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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Let's Play Hockey 2008

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did any of you compare the all nylon TPS R8 gloves to the 50/50 R8-lites?

All nylon is a great glove, too bad they put the nash/digital palm on it.

oh, they didn't use the FFL? What was the reason behind that?

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Well, the Nash palm is very dominant in the pro's, and it's the R8 Pro glove.

Bad decision IMO.

Does anyone have pics form the show? I know about JR and Chadd's opinions about pics from the shows, but anyone else?

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Well, the Nash palm is very dominant in the pro's, and it's the R8 Pro glove.

Bad decision IMO.

Does anyone have pics form the show? I know about JR and Chadd's opinions about pics from the shows, but anyone else?

well, this doesn't make any sense - or I'm just stupid. ;)

Why would an inferior palm be used in the pros and why is it a bad idea? I hate to act like a small child here, but it seems like everyone else knows what is going on and I'm struggling to connect the dots.

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Does anyone have pics form the show? I know about JR and Chadd's opinions about pics from the shows, but anyone else?

Videos will be put up on 29sports, but I just learned that some bags had been lost by the airlines, so I'm not sure when they will make it to the site. We weren't able to interview any of the big companies, since their booths were too busy and had too many sales people -- we had no idea who to talk to. I was hoping JR or Chadd could have helped me with those interviews, but no one's availability coincided.

Nevertheless, we probably spoke with about 25 vendors about their products, although it's not always "equipment."

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What exactly do you mean by inferior?

I'm just assuming since it has been described as "unfortunate". If you are here to help, please just explain about the gloves and nevermind questioning this idiot who doesn't know anything. :)

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Love the skate mate laces with the metal tips

Looking forward to that. I've been going through laces like crazy since i got my 9k's. It's weird...never had the problem before...but the tips of the laces are getting shreded...to the point that I can barely get them through the eyelets.

I've tried the waxed/molded kind...the kind with the plastic tips. So, I'm interested in these.

I've had the same problem forever...I keep a lighter in my bag so I can burn the tips and mold them back to normal but I would prefer not to have to do that.

Sat in first class on the way back and I had a woman sit next to me staring at me while I was sleeping asking me to help her. The flight attendants pulled out of the seat and then took her into the galley and questioned her. She wasn't drunk, but she had a fear of flying and her husband essentially threw her onto the plane.

Took her to the back where they sat her down in one of the jumpseats and was babysat for the rest of the flight.

On our flight out of Vegas they made an announcement looking for a doctor or nurse. It seems that someone had a panic attack and we had to wait while paramedics came on board and pulled her off when we got to Charlotte.

She made it all the way to Charlotte? Did they have one of the FA's sit with her?

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The FFH is on the 2008 R8 to give the glove some value.

these one liners are killing me...

and what does this even mean - "to give the glove some value"? Chadd's comment seemed to indicate that having the Nash palm on the 2008, all nylon R8 was bad. millencolin9387 said it was a bad decision...

I'm just looking for what this all means because it isn't apparent to me what everyone is implying, but not saying.

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The FFH is on the 2008 R8 to give the glove some value.

these one liners are killing me...

and what does this even mean - "to give the glove some value"? Chadd's comment seemed to indicate that having the Nash palm on the 2008, all nylon R8 was bad. millencolin9387 said it was a bad decision...

I'm just looking for what this all means because it isn't apparent to me what everyone is implying, but not saying.

I thought I was very clear with my statement.

You can't just have a super high-end glove and nothing for those who want to buy a cheaper glove. By putting the FFH palm on the regular R8 it gives the glove a selling point - nobody would buy it if it had a "ratty" palm because they'll either spend money for the R8, or buy another brand in the price range of the R8 Pro.

Everyone else is putting nash palms on their "Pro" models. The market assumes that nash is okay on a pro-level glove.

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I thought I was very clear with my statement.

You can't just have a super high-end glove and nothing for those who want to buy a cheaper glove. By putting the FFH palm on the regular R8 it gives the glove a selling point - nobody would buy it if it had a "ratty" palm because they'll either spend money for the R8, or buy another brand in the price range of the R8 Pro.

Everyone else is putting nash palms on their "Pro" models. The market assumes that nash is okay on a pro-level glove.

clear only if you know the market!

When I look at prices for R8, R8 pro, R8-Lite - I don't see a big difference in price. They all seem to be between $100-$125. In fact, I have no idea what the "pro" designation gives you. Here are the descriptions on HG:



the "pro" one is less expensive, but their descriptions are exactly the same. :unsure: So, for a guy like me trying to get some answers - I hope you can see why this is all very confusing.

The last point I guess I can gather is that FFH >> Nash. Correct?

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Yet another reason TPS constantly has problems at retail. People have problems figuring out what the hell the products actually are.

I prefer the FFH to the Nash palm, I just wish it came on an all nylon glove.

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sorry Mack, but how is anyone else supposed to know these things? It's not like I haven't searched this information out. If you want to imply I'm an idiot, that is fine, I do feel stupid asking these questions, but the information is not apparent. If everyone knew everything about the equipment then I'm fairly certain the would be no need for MSH.

I don't think it is reasonable to expect someone to know what SMU's are specific to one company and what is a real pro model and what is a fake pro model...

The bottom line is that I am interested in these gloves and I see multiple choices at different price points and they all have the same description. Seeking to clarify those differences is fairly legit in my book. no?

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Not saying anyone shouldn't, but this has veered far away from topic (though honestly it was a lot of bad inside comments), so you could have/should have just PM'd someone for an explanation. Easiest thing to do is just avoid TPS, which is what their marketing/branding seems is the best idea.

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Not saying anyone shouldn't, but this has veered far away from topic (though honestly it was a lot of bad inside comments), so you could have/should have just PM'd someone for an explanation. Easiest thing to do is just avoid TPS, which is what their marketing/branding seems is the best idea.

well, it all started because they were coming out with an all nylon glove for 2008, so this seemed the best place to get an answer. Unfortunately, it has gone on longer than I anticipated/wanted and I didn't intend to hi-jack a thread.

Although I have PM'd Chadd in the past - I just assume the mods look down upon that. I hate PMs on the boards I mod....

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spoken like a true buyer...(of course you will likely pick your spot on this one I'm sure)

These three months are hell.

It'll all clear up soon and I'll be posting more.

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All I could think of the Ice Cube... "Cut that jeri juice, and get a bald head"

Great lil clip... I've been watching them all morning. Thanks, Jason

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