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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Houston, we have a problem... didn't want to sharpen at 3/4"

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Maybe a daft reply here, but how do people check to see what they have actually been given for a sharpen?

I know people request what they want, but how do you check after? They could still give you what they want but say its what you requested. You just got to take thier word for it!

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I think you just have to go by feel. If they decided that they were more-correct and sharpened them deeper, I'd probably be able to tell. I say probably only because these were a different pair of skates with different holders and blades.

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Maybe a daft reply here, but how do people check to see what they have actually been given for a sharpen?

I know people request what they want, but how do you check after? They could still give you what they want but say its what you requested. You just got to take thier word for it!

That is my biggest problem; I don't know if I got the proper hollow until I'm on the ice.

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Maybe a daft reply here, but how do people check to see what they have actually been given for a sharpen?

I know people request what they want, but how do you check after? They could still give you what they want but say its what you requested. You just got to take thier word for it!

That is my biggest problem; I don't know if I got the proper hollow until I'm on the ice.

And if they are wrong, i take it you are straight back there with them?

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Penny is for 3/4" ? Go to your local Hardware store and ask if they have a bearing or anything smooth and round that's your correct hollow. Bring it with to check your blades before you leave the shop.

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since i skate on a shallow(er) hollow...I often just hang out around the wheel and see if they dress it..if they don't I know what's in store...

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Maybe a daft reply here, but how do people check to see what they have actually been given for a sharpen?

I know people request what they want, but how do you check after? They could still give you what they want but say its what you requested. You just got to take thier word for it!

That is my biggest problem; I don't know if I got the proper hollow until I'm on the ice.

And if they are wrong, i take it you are straight back there with them?

Yes, and in the past (in another city) I would even sometimes have to pay for the shop to give me the correct hollow.

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Used to be you could release a beaver into their wood stick stocks -- not any more, damn those composites.

Nah, if you want to destroy a rack of composites just release a pack of 12-year-olds who think that angling a stick at 45 degrees into the ground and jamming and bouncing as hard as possible is "flexing".

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1/2" to 3/4" is very noticeable by running the tip of your finger along the blade. 3/4" feels VERY dull... Now if you're talking 5/8 to 3/4 it's a definitely harder to tell.

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Touche, bad habit... I blame everyone else but myself for using "dull" and "sharp" instead of "deep" and "shallow."

I also blame O.J. but thats just because it seems like the right thing to do.

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Anybody know of a good place to get skates sharpened in the Boston area? I've been taking them to this one shop buts it's hit or miss. Last night the guy left dark burnt ridges on the toe and heel with a very non smooth finish. I asked them to clean them up and pointed out what I didn't like but when they sharpened them again they left the edges slightly uneven, which I noticed when I was skating today. I just don't think they know how to sharpen skates well, and they have a 1+ hour wait on Saturdays which is when I can usually only get there. I'm pretty picky because I grew up getting my skates sharpened by the then current Devil's equipment manager. Any info would be helpful. Thanks.

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That's why I have 2 sets of blade and send them to no icing sports in NH. Never a problem. Always a great sharpening.

Where do you send them from?

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Looks like an old topic, but ran into similar problems with the ROH "you won't like 5/8........." let me decide that! He did it (not too much attitude), I tried it.........5/8" is perfect for my size and style. I immediately called Wissota. Had it delivered and haven't looked back. Dialed it in over the weekend and have been loving it ever since. I have 2 boys that skate as well (both on 5/8" now) and that made the decision a bit easier. If you can afford it, it is great, especially from a convenience point of view.

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Yeah I skate on an Inch+ somtimes and you would think I was speaking another language when I ask for it. Luckily I've found one guy who has a clue.

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Looks like an old topic, but ran into similar problems with the ROH "you won't like 5/8........." let me decide that! He did it (not too much attitude), I tried it.........5/8" is perfect for my size and style. I immediately called Wissota. Had it delivered and haven't looked back. Dialed it in over the weekend and have been loving it ever since. I have 2 boys that skate as well (both on 5/8" now) and that made the decision a bit easier. If you can afford it, it is great, especially from a convenience point of view.

For a few weeks I got my skates sharpened at 5/8ths and when I brought them to my buddy he questioned why I did it and said the whole "dull" thing but they were more than fine. Instead of being questioned I just keep going with 7/16.

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west side skate in nyc does excellent sharpenings and profiling by mail with quick turnaround if you have a second set of runners. it's been about a year since i used them, since my lhs is now under new (better) management, but i was always thrilled with the quality of their sharpenings, and how knowledgeable they are.

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