to be. I don't think it's just you. He looks very rough around the edges to me too. Don't get me wrong I have a lot of respect for him as a person and a player. He's just one of those guys that looks like a he's a small step above a caveman when it comes to appearance. But, is he ever graceful and poised when he pulls on a set of blades. Almost poetry in motion on skates and like a greyhound out of the gate for speed.

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Ovy always looks like he just walked out of a wind tunnel with his hair all over the place like it always seems to be. I don't think it's just you. He looks very rough around the edges to me too. Don't get me wrong I have a lot of respect for him as a person and a player. He's just one of those guys that looks like a he's a small step above a caveman when it comes to appearance. But, is he ever graceful and poised when he pulls on a set of blades. Almost poetry in motion on skates and like a greyhound out of the gate for speed.

Poetry in motion? Dude's reminds me of Brian Skrudland - herky-jerky on skates.

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Anyone else thinks the overall shape is awfully similar to the 10.0s and the SEs? they just changed the patterns on the quarters....

PS: JR you did mention that these fit differently from the current vectors?

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Poetry in motion? Dude's reminds me of Brian Skrudland - herky-jerky on skates.

Malkin takes the cake in herky-jerky land from the few games ive seen him in

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now all the guys that bought the CHROMIES last year have something else to race out and buy. what a donkey show! when did it stop being about hockey???

A kid on my son's team got a pair three weeks ago. I should send him this picture :lol:

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It's called marketing and it works. Put a pair of a newer skate model on a popular athelete and watch the kid start whining to mom and dad how he needs a pair of them to enhance his game.

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Its true my game is bad not because I'm not athletic enough its because I don't have the top equipment, if I had the new top of the line skates and uniforms with less wind resistance I would totaly run circles around my competition. :lol:

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Its true my game is bad not because I'm not athletic enough its because I don't have the top equipment, if I had the new top of the line skates and uniforms with less wind resistance I would totaly run circles around my competition. :lol:

yeah you need a stick with holes in it so you can snipe too.

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Anyone else thinks the overall shape is awfully similar to the 10.0s and the SEs? they just changed the patterns on the quarters....

PS: JR you did mention that these fit differently from the current vectors?

I agree. They look very Vectorish. Maby it's because they're Vectors?! :huh:

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Ovy always looks like he just walked out of a wind tunnel with his hair all over the place like it always seems to be. I don't think it's just you. He looks very rough around the edges to me too. Don't get me wrong I have a lot of respect for him as a person and a player. He's just one of those guys that looks like a he's a small step above a caveman when it comes to appearance. But, is he ever graceful and poised when he pulls on a set of blades. Almost poetry in motion on skates and like a greyhound out of the gate for speed.

Poetry in motion? Dude's reminds me of Brian Skrudland - herky-jerky on skates.

Hey, dont knock Skrudland. I loved watching that guy..Wasnt pretty, but effective.

Poetry in motion? Dude's reminds me of Brian Skrudland - herky-jerky on skates.

Malkin takes the cake in herky-jerky land from the few games ive seen him in

Their herky-jerky skating beats ours anytime. They may seem choppy, but they're great skaters.

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i though these skates would be called the vector 12.0 but i got an email from my rep calling them the U+ (stupid name if you ask me)

also i thought the new rbk skates would be called 10K but he called them the new 9K skates

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