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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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surfing the internet while being in hospital apreesh

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i got my laptop with me and fortunately some fella across the street has an unsecured WLAN connection so i can lurk around the internet while getting some rest after my surgery. im feeling freakin dizzy after the general anesthesia. no water/food for the next hrs and the last "meal" i ate was a slice of bread yesterday at 10pm (its around 9pm here).

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I had surgery last week and stole a WiFi signal for 5 days. I don't know how most other people managed to stay occupied while in there. Get better man. Oh, and I was on a clear liquid diet before my surgery, so I went 40 hours straight between eating soup broth as meals. I know how much it sucks.

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Well a vain on the right/outside of the hollow of my left knee got blocked up and a vain in the calf. It almost blew up. It was acutally an emergency. Sp they gotta cut something out from the groin to the calf. Sucks. Luckily i dont feel much cause i got some pain relievers and stuff. The surgery took kinda long but i dont care, cause i was anesthetized.

(Wont be able to play for weeks. thats whats bums me out the most, to be honest)

Just realised that i got some hose coming out of my groin and there is a canister where blood is getting flushed out. Ew.

I just wanted to piss and i had a hard time there. Just some drops.. Then i asked a nurse and she gave me a bed-pan and now im laying here with my Schlong in some bottle. Creepy.

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It might be creepy, but the portable urinal is much better than getting up when you can hardly walk.

While talking about walking. I tried to, which actually worked out better than i imagined, but i really hurt myself. I did not trip but this hose coming out of my groin is pretty long and there was some carrier on the floor and i passed it and this hose got stuck on a handle bar.. and i didnt notice it. Worst pain EVER.

Thanks for the kind words, pals.

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and this is just the lower part. you dont want to see my groin with this creepy drainage.:(

No offense but I really wouldn't want to see your groin without the creepy drainage either. Get well soon.

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I hope you feel better soon, Sven. I am recovering from surgery myself....I have long been complaining about my flat feet on this board, and at the end of August I finally went under the knife (reconstructive foot surgery). I know have a titanium implant to act as an "internal orthotic" and after two months I am finally back in a shoe. I've got to go to PT for six weeks, then in January I am getting the right foot done.

I won't be back on the ice until July at the earliest.... :(

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July, argh. Thats about where the new season starts. Somehow a good thing so you can take your time and recover without any hurry.

Im quite fine at the moment, my first aim is to take a shower.. hehe. The doctors said i would be able to be on the ice in 2 weeks but i somehow doubt that. If it will come true, its even better, but i will take my time. I gotta wear some compression sock which goes from the toes up to the waist, looks kinda trannyish but it helps i guess.

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