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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What are you guys getting your SO for X-mas?

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I remember when I was in school dating my wife and one she'd gotten as a b-day present from a friend had to have been the size of a police maglite. That son of a bitch needed a stand or tripod to set-up.

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While we agreed that we weren't going to get each other things for x-mas and put the money into another week in the islands, I decided to get her something anyway. I picked up a digital picture frame and I'm loading it with a variety of pictures. Vacation pics from Aruba, our wedding, our kittens when they were little and a couple of our old pooch. I figure it was cheap and should get me some mileage for being "sentimental".

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  Chadd said:

While we agreed that we weren't going to get each other things for x-mas and put the money into another week in the islands, I decided to get her something anyway. I picked up a digital picture frame and I'm loading it with a variety of pictures. Vacation pics from Aruba, our wedding, our kittens when they were little and a couple of our old pooch. I figure it was cheap and should get me some mileage for being "sentimental".

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Thsoe things hold what, 100-150 pics or so....every 15-20...put in a pic of your Stick collection...or the MSH jersey/pants shot...see how long til she notices.

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  RadioGaGa said:
  Chadd said:

While we agreed that we weren't going to get each other things for x-mas and put the money into another week in the islands, I decided to get her something anyway. I picked up a digital picture frame and I'm loading it with a variety of pictures. Vacation pics from Aruba, our wedding, our kittens when they were little and a couple of our old pooch. I figure it was cheap and should get me some mileage for being "sentimental".

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Thsoe things hold what, 100-150 pics or so....every 15-20...put in a pic of your Stick collection...or the MSH jersey/pants shot...see how long til she notices.

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I was thinking of just throwing in a couple random pics of naked women to make things interesting, but then I realized that I like my house.

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  twister18 said:

Although rogue's gift selection and spreedizzle's description fits the wife an me to a "T" :P , she's getting a coach purse, some knockoff UGGz boots, a remote car starter, some victoria's secret crap from me and the kids for xmas.....

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:lol: kinky.

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My GF isn't much for surprises, and HATES gift giving (she thinks EVERYONE should stop getting gifts at 18). Anyways...she doesn't like waiting for things...if she sees something she wants, she doesn't tell me "get me that" she just buys it...and says it's from me. In turn...I bought myself some stuff that will be from "her".

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Day at the spa totaling $200. Waste of fucking money in my opinion considering she will probably buy me a hug since she's broke.

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Even though I hate the Sabres, it's tradition between me and my girlfriend to go the the 11/23 game vs. the Canadiens when I visit home in Buffalo. I have been getting the same tix for two years now to that game, paying 185 for two, 6 rows from the glass in the Whiners shoot twice end. That, plus the RBK Edge Whiners jersey I got her this year are the brunt of her Christmas presents. Of course I gave the jersey to her when I was there for Thanksgiving so she could wear it to the game. She is coming here next week and I have picked up some little things I have seen in stores that I knew she would like.

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My wife, sister and mother are all out of my hair for one day. That shit is priceless.

Ed. Note: They are not the same person as I'm not Southern.

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We decided we were not going to exchange gifts. so, I picked her up a really nice cook book, massaging slippers, and an ov-glove along with stocking stuffers.

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I got her a scrapbook album and a Crosby jersey. Everyone knows my luck with women so I'm not spending too much or trying to hard this year.

Me and roommate are from Pittsburgh but live in NC, we throw parties when the Pens play and try to get our friends to actually learn and pay attention, which by second period is a wasted effort anyways thanks to people setting up beer pong and such by then. I met this girl awhile ago, she thinks he's cute, I buy her jersey, she comes over and gets drunk. Workin so far..

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i got some hair-straightner-thingie pro's use and shes been wanting. first tintin comicbook ever out on a new hardback-book, and an reeeeally expensive parfyme

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