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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Yeah, but to Star Wars like the real studs do.

Those are the only ones I go to, I just hate the crowds that end up going to it. I did end up having to drive for my brother to go see the last Harry Potter and it was bittersweet as there were a lot of girls in school girl unis, but they all looked like the ginger instead of the cute girl.

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for some reason im thinking this will be kind of similar to the latest godzilla movie (with the rating pg13).. but i could be wrong and hope i am.

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Just got back from seeing it. My thoughts:

SFX were sick, the perspective was just neat. I will say this, don't go into the movie expecting a crazy monster movie. Because it is not. I don't want to say too much, just go see it. It was pretty good. Seemed real short though, which was dissapointing.

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I too also saw the midnight showing and I agree with Kovy, if you go in thinking its going to be some mad monster flick you're going to be disappointed. If you go in with an open mind and watch the movie as what it is, I think the movie is great.

Going on that, I also don't want to give out any spoilers or ruin it for anyone but again like Kovy said, the SFX were unreal and the movie was great in my honest opinion, much better than I thought going into it as I didn't really have any high expectations.

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I too also saw the midnight showing and I agree with Kovy, if you go in thinking its going to be some mad monster flick you're going to be disappointed.

Thats what happened to me. I thought it would be like that and felt let down. But I need to go see it again since I know it is not a crazy monster action flick and look at it from a different perspective.

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Just got back from seeing it. Oh. My. God. I loved it. It was such a great movie. Did you stay till after the credits? Someone says "its still alive". wow that was awesome. Anyone else see what happened in the last scene at coney island? :blink:

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It's Patton Oswalt, who's A) funny, unlike Maddox and B) Been around a lot longer than Maddox.

If anything I'd say Maddox copies Oswalt's writing style.

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With the way the movie was filmed, I do not recommend sitting in the front row, I almost didn't make it through the movie.

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With the way the movie was filmed, I do not recommend sitting in the front row, I almost didn't make it through the movie.

Yeah, I sat in the middle of the theatre and I was nauseous within like 10 minutes. The last 15 minutes are pretty tough too.

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Im bummed that i missed the coney island part at the end. My friend saw it and told me but i missed it.

Me too. One of my buddies picked it, but I kinda wrote the scene off as another "backflash" and zoned-out a little....then the movie ended. WTF?

On the whole, I'd have to say it was a decent movie. I was really skeptical going in, but I was pleasantly surprised. Hud's comic relief was unexpected, but certainly welcomed and enjoyed. I'm happy that they didn't try to explain or rationalize the origin/purpose of whatever the Hell that monster was, since any effort in doing so would probably have ruined the movie completely.

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A couple of my buddy's want me to go again since they couldn't go thursday night so as I'm in the same boat as most about missing the "coney island part" I'm going to try and see if I can spot it.

Anyone seen it twice or more times yet? I've talked to a few people around here that have admitted to seeing it 3 times already.

I just have to go a second time to see if I can pick up some of the stuff other people caught. I hate that feeling of curiosity and "WTF did I miss?".

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just saw it...really awesome. I agree the perspective is just sick. But I also missed the coney island part so I felt the ending was a bit empty

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God forbid they make a sequel!!!

Am I the only one that thought that this movie stunk?

Made me feel like I was going to throw up!!

Half way through the movie, I was hoping that the monster would kill all of them.


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