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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sold shaft to tsanga back in March and forgot to leave a note here.

Great buyer and sent money and shipping info really quickly. Shipped an extra blade to him.

Also sent some SuperFeet to Sghockey21 all the way in Singapore during March.

Would buy/sell from again.

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Got some beautiful pro stock easton 4 roll gloves from Fletch. Good communication, holds his word. Delivery was SPPEDY.

Got a couple Mission pro stock blades from Spreedizzle a while back. Great communication and very helpful overall. Hadnt posted this feedback simply because I didnt know that I was supposed to, but now I do, so I did :)

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just bought some more stuff from Saba. Havent recieved it yet, but knowing him, the stuff would arrive within the 6-10 days that it takes for USPS to send to Oz.

Kudos to him, great service, will never hesitate to deal with.

*edit stuff arrived yesterday... nothing to say as it was as described. Thanks for throwing in the extra J clips.

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I had/am having a horrible transaction with Dietzie27 . First, after I sent payment I waited a month and the shaft never arrived. After a few different pm's he finally replies and says that it was just returned to his house for some reason, and he would refund me my money, instead of sending out the shaft again. It's now been almost another month and no money has arrived, he won't respond to me pm's and he has been active on the board. Avoid transactions with Dietzie27 .

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