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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK O stick

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They had one of Datsyuk's gamers at the trade show and he needs a huge wood plug to try and make up for the bottom heavy feel of the stick.

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i've taken in 7 9KO sticks since their release, most breaks coming just about the hosel. oddly enough, though, none of them have broken at Homer's "Speed holes."

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They had one of Datsyuk's gamers at the trade show and he needs a huge wood plug to try and make up for the bottom heavy feel of the stick.

That's not surprising to me. The first time I picked up the stick I told my bud at my LHS that I hated the stick. Everyone that works for the shop agrees on one thing, it's overrated.

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17 of my team mates bought this stick ( RBK O ) and they all lasted 31 to 34 days. What a piece of crap!!!

Sorry bud, time to raise the BS flag. 17 of your teamates bought this stick, highly unlikely. What, your entire team. The stick is so high priced that you're likely to see only one or two per team. What team are you on and lets see some pics of all 17 of the players using this stick. I just don't believe you. Also what dealer did they buy them from? I've only got 36 total sticks, left/right, mix of curves and juniors thrown in as well. They are just not that available for an entire team to have them. Even more unlikely that all 17 players broke them in 31-34 days. I've had just 1 customer report a break and it was from a slash. Oh yea, your whole team got a bad batch, that it. Nice try.

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Well, they call it travel hockey for a reason, players and teams travel. So, its not hard to imagine a few guys buying the stick in NJ, a few buying in Connecticut, a few bought them around Philly, a few found them in Massachusetts during a tourney, and maybe one guy was in New Hampshire and found a shop that had them. As for a team having the money to afford them, have you ever seen a team wearing nothing but top end skates? What then is so hard to imagine about a team using all top end OPS?

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Well, they call it travel hockey for a reason, players and teams travel. So, its not hard to imagine a few guys buying the stick in NJ, a few buying in Connecticut, a few bought them around Philly, a few found them in Massachusetts during a tourney, and maybe one guy was in New Hampshire and found a shop that had them. As for a team having the money to afford them, have you ever seen a team wearing nothing but top end skates? What then is so hard to imagine about a team using all top end OPS?

I wouldn't be surprised to see the majority of a travel team using high-end OPS's, but 17 guys with the exact same stick is ridiculous. Either it's a lie, or the team has deeper issues than broken sticks.

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It's probably due to the design creating that one zone of greater stiffness relative to the rest of the stick and the stress said area places on the surrounding bits during a load.

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i've sold around 10 or 12 and the only one that i know of that has broken is the one that i flexed in the store when they came in...right at the bottom. it was pretty funny i walked in the door and it was like " hey the o-stick showed up" crack! "oh shit"

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"I wouldn't be surprised to see the majority of a travel team using high-end OPS's, but 17 guys with the exact same stick is ridiculous. Either it's a lie, or the team has deeper issues than broken sticks."

agreed..... and that's my once a year post, see ya all next year! ;). seriously though there's a few (two actually.. i've seen) cats skating here with the twigs and they've yet to break in the few months they've been sporting them.... and it's not once a week 'beer league' guys either. my one and half cents....

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"They had one of Datsyuk's gamers at the trade show and he needs a huge wood plug to try and make up for the bottom heavy feel of the stick."

how long? cause in pics you cant see any wood, so it cant be that "huge"

maybe 6-8"?

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"They had one of Datsyuk's gamers at the trade show and he needs a huge wood plug to try and make up for the bottom heavy feel of the stick."

how long? cause in pics you cant see any wood, so it cant be that "huge"

maybe 6-8"?

6-8" is pretty damn big when you consider how much he cuts the sticks down.

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