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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Whats your favorite curve?

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were do you guys find all of these curves?(arnott......mogilny...kariya.....larionov.........havlat.............gaborik??????


Mogo,larionov,kariya: Inno

Havlat: Sherwood

Gaborik : Mission

Actaully many of them are pro curves and not retail.

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were do you guys find all of these curves?(arnott......mogilny...kariya.....larionov.........havlat.............gaborik??????


Mogo,larionov,kariya: Inno

Havlat: Sherwood

Gaborik : Mission

Actaully many of them are pro curves and not retail.


gabo use stealth,

kariya is not using inno,

arnott is using a synergy I think.

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kariya is not using inno

he uses inno blades. or at least he did. i've seen one of game used ultra lites with the blade still in it and it was an inno graphite weave and not easton.

ray whitney tapered z-carbs and synth blades

inno/old easton kariya (right now, steve kariya z-carbs) blades

ccm hossa (just started using)

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um, i got a whole whack of curves i like. havent found 'the one' just yet...spezza, iginla, lidstrom, sakic, tucker (all retails of course)

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Kariya/Lariononv and Mogilny retail (were do u find them retail?).also wen you post the curve please psot the stick

I use a blade/shaft combo not a ops.

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kariya is not using inno

he uses inno blades. or at least he did. i've seen one of game used ultra lites with the blade still in it and it was an inno graphite weave and not easton.

Yeah, I just remember sorry

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Lots of Favourites

Retail: Vic Naslund, Bauer Tverdovsky, Koho Ozlinish, Easton Drury

Pro: Kaberle, Roberts

Whats the Roberts curve like?

My two favourite curves are Lidstrom and Recchi. I don't try many though.

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Retail- (best I've used)- Inno Mogilny- blade, Bauer Lindros- blades and 1000 and 3030 sticks, Easton Iginla- burrowed an 85 Synergy

Custom- (ideal if I could find in a pro Z-Carbon or pro spec wood) 3/8 smooth mid curve, minimal loft, 5.5 lie, moderate centered rocker, round toe, xx stiff blade...

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Ebay, Perani's and Faceoff (on-line) seem to have some Pro-stocks pop-up, Pro Arena stores and certain people will have LHS that carry pro-stock stuff.

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Who's are you looking for? I just goto sporting goods, Hockey, sticks and then browse the site. Goalie Heaven usually has a fair bit. I don't ever type anything into the search.

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