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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Avoid doing business with turbos 17


I had a deal for $35 shipped for a tapered Inno Mogilny, paid him through paypal for the agreed upon $35 then he writes that he has to charge me more b/c my address is unconfirmed.

Check this response:

"Actually on second thought I have now stopped your blade. I just called UPS and stopped it half way to your house. I will be refunding your money since this has been nothing but a hastle. Since you seem to know it all...please go to PayPal and E-bay and read there policies with shipping and then you will be saying "sorry" you were "right" and I am the "moron. Here you go. I don't like "cry baby know-it-all's." So here is your money"


I guess I am a"cry baby" cause I refused to be doped into paying bs fees post agreement.

You have been educated

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Edge was a great seller. He shipped the gloves I bought on monday (even when he had no time/money to do it, which I am grateful for) and I received them today, Wednesday. Would do business again.

Our deal went perfect. No problemon shipping the gloves out monday. ;) Glad you like the gloves.

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba

Two thumbs up for whbd18, XeF4, JR, sk8ordie, and Chadd.

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