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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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This has to be a scam (ebay)

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The company may have authorized factory clearing of their skates to start building up stock of One95 skates. Makes sense as they would loose quite a bit of profit selling cheap to stores, but also unheard of at the same time.

Many people will be quite displeased if NBH starts selling direct to the consumer.

edit: Did you think to just email him and ask what's up with that? He might give you an answer like "these are factory blemishes that can't be sold to stores, but it's small issues like flipped logos" or something else that's legit.

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If they are infact factory seconds he shouldnt be putting that they have the manufacturer's warranty in the description, I once had a pair of seconds vapor xxx's and they did not come with any warranty

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Looks too good to be true which means it probably is. The zero feedback just throws the whole "legitimate seller" issue out the window.

Also there is no return policy in place, so buyers could easily get screwed here. I would not be bidding on these.

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If they are in fact factory seconds then I would go for them. Thats how I got my 7k pumps. It would be pretty difficult to prove though...

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I actually got ripped off by a seller on Ebay for One90s about 5 months ago. I won the bid, paid, then listened to excuses for about 3 weeks. Anyways Paypal will pay back up to 200 so at least I didn't get royally screwed.

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You see this a lot in the music equipment section on eBay, granted it's typically retailers trying to move new products from the past year, not the actual manufacturers. I'd wait and see how his ratings are affected after a few of his auctions are up. It could very well be legitimate.

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The company may have authorized factory clearing of their skates to start building up stock of One95 skates. Makes sense as they would loose quite a bit of profit selling cheap to stores, but also unheard of at the same time.

Many people will be quite displeased if NBH starts selling direct to the consumer.

edit: Did you think to just email him and ask what's up with that? He might give you an answer like "these are factory blemishes that can't be sold to stores, but it's small issues like flipped logos" or something else that's legit.

No, that's what a closeout list is for.

Like Jim said - most likely a rep who is trying to get rid of his ONE90 fit stock.

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i bought a pair not from this guy but another guy and they were fine just no box, but when i took them to get sharpend the guy at my LHS said it was a steal because they looked brand new, to bad they werent for my foot but o well i made 40$ off it when i re listed them. haha

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gahhhh why didn't I see this thread earlier... the one in my size sold for $300, half the price I was planning to pay for at my lhs. :(

and even if it was a scam, well, that's what the PayPal resolution center is for.

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