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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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anybody have feedback from TURCO35??


Second that. He's edited his selling posts to show nothing.

I sent him a money order for a Stealth jacket and pants, so I'll let you know. He said he lost his job and neede money quick, so maybe something came up and he was able to get another job quickly? I hope I don't get screwed on this.

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Everything that I could sell is gone. Thats why I took the stuff off the threads. No one wanted anything else.

I had two sets of the Stealth pants and jackets. I was going to keep one, but figured that I really didnt need it.

Hold tight guys... Everyone that I already got money from, your stuff should be there any day now.

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Everything that I could sell is gone. Thats why I took the stuff off the threads. No one wanted anything else.

I had two sets of the Stealth pants and jackets. I was going to keep one, but figured that I really didnt need it.

Hold tight guys... Everyone that I already got money from, your stuff should be there any day now.

Awesome dude, thanks for clearing that up.

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I was wondering if anyone has heard from or gotten anything from Turco35 yet?

I completed a transaction from him last weekend and have sent him 2 emails seeing if they were sent out and if I could get a tracking number and I haven't gotten a reply from him.

Not heard or seen anything. I've got about 3 days of patience left :ph34r:

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Turco35 told me he recieved my money order on Friday and would ship the pants/jacket out today. He's been upfront and honest with me so far, I'll let you know how long it takes for the stuff to get here.

Yeah I sent him some money and he told me he received it last Saturday and would send it out Monday. It's been a week since and I haven't heard from him and he hasn't replied to emails.

I sent money on Oct. 1st

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