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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Want to bake new RbK skates

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Hey, just got a pair of new RbK 9k and I want to bake them.

Does it matter if i go to a local hockeyshop that have a CCM or a RbK oven.

Or will it be the same thing if i use a Nike/Bauer oven?

And how long should a pair of 9k's be in, and how warm?


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have you skated in them yet? If you haven't skated in them yet try it, you may not need to bake them. Both me and my son have 9k's and neither of us had them baked because they felt good right out of the box.

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Skate in 'em once or twice, then decide if you need to bake them. After that, if all else fails, you can always use your home oven!

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Don't use your house oven, and there is No difference in most ovens. At least the ones that are branded like the ones you are talking about. For baking the 9K's, if you decide to do so, make sure the air bladder is deflated, and bake for 3 minutes in a preheated oven. Sit for 15 mins, chill and serve. Most say you can skate on em in about 6-8 hours, but I generally say 12-24 just to be sure.

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have you skated in them yet? If you haven't skated in them yet try it, you may not need to bake them. Both me and my son have 9k's and neither of us had them baked because they felt good right out of the box.

I'll attest to this, i never had my 9ks baked and they feel better then any skates i've previously worn. Try them first as you may not have too.

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Don't follow epuck instructions, if you must bake them at home follow RBK's instructions and yes that includes using a convection oven.

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i actually did it once. Baking my skates in a convection oven at home. Since it runs a nice average temperature even when you turned off once it reaches the set temp. I put in one skate and then for the other skate i let the temperature stayed at set tempurature and when i wore it OUCH!!! It burned, it was quite hot expecially the eyelets. It is easy and saves money but you have to becareful follow the set temperature and when it reaches that temperature turn it off.

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have you skated in them yet? If you haven't skated in them yet try it, you may not need to bake them. Both me and my son have 9k's and neither of us had them baked because they felt good right out of the box.

No i haven't.

So it would no hurt them to try them out on ice, and after that bake them?

I just heard that you should never skate on them before you bake them?

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have you skated in them yet? If you haven't skated in them yet try it, you may not need to bake them. Both me and my son have 9k's and neither of us had them baked because they felt good right out of the box.

No i haven't.

So it would no hurt them to try them out on ice, and after that bake them?

I just heard that you should never skate on them before you bake them?

feel free to smack who ever told you that. Wear them around the house for awhile and take them on the ice for some good, hard skating a few times. You have have some hot spots or even a little blister but you might even get that after they are baked. If you feel any sore spots take the skate off for a little bit and see what it is.

If your skates are sized correctly I'm betting the break in is short and painless

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No i haven't.

So it would no hurt them to try them out on ice, and after that bake them?

I just heard that you should never skate on them before you bake them?

Whoever told you that should be roundhouse kicked by Chuck Norris. Twice. In the face.

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If they feel tight when you try them on in store, would baking solve the problem ?

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i dont get what baking would do, that 3 weeks of skating didnt. IMO a properly fit skate should be well broken in by then. My one90's fit tremendous and have never seen the inside of an oven

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