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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

2008 CCM U+ lineup

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U+ commercial. Pretty cool.

That commercial reminds me of the Body Worlds exhibit I saw last summer or so...

anyone check out the "U+ interview" as well? (not in English, but it's subtitled)

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Not sure if I replied to this topic yet but I've been lucky enough to have been using the CCM U+ stick for the past few months. A good friend of mine is involved in the stick development and he passes some along to me to try out and give him feedback.

I'm not sure what all I'm allowed/supposed to say so I'll keep in general (sorry). But overall I love this stick and it feels very good. It's light, puck feel is good and I haven't had any problems with the hollow point showing any sign of making the stick/blade/heel weaker. I've been a long time synergy user (STs and SEs lately) but they all sit in my closet now because I love this stick.

I'm not sure of the validity of this but according to my friend Lecavalier was using one when he hit 100+ at the all star competition and after seeing that Ovechkin grabbed one and started trying it out. My friend says that unlike most sticks where some like it some hate it he says there is an overwhelming positive response with this stick and I don't doubt it. For me this wasn't "wow this stick makes me so much better and my shot is 30mph faster!" No stick does that IMO. But this stick just felt noticeably better than the Easton and Bauer sticks I had used in all areas. Feel, shot power and control all felt as good or better than any stick I've used.

Okay enough rambling, I gotta get back to work. Short version is if you can afford to try this stick out I would recommend it before any other.

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yeah im pretty excited about the u+ stick coming out, it looks pretty sweet! I am a little dissapointed because it looks like they stopped making the 10.0 catapult, which I liked a lot. Looks like the skates and stick are doing fairly well in the pros so far, for whatever that is worth.

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yeah im pretty excited about the u+ stick coming out, it looks pretty sweet! I am a little dissapointed because it looks like they stopped making the 10.0 catapult, which I liked a lot. Looks like the skates and stick are doing fairly well in the pros so far, for whatever that is worth.

Catapult is still coming out man, I just ordered myself an 08.

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It will probably be the best buy of the year because it's being sold as the 2nd highest-end stick... I wonder if retailers are going to keep 10.0 pricing or put it where they are supposed to.

I think it will sell much better than when they did the same thing with the v130/8.0.

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After having watched the last few Caps games, it looks like (not surprisingly) Ovy is using the U+ painted like a Capapult. Everytime I see the heel of the stick, I see a small black rectangle on it. I thought it was just puck marks at first, but I've seen everytime they show the heel. I can't imagine a mark like that would be on all of his sticks.

I dunno, looking at pics of Ovie on gettyimages and you cant really see anything that would say that they are U+ sticks



Agreed, nothing on the heel from what I see.

I can't find a pic of it either. I know I saw it while watching live games though. Either he switched back or the paint rubbed/chipped off on all his sticks I saw.

I would be watching right now, but I don't get the NHL network. :angry:


well they did just start putting a light epoxy on the hole...so now it wouldn't be visible anymore...

unless someone has a stick he used last night...we can't really know

Ovechkin doesn't use a U+. He likes the white look.

It seems like Ovechkin did use the U+ for a game, afterall. Guess he didn't like it.

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I know this is a bit off topic, but JR I have a question to ask. Since you seem to be in the know, is all skate development going to go in the direction of "lighter is better" school of thought? In the mid-90s I had a pair of CCM 952 kevlar Tacks and I LOVED them...I wish they'd make something similar to those again..The weight of a skate doesnt bother me that much.

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alreayd mentioned the stick a little earlier in the good deal thread but great mines think a like and hopefully somone on here buys it

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hm JR you might be able to chime in some imput here since i doubt anyone else has seen or used yet but you never know. Um the new V08 skates, do they have the Ufoam to, and whats that fit like wider, or narrow. and are they a solid skate cause they are much cheaper then the U+ and if they have the ufoam which i doubt, but if they do seem like they would be a good buy... we;; any imput would be nice cause i would jsut like to here about these?

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