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Baseball Gloves

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I used to play baseball competitvely, but that was like 10 years ago and I was always just a catcher. I think I'm going to invest in a glove from myself and the misses (she used to play in a rec league). Now I haven't bought a glove since I was 9 and that was based on colour. What are some things I should be looking for. I know I'm not going to be investing big cash here, but I don't want a cheap Canadian Tire glove either, something mid-range that'll hold up, and not break the bank. You guys can point me in the direction of specific models if you like, but I'd prefer if you suggested important things I should look for.

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Check out Eagle's gloves...they are pretty bad-ass...

I'm sure Ryan can give you some insight on some Easton mitts as well as he handles baseball as well as hockey for them.

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I've played baseball for 6 years now and I think I might know a thing or two. Easton's are a good glove but durability is unstable. Rawlings makes an okay glove but not the best. The glove of my choice is a TPX-Louisville. Another thingh to invest in is glove oil. It'll work the glove in quickly.. if you don't want to use that, shaving cream works just as well. Hope this helps.

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I'm not sure on Eagle's but I'd love to try them, but off of what I've used I'd go with Rawlings. They have gloves for every level of competition and are the best ones I've used, except for maybe one Nokona I had.

For breaking it in, if you don't have any metal on it I'd throw some shaving cream on it and microwave it. I do mine in 30 sec spurts and work it in. Otherwise, using it and wrapping some balls in teh pocket and putting it under a bed/couch work well. I stay away from oils though, but that's me.

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The one ive used is.. take a bunch of shaving cream and lather it into the glove then let it sit for a while.. 5 mins is good, then wipe it all off then take to balls and put them in the glove then take couple rubber bands and close the glove like that, let set for a day and do that for 4-5 days.

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What's the procedure with the shaving cream, mack?  I've never heard about it before.

Pretty much just lather a good amount on it. Let that sit for a bit, then wipe the excess off. You should be left with what soaked in and that's generally enough. If not, repeat.

If you have the time, like take a lot of grounders during BP or regular practise, that's the best time to bust in a newbie.

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I'd say to get a Rawlings Gold Glove series, they're a pretty good mid range glove for around 90$. I used the shaving cream before for about 15 minutes and it was broken in in about a day.

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I've always had good luck with Mizuno's they seem to be of good quality, I'm a second year bantam and I'm still using the same glove as I used in my second year of mosquito(dunno wut it is called in the States)!

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I dunno, we had Little League and that went/goes:

Minors (8-12)

Majors (9-12)

Juniors (13)

Seniors (14-15)

Big League (16-18) but by then you're presumably in Legion/H.S.

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If you want a nice glove that will hold up, you should look into Nakona gloves or mabe a Louisville gloves they are really good too.

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I am almost as serious about baseball as I am about hockey. Right now I am sixteen, playing shortstop for my school's Varsity team (both spring and summer leagues). Last year I bought two, 10 1/4" Wilson A2000s (my dad insisted that they be the gloves I get), and I have to say I have been extremely impressed. Their performance has been absolutely incredible. They were a tight squeeze at first, but after baking them and using them in practices for awhile, they actually molded to my hand much they way skates do my feet. This was something that I have never experienced with a baseball glove before. I have such an incredible feel for the ball when it is in my glove, no matter where in my hand it might be; pocket, palm, heel, fingertips. I never have a single problem finding the ball when I am in a hurry to make a play (which has alot to do with the tiny size of the glove). Other than a few snapped laces in the pocket, these gloves have held up very well. I can't say that I have one, single complaint about my gloves. If you are willing to throw down $180 for a glove (if you are even a little bit serious, I would say it is money well worth it), I say this is the glove you want.

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I miss my old Cooper catcher's mitt, that thing was all beat to hell and so comfy. I used Wilson when I was regularly playing charity softball.

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I can easily suggest two gloves that are extremely popular and at a couple different pricepoints. At the $69 price point we have the Ultra Lite glove, our top seller this past year. Packed with features, USA tanned leather, hyperlite construction (same as our pro gloves). You wouldn't be disapointed.

If you want to spend a little more money, the Stealth ball gloves should be on the shelves any day now. They retail for $89 and are a PRO glove. Not a single other pro glove on the market at that price. Both Gagne and Sosa are using Stealth gloves now.

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Those are American prices correct?

I never play baseball. I have like a work game once a year and I'd like something to fool around with. I will consider the UL glove once I see it and let the misses get whatever she wants because I'm hoping she joins a league soon as she seems to really enjoy it. Thanks for everyones input and keep'em coming if you'd like.

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I can easily suggest two gloves that are extremely popular and at a couple different pricepoints. At the $69 price point we have the Ultra Lite glove, our top seller this past year. Packed with features, USA tanned leather, hyperlite construction (same as our pro gloves). You wouldn't be disapointed.

If you want to spend a little more money, the Stealth ball gloves should be on the shelves any day now. They retail for $89 and are a PRO glove. Not a single other pro glove on the market at that price. Both Gagne and Sosa are using Stealth gloves now.

I have an old baseball glove, and the leather is flaking off and has gotten crusty....is this not a real leather glove and would the Ultra Lite do that?

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Easy - PM your address and I'll send you a baseball catalog.

Thanks Ryan, but it's alright. I'm going out this weekend to get the glove(s) so I doubt it will come in handy. I appreciate the effort and assistance though.

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I didn't see anything wrong with it. JR even gave him a lead in.

Personally, I've always loved Rawlings gloves. But it's been a while since I've needed a new one, so I have no idea what's out there now. Sorry.

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Me too. I've always gone with the Griffey Pro-TB24 from Rawlings. Depending on the site, you can find them anywhere from $150-$250 which is obviously more than needed for rec. stuff, but they've got similar models in stuff like the Heritage series. Hell you can custom order them now from Eastbay but they weren't keen on "BMF" being put on the thumb.

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I am almost as serious about baseball as I am about hockey.  Right now I am sixteen, playing shortstop for my school's Varsity team (both spring and summer leagues).  Last year I bought two, 10 1/4" Wilson A2000s (my dad insisted that they be the gloves I get), and I have to say I have been extremely impressed.

10.25"? That's small holy cheese and rice! Call me crazy but I've had my 12" Mizuno since I was like 10 years old and I'm still using at short playing AAA ball up here. I'm thinking of gettin' a 12.5" and I like to stick with Mizuno but I can't find anything on Eagle gloves, if anyone can send a link or something I'd appreciate it.

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10.25" is right on par with middle infielders though since it's so much easier to get in and out of a glove.

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10.25" is right on par with middle infielders though since it's so much easier to get in and out of a glove.

Yeah, I was doin' a little research after I posted that and I noticed that, maybe I should look into a smaller glove since I do have trouble gettin' the ball from my glove to hand. I just don't wanna fork out money when I know theirs know room in the infield next year so...............

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Yeah, but you can always compensate for glove size by just catching it in your palm when you turn a DP or closing your glove and catching the ball on the backhand of the glove and trapping it with your throwing hand.

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Or you can play like Omar Vizquel and just not use a glove half the time. All the good SS's didn't play with gloves when they grew up. If Omar used anything it was a flattened out milk container and Ozzie Smith used a paper bag.

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