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Funniest show on T.V

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This is for any shows old or new.

My personal noms would be for both The Colbert Report, South Park, the Simpsons and an oldie but goodie, Mystery Science Theater 3000. If you don't know what that is, just go to YouTube and search for mst3k. Brilliant.

What do you think?

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MST3K was classic. The office is good, I'm hoping it remains funny. I'm fond of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" right now as well.

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In no particular order: The Late Show with David Letterman, The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Family Guy, The Simpsons, Frank TV, Two and a Half Men.

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"The Office" is unbelievably awesome. "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia" is great, too. Unfortunately, ESPN seems to be doing their best to make SportsCenter (which is consistently sited as my favorite show), funny...but in a bad way.

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Agree with some of those mentioned so I'll name some that haven't:

Spaced; My Name is Earl; Venture Bros.; Dateline: To Catch a Predator.

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Dateline: To Catch a Predator.

"I'm Chris Hanson with Dateline NBC."

It's a horrific tragicomedy of sorts, and, to be honest, part of me is convinced I'm a terrible person for finding entertainment in it.

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Not me, that stuff is rofl. The look on their face when they realise what's going on and then the back-tracking kill me. Then I'll google their s/n and see more hilarity.

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Then I'll google their s/n and see more hilarity.

Christ, I've never had to resort to THAT...or even thought of it, really. You must really get bored up there, eh?

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Now, my comedic drive knows no bounds so when I'm watching the show I'll see the guy's s/n and it usually leads you to some watchdog site that has a full transcript of what this guy posted online. Some of the shit is painfully funny.

Here's an oldie:

marriedandlookingforfun31313 (6/29/2006 8:20:37 PM): I am dowloading ghost rider trailer right now

14 year old decoy (6/29/2006 8:20:48 PM): aint seen that

marriedandlookingforfun31313 (6/29/2006 8:21:00 PM): is going to be out by february

14 year old decoy (6/29/2006 8:21:21 PM): is it scary?

marriedandlookingforfun31313 (6/29/2006 8:22:20 PM): is not really scary is a profesional stunt motorcycle driver that he lost the love of his life so he sell his soul to have the power to fight evil so at night he become the ghost rider and fight

14 year old decoy (6/29/2006 8:22:40 PM): ooo that sounds cool

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Judging by the poor use of grammar, I'd guess that there might be a few MSHers who have ended-up on that show.

I'm going to have to give that a whirl sometime. I've always kinda wondered exactly what it was that one creep wanted the girl to do to her cat...I suppose I'll have to search the answer out.

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Kenny vs Spenny.

Dont know if its on in the states but this show is unreal, the new episodes are co-produced with Matt stone and Trey Parker from south park.

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Kenny vs Spenny.

Dont know if its on in the states but this show is unreal, the new episodes are co-produced with Matt stone and Trey Parker from south park.

it's on comedy central in the states, but I haven't got a chance to check it out yet

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