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Funniest show on T.V

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Haha. Laguna Beach and Shot Of Love wih Tila Tequila are also funny in the supposed-to-be-taken-seriously-but-fails-miserably type of way.

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My vote goes for Curb Your Enthusiasm. If you like Seinfeld, this is your new favorite.

"Its not a gerbil, its an anal itch."

haha this season was pretty good, especially the addition of leon.


"barack obama motherfucker, i'm the president of hittin that ass."

hahaha...that's hilarious, I've seen earlier CYE but it looks like I'll have to download some of the more recent seasons.

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In no particular order, Scrubs, Family Guy, That 70's Show (back then), The Office.

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Thought I might just add "Breaking Bad."

It's not really meant to be funny I suppose, but it has it's share of moments (like the druggie kid disposing of a body in a bath tub by pouring acid on it, then the acid eating through the tub and flooring and crashing through to the first level. Disgusting + funny = T.V gold).

If you haven't seen it yet, it's only had a couple episodes out on AMC (in the states anyhow). Brian Cranston (Dad from Malcolm in the Middle) stars.

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I can't believe nobody mentioned ATHF...

Good to see Mack at least propped Venture. Much love to South Park for still being relevant and funny after a bamillion seasons.

I'm totally with you on the "To catch a.." Mack, I laugh my balls off at those pieces of crap, it's pure awesome. I have often thought of going into that field just for the satisfaction of nailing wastes of skin like them, but I don't know if I could deal with seeing that side of life every day. I worked with the FBI on a couple cases right out of college due to my field and catching those preds REALLY felt good.

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Top Gear. Makes all the other car shows look like PBS specials

Word. It seems like I've been waiting forever for the next episode, even though its only been a month or so. Cant wait though, they test the GT-R.

The Office is hilarious, Rob and Big is amusing, and though its not comedy, Law and Order: SVU is solid.

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My vote goes for Curb Your Enthusiasm. If you like Seinfeld, this is your new favorite.

"Its not a gerbil, its an anal itch."

There ya go. I was going to be shocked if CYE wasn't mentioned. Best show on TV, period and one of the funniest, if not the funniest show ever produced.

"You got long balls, Larry."

"Ya'll got long-ass balls."

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My vote goes for Curb Your Enthusiasm. If you like Seinfeld, this is your new favorite.

"Its not a gerbil, its an anal itch."

There ya go. I was going to be shocked if CYE wasn't mentioned. Best show on TV, period and one of the funniest, if not the funniest show ever produced.

"You got long balls, Larry."

"Ya'll got long-ass balls."

YES!!! Leon is amazing!


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My vote goes for Curb Your Enthusiasm. If you like Seinfeld, this is your new favorite.

"Its not a gerbil, its an anal itch."

There ya go. I was going to be shocked if CYE wasn't mentioned. Best show on TV, period and one of the funniest, if not the funniest show ever produced.

"You got long balls, Larry."

"Ya'll got long-ass balls."

YES!!! Leon is amazing!



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I hope that show's back, but the finale felt like a series finale.

Yeah, it definitely did....I can't imagine the show going on without Cheryl in the fold.

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