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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'd say that Superfeet insoles are worth the extra money. They're worth it because it makes a skate more comfortable and I found that I had more power and control in my strides.

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When i first got super feet i tryed them in warm up and after i had to switch because i was not use to my blade grabing as much ice, next practice used them and have worm them ever since so +1 for super feet

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+ one fore superfeet. Been on superfeet the past 8 weeks and i will never skate with out again.

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Superfeet, or similar products, will defifnitely help with comfort. It will also make a more positive connection between the bottom of your foot and the footbed of the boot. If there is a space in between the bottom of your foot and the insole, performance will be lost as the transmission between movement of your foot and movement of the skate will be delayed and ultimately somewhat reduced.

If you pronate or supinate slightly they will also help with alignment. They cannot overcome a severe circumstance, for that you would need prescription orthotics.

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I have Superfeet, but can't say I feel much of a difference. I have medium high arches so maybe they are just not for me. I don't feel the arch support in them at all. I went back to the stock insoles on my Ultra G35's. I haven't tried the Sidas insoles that came with the skates ( the superfeet type, not the custom moldables)

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i just tried superfeet for the first time. they feel great and it may just be in my head but it felt like i had slightly more control in hard, tight turns using the superfeet. again, it may just be in my head, but confidence is always a good thing.

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Is there an advantage to Superfeet over, say, Dr Scholl's "sports" insoles?

I bought a pair of the Dr Scholl's after my stock insoles were sliding around too much. They are a little more comfortable but raise my feet a bit and shrink the volume of the skate, forcing me to lace up a lot looser to avoid lacebite.

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Superfeet are different than other insoles because it's got a hard plastic base and not just compressible soft foam. They don't lose their shape over time, they support better since they're more rigid, and the hard plastic means you have a more rigid connection with the skate (through the square nubs around the heel area). The other insole I've seen that's constructed similarly are the Graf/Sidas ones, but these are built flat and not on a last with a raised heel like a skate.

If they work for your feet, and do their job in minimizing heel roll (with a stable and stiff heel cup) and foot pronation, there's no doubt in my mind that you become better connected to the skate, mechanically speaking - less movement is wasted. So I think they add a little more than comfort. Of course, for us with flat feet and arches that flatten when skates are laced tight, Superfeet add the support to make the skates more comfortable, too.

I've always found Shock Doctor insoles to be counter-productive to getting better connected with the skate - they're thick, heavy, and malleable.

But, that's only if they're right for your feet. They are designed primarily with flat or flexible arches in mind.

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I wanted to try some insoles just cause the stock Bauer one started getting torn up. Superfeet seemed nice, but wasn't about to drop $30 on some, but I did buy the Shock Doctors since they were the same price as some new Bauer ones. And even in doing that I found to have much better feel and control on the ice due to the nicer fit/comfort of my skates. You can tell a difference between the paper and fuzz insoles of the Bauers and aftermarket ones. And since Superfeet are nicer than the ShockDocs, or from all the reviews, I can only imagine the benefit of switching to them. I'm going to try them once my ShockDocs break down. If you wanted to try, I would take a peek at some ShockDocs since it'll set you back only like $10-12...and if those work well Superfeet might be the next step.

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I didn't like the Superfeet. They felt to thick and messed with the volume of the skate so I just changed back to the thin stock insoles. Personal preference. I know guys who play without any insoles at all, because they've lost them. Hurts like he** but wtf (so they say)...

Edit: typo...

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So if I have medium arches, there's not much benefit to using the Superfeet insoles?

I'm considering taking out the Dr Scholl's that I have and just gluing the stock liners in so they don't slide around.

EDIT: I do have pronating when running, does that make a difference?

Double Edit: Screw it, what's $40. I'll just pick up a pair and see if they work.

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How do you tell if you have high arches?

Guess high is a subjective term but you should be able to tell by looking at your foot :D

Langenbrunner15: "Since I have higer arches, superfeet would make it much more comfortable for me to skate in? Also, would it cut down on the pain in my arches after I skate? (only sometimes)"

Its hard to know if superfeet would work for you-and also whats causing pain 'sometimes' without seeing your foot on your current skates footbed. If the arch is unsupported, as it would be if you truly have a high arch then a footbed higher in that area will improve fit for you. Better skate fitters remove footbeds to see how buyers foot lays against different options if person trying on skates mentions past discomfort.

If footbed doesn't support arch there you will feel it-but if footbed is too high for your arch that will hurt also. If your foots 'flat' or has little arch all your weight will fall on the arch when pushing off-especially in a backwards stride.

Two other quick points, don't believe a sales guy who says a footbed will 'give' you an arch. These Birkenstock type foot engineers will try to sell you uncomfortable footwear thats going to help your foot-and become comfortable....not going to happen. Last, some health plans cover orthodics-must be perscribed, ordered through a podiatrist. They can order Birkenstock, Superfeet, any brand insoles in for you if they feel your foot needs them. Know a guy who gets 2 pair at a time, twice a year.

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I used the grey Superfeet up until several months ago when I started getting pains on the ball of my right foot. A visit to my podiatrist showed my foot suffering from sesamoiditis. I don't attribute it to the Superfeet insoles (although skating four times a week probably didn't help the situations), but after being fitted for orthotics, the pain went away.

Give them a try. I liked them better than the stock footbeds; I think my duck feet just had something to do with the situation.

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Well I bought the Superfeet and used them last night. Some observations:

- I was between sides on the D and E so I decided to size up and cut down. It seemed to fit very well in the boot, so probably a good choice.

- The volume of my skate "increased" back to normal. Apparently even the thinnest Dr Scholl's insoles take up a lot of foot volume.

- Because the volume is lower, I kept trying to tie my skates tighter. As a result, I got pretty bad foot cramps. I switched to thin dress socks after having foot pains before; I'm going to try normal socks and see if it increases that volume back. Or just adapt.

- The liner doesn't slip at all. So these would be a good replacement to try if your current liner slips (which is why I switched). Alternately, rubber cement also does the job.

- I can feel the edges A MILLION times better. It's the difference between a Cadillac and a BMW M3. The Caddy feel cushy and soft, but rolls in the turns. The M3 makes you feel every little imperfection, but it's got more control in the turns. As a result, I found my edges much easier and immediately had better crossover and turning control.

- The heel lift put me up on my toes just a bit more. This was strange at first but wasn't a problem after warmups. I didn't get a chance to skate backwards much but it also felt a bit strange.

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- I can feel the edges A MILLION times better. It's the difference between a Cadillac and a BMW M3. The Caddy feel cushy and soft, but rolls in the turns. The M3 makes you feel every little imperfection, but it's got more control in the turns. As a result, I found my edges much easier and immediately had better crossover and turning control.

- The heel lift put me up on my toes just a bit more. This was strange at first but wasn't a problem after warmups. I didn't get a chance to skate backwards much but it also felt a bit strange.

That was my experience as well.

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I got some non-thermoformable Sidas insoles when I bought my Graf 735s. The salesman was nice enough to grab a set from a higher end boot for me. I really love the skates, but I have been experiencing pain in the arch. I swapped my Superfeet back in, and I hope this solves the problem. The Graf insoles seem very stiff and high arched to me. I never had the same feeling in the Superfeet, so I'll hope for the best.

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