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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Aussie Joe

the Rocket - Movie

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Released in Canada 2 years ago, but only recently in the US.

corrct. ts a great movie i won it off the score they had a little trivia contest, i think this is a movie for every hockey fan. Its a must watch!!

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Unless they get one thats actually english not just subtitles I can't watch it. If I wanted to read I'd buy a book.

...I know its just a trailor, but most of that was English. And on Amazon it says that its available in English and French. Am I missing something? Im in the same boat in that I would only get if it is spoken in English.

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Unless they get one thats actually english not just subtitles I can't watch it. If I wanted to read I'd buy a book.

...I know its just a trailor, but most of that was English. And on Amazon it says that its available in English and French. Am I missing something? Im in the same boat in that I would only get if it is spoken in English.

both languages are spoken. english people speak english, french speak french, just how it would of been back then. don't let a few subtitles ruin probably the best hockey movie made.

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Unless they get one thats actually english not just subtitles I can't watch it. If I wanted to read I'd buy a book.

I rented this yesterday at Redbox. It was in English, although it's being dubbed over French-speaking actors. Obviously, the lips don't generally match up, but nothing too disconcerting.

That movie was much better than I was expecting, especially since the blurb on the box compared it to Miracle. They're different style of movies. Miracle is about David and Goliath, essentially, whereas The Rocket is about the struggles Maurice Richard had while integrating into a league that was often anti-French Canadian. It was much more of a drama and quite well done.

It was enlightening to an American because we sometimes forget that there are two cultures in the country above us. Most Canadians we meet are English-speaking transplants at the rink, so that tends to form our impression of the country.

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I thought it was a pretty good movie. I watched it before Xmas...I loved the story plus my great grandfather was a cousin of the Richard brothers, so it made it somewhat more interesting to me. I still thought it was odd how Maurice's wife aged so much in 3-4 years in the movie heh

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I thought it was great, really showed how different the game was played back then. And some of the stories..when he punched that Boxer multiple times (Avery), I never knew about the discriminations he faced either. The subtitles do not ruin the movie at all, i think it suits it.

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