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MLB offseason thread

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A-rod back to the Yankees

Lowell back to the Redsox

Schilling back to the Redsox

Torii Hunter to the Angels for 5 years

Mets trade Guillermo Mota to Brewers for Johnny Estrada

White Sox trade John Garland to Angels for Orlando Cabrera

Braves sign Tom Glavine to one year contract

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I wonder who's gonna get Santana next year? Yanks?

santana's staying put at least until the trade deadline. The only teams that have the firepower to make it happen would be Boston and the Yankees, niether of which are willing to give up their young pitchers. If anyone wants santana it's going to cost at least one top pitching prospect and another prospect plus most likely a servicable position player. Boston won't give up Buchholz or Lester and New York won't give up Joba or Hughes.

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That is a huge deal for the Tigers, the one that went down today... What a way to bolster your lineup by adding two star players, granted Willis hasn't had a decent season since 2005, but two stars for a alright left-hander that has solid potential and Cameron Maybin, who could be a star in the making, but you never know how that'll work out.

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I wonder who's gonna get Santana next year? Yanks?

santana's staying put at least until the trade deadline. The only teams that have the firepower to make it happen would be Boston and the Yankees, niether of which are willing to give up their young pitchers. If anyone wants santana it's going to cost at least one top pitching prospect and another prospect plus most likely a servicable position player. Boston won't give up Buchholz or Lester and New York won't give up Joba or Hughes.

The Angels or Dodgers could probably get a deal for Santana done. But, I read a rumor that Minnesota is seeking medical reports on Red Sox pitchers... namely Jon Lester.

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the redsox have given the twins two different options

A. Jon Lester, Coco Crisp, Justin Masterson, Jed Lowrie

B. Jacoby Ellsbury, Masterson, Lowrie

from what I've heard, the twins are more interested in option A. This means that the redsox can aquire Santana while still keeping 2 of their top 3 prospects in Ellsbury and Buchholz.

with the yankees saying that they are officially out of the Santana sweepstakes (for now) i think they'll go for danny haren, who could be had for less than santana and possibly be just as good a pitcher.

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Rowand's the last one and between him and Jones I'd have gone for him. I'd like the Braves to try for him but they'll stand pat with Willie Harris.

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Looks like Rowand got 5 years, $60M from the Giants. The Phils get a comp pick (sandwiched between the first and 2nd rounds) and the Giants 2nd round pick. Not too bad.

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Good for Rowand. They don't have chain link fences in SF, so he'll be alright.

And Tejada is getting a fresh start in Houston. Too bad he's fat and slow now, but that left field porch is going to do him wonders.

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I like Rowand and all, but that is big money for a guy who's only had one great season.

Where was Ed Wade when the Phils were trading Abreu? 5 average to above average prospects for Tejada (who makes $26M over the next two seasons)? I thought it was a terrible trade for the Astros.

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Yay, the A's are talking with the Indians about Haren. Supposedly C.C. wants to pitch in his hometown (Oakland) but he makes way too much to play for Oakland, which isn't saying anything. I make too much to play for Oakland.

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I like Rowand and all, but that is big money for a guy who's only had one great season.

Where was Ed Wade when the Phils were trading Abreu? 5 average to above average prospects for Tejada (who makes $26M over the next two seasons)? I thought it was a terrible trade for the Astros.

His deal is a lot more attractive than what Torii Hunter is getting. They're essentially the same offensive player and Rowand isn't completely overrated defensively.

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I guess Hunter's and Guillen's (3/$36M, for a steroid user) make Rowand's not too bad, but Rowand had a career year last year and still only hit 27 HRs and an .889 OPS. Not to mention that Rowand hit 7 more HRs at home than he did on the road (with more road at-bats) and he's now heading to a huge ballpark where he'll be lucky to hit 7 HRs at home. And while Hunter may be overrated in center, he's still better than Rowand, who is also overrated.

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Mark Prior was non-tendered today, some team with money will be dumb not to take a chance on an incentive-heavy deal for him.

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Mark Prior was non-tendered today, some team with money will be dumb not to take a chance on an incentive-heavy deal for him.

True, but it's just as likely that some team will be dumb and give him a big guaranteed contract.

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Not that mad at JP for the moment, because he just signed Eckstein. Hopefully he can provide some stability to the leadoff spot in the lineup. Still need an actual catcher though, JP.

And.... no more Josh Towers!!! :D

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I've watched Johnny Mac enough, and while he is a fan favourite here in Toronto, I think this signing makes sense.

Eckstein is going to replace a player who was actually more valuable than him last year.

1. Last year was a career year for Johnny Mac. I doubt he will put up the offensive numbers that he did last year. I think Eckstein will be more valuable this year.

2. Johnny Mac is not the type of player built to play 120-140 games in the major leagues. See how he started the season off strong, but really trailed off near the end? I think 40-60 games is when he is most effective.

3. The Jays need a solid leadoff man. Eckstein? Yes. Macdonald? No.

4. David Eckstein has a world series ring and the MVP under his belt. He'll bring valuable leadership to the locker room.

5. Eckstein can run. But we all know Gibby won't run him. They already have a potential 30-40 steals man on the team (Alex Rios) who stole what, 20 bases last year?

6. Troy Glaus. Either he gets traded for pitching, or Johnny Mac can help take a bit of the load at 3B. After last year, I wouldn't want Troy playing 140+ games.

Yes, Eckstein is worse defensivley and won't hit 25 HR's, but I don't think it is unreasonable for him to have a line around: 90 R, 5-10 HR, 40 RBI, .285 AVG and around 25 SB's, which is a lot better than Johnny Mac is going to give you.

I think Johnny Mac will still get his share of games, somewhere around the 40-60 games that I was talking about around the infield.

And although he throws like a girl, Eckstein has always been one of my favourite players. I really hope he does well here in Toronto.

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Baseball is the most individual major sport, the fact he's won two world series and a world series mvp really doesn't mean much. He was still worth about a whole win less than McDonald last year.

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