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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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07/08 NHL gear sightings

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If you look at the pic of modano, you can see it looks short because of the way the pic is taken.

You can see almost all of the top of the butt end of the stick, meaning it was taken on an angle and his stick isn't that short.

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Interesting. Mission glove on the left hand, Easton on the right.


Also a good look at the repainted Dolomite.

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If seen that before... it's most likely because he prefers the palm of one company on the buttom hand and freedom of movement of another company on the top hand.


Or his palm just teared, and he borrowed a glove...

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How do the fits compare? My understanding is that Vapors are more narrow than Supremes. Are Synergy skates more narrow than Stealths?

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Walz has been that way for a while now. I think he had an injury and that's why he wears two different gloves. If you look at them both, it's obvious that the Mission looks more protective. Then again, I could just be making that up, lol.

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Interesting. Mission glove on the left hand, Easton on the right.

I'm pretty sure that MIA did an away and home glove for him last year and he liked one away and one home. But that's the same glove. That's weird.

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Please :D! I'm dying for the 08 nikebauer catalogue and the 08 easton catalogue!

The 08 NBH catalog isn't anything to get too hot in the biscut about.

You've probably already seen the XXXX gloves, One95 skates, and 9500 helmet. The only other things are the new cage, new goalie pads, and new goal skate.

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maybe we have they usually dress there new stuff up as old stuff so skates could look like the s15's and you cant see any other equipment anyways it covered in jerseys, pants, and socks.

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I highly doubt they would dress up an S15. That thing's hard enough to dress as itself. And I'm not going to believe there's a new skate until I see it. My rep said the helmet was the newest thing for now. Having said that though, he's the rep for baseball around here as well, so he could be wrong. But until I see it, I'm saying he's bluffing, and that there's no new skate.

On the other hand though, the 08 NBH Catalog is very nice. They did a really good job of putting it together this year. Everything looks sexy. I wouldn't wear any of it, not a big NBH guy, but it does look really nice.

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