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Amateur Hockey Player Killed After Puck Strikes Chest

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Sad, sad news for the hockey world. Everytime one of our own gets severly hurt or worse it sends a big message throughout our community, it's just a game. Best wishes for those who know him, his family and friends.

It's stuff like this that makes me question my choice in shoulder pads.

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do they ever dicuss where they got hit in the chest? I mean does it have to hit you right above the heart or just anywhere in your chest?

I wouldn't think it would be that hard to make chest protectors drop down a little farther to cover your heart area.

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Hespeler used to have it on a couple of their models. It was also sold as an accessory.

Well, remember what happened to Pronger.

I don't wear shoulder pads but I'm never in a position that I'm blocking shots. :)

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Hespeler used to have it on a couple of their models. It was also sold as an accessory.

Well, remember what happened to Pronger.

I don't wear shoulder pads but I'm never in a position that I'm blocking shots. :)

I wear the Hespler EPS shoulders with Cardiaguard exactly for this reason. A little bulky, but I am in the way of shots at times.

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Thats too bad...sounds like he was sacraficing his body to block a shot with that little time left in the game.

I can't even imagine how the player who took the shot feels. Not his fault by any means, but that would put a beating on my conscious that is for sure.

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ive never gotten seriously injured playing hockey but reading this gave me a reality check...kind of makes you think how you could take a shot to the neck or other exposed area. gives me the chills just thinking about it.

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Holy cow, that's where my brother plays! -wonder if it was the same league or not. Hmmm. Anyhow, it's sad to hear of things like that. When I was in HS, a player in our league was checked legally, but it ruptured his spleen and he died on the ice. :(

It's terrible to hear, but as far as protection goes, I feel that anything is always possible, and there's a point where it's just life. You could wear all the proper gear in the world, and then get in a car accident while driving home after the game. At the end of the day, you either keep yourself locked in a bubble, or you can go out and live your life. Unfortunately, sometimes bad things happen.

Anyway, my thoughts and prayers go out to everyone up there in Shelton. :(

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It's sad to hear about things like this but honestly I'd rather die doing the thing I love most vs wasting away in a bed with cancer or something.

RIP, bro.

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This really is terrible. My prayers go out to that family.

I'll sometimes get crap for wearing shoulder pads at open hockey but it gets pretty serious sometimes. Even at intramurals we have some tough guys that refuse to wear pads and throw themselves anyway. I guess they will have to learn the hard way. I learned by getting nailed in the chest without padding on.

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Thanks for posting this, it's always a good heads up "reality check". Sad that someone should die while just trying to have some fun.

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Not sure if it would have helped but damn dont rinks carry AED's nowadays?

It would have. Like I said a fellow school mate had the samething happen to him in a lacrosse game. The parents did all this research found out if the school would have had one he would still be alive. Now every school in my district has them throughout the school and the coachs have one for every sport and the trainer. Every staff memeber has to under go required training the whole nine-yards, but yes if the rink had one and was able to get it out to him chances are he would have been ok.

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Scary stuff - very sorry for the family, friends, and the poor bugger who shot the puck.

I used to play without shoulder pads, but after catching a clearing shot in the sternum once I changed that tune pretty quick. You see this stuff a lot in softball nowadays with the hot bats, but I guess you take it for granted in hockey that everyone is suited up.

My condolensces.

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Not sure if it would have helped but damn dont rinks carry AED's nowadays?

It would have. Like I said a fellow school mate had the samething happen to him in a lacrosse game. The parents did all this research found out if the school would have had one he would still be alive. Now every school in my district has them throughout the school and the coachs have one for every sport and the trainer. Every staff memeber has to under go required training the whole nine-yards, but yes if the rink had one and was able to get it out to him chances are he would have been ok.

Please don't go making statements like this when you don't know the real facts. An AED may or may not have done something for this person. Depending on the rhythm his heart was in (if any), an AED may or may not have been helpful.

Don't get the wrong idea. AEDs are wonderful devices and the more widely available they are the better. They will save many, many lives. However, statements like "if the rink had one...he would have been ok" just foster accusations and guilt, particularly when they're not grounded in fact.

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The wake and memorial service was today. Turns out that Nathan was in fact on my brother's team, but my bro wasn't there that night. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. ;) Anyhow, he said the casket was just covered with all his hockey gear, and there pictures of his past teams etc. etc..

My brother said the amount of people that showed up was just amazing! Nathan was from Rhode Island, so the team rolled up from CT together, and when they got there, the family had instructed that they be brought right to the front of the line that had formed. The whole family wanted to meet his teammates and wanted to talk about everything. Bro said it was a very touching evening.


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